Shattered Kingdom/House Rules

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While primarily using Exalted 2nd Edition rules, the following changes have been implemented for The Shattered Kingdom

  1. Starting Characters: PCs all begin as Dragon-Blooded. Characters use the Dynastic DB point template, but do not have to buy the skills required of Dynasts. No character may begin play with essence higher than 2. Sorcery and Celestial MA may be gained in game, however. Backgrounds are more restrictive, and will be explained in rule 2.
  2. Backgrounds: All PCs start the game with Artifact: 5 and Destiny: 4. The former represents their unique starting artifact weapon that will be gained shortly after play begins. The latter functions as detailed in Scroll of the Monk. Characters have no additional background points to spend, but may spend bonus points on Breeding or Familiar. Other backgrounds may be gained after the game begins.
  3. Familiar: The Shattered Kingdom uses Epsilon's Mutation Point Fix for animal familiars. Supernatural creatures with a listed familiar cost will normally still use that.
  4. Craft: Craft (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Wood) are combined into Craft (Elemental) for the Exalted. Mortals must still learn them as five separate skills. Esoteric craft such as Fate, Genesis, and Magitech remain separate skills as normal.
  5. Attunement: In addition to simply allowing an essence user to harness the powers of a magic item, attunement provides the several other bonuses. An attuned item is effectively a part of the character, so the character automatically notices any non-charm enhanced attempts to steal the item if it is on his person. In the case of successful charm enhanced theft, the character notices as soon as the charm duration expires, which might still be virtually immediately in the case of an ability-enhancer. Even should an attuned item be stolen, the bond between the Exalt and the item remains, and the Exalt can track the item far more easily by it through any number of means. Any mundane rolls made to track the person with the item receive the Exalt’s permanent essence in automatic successes, or the Exalt can simply draw on the mystic link, allowing him to track the item with a perception + occult roll. If the Exalt chooses to drop the commitment of motes, this mystic link is broken and cannot be reestablished without re-attuning the item. The link does fade over time even if the mote commitment is not deliberately dropped. An average is a week, but this will vary based on the strength of the bond.
  6. Thaumaturgy: The paths of Thaumaturgy are difficult, but come much more easily to the Exalted than to mortals. As such, Thaumaturgy is purchased at a cost of 4xp per level, or 3xp if occult is favored. At chargen, the cost is 2/1. Requirements for Initiate/Adept/Master are adjusted to occult: 2/3/4 respectively.
  7. Speed: Speed bottoms out at 3. Anything that would lower speed below 3 instead adds to rate.
  8. Anima Abilities: The Fire Aspect anima ability is modified such that it causes extra damage when the Fire Aspect uses a barehanded or close combat weapon to make an attack, instead of only a barehanded attack, as the corona of flames surrounds both the Dragon-Blooded and his possessions (to include weapons). Only unarmed attackers take damage for attacking the Fire Aspect, as normal. The Water Aspect ability is modified such that for the scene that it is initially activated, the Water Aspect gains a +1 DV as he takes on the flowing nature of water, allowing him to more easily avoid harm. After that scene, the Dragon-Blooded may reflexively spend 1 mote to reactivate this additional defense. All Dragon-Blooded anima abilities engage at no cost when their anima is at the 11+ mark, to include the DV bonus for Water Aspects, even if their anima was activated in a previous scene.