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Hex 23.45

Sirrus is currently a single hex domain with no active ruler. Although it only has the population for a Class VI market, it is treated as Class V due to being on a major river. The Hex is treated as Borderlands due to the urban center (1/week wandering monster check).

It consists of two sections:

Sirrus Village

Urban Revenue: 7GP/Family

Sirrus Village is an urban domain with 125 families. They take advantage of the outlying area's grain production to make various beers and spirits. Garrison needs: 250 gp (2x125 Families) Revenue once controlled: 1625gp/month


Hex Value: 8GP/Family

The outlying farms in the hex have 110 families. The soil is rich, allowing for the growing of various grains for both food and alcohol production. Garrison needs: 330 gp (3x110 Families) Revenue once Controlled: 1630 gp/month

The current religion of the domain in The Manifest.

Hex 22.45 (Sirrus Keep)

Hex Value: 5gp/Family

The location of Sirrus Keep, it currently has 50 families. This area is somewhat rocky, although there are spots suitable for orchards and farming, as well as a collection of homesteads near the water allowing for fishing.

Garrison Needs: 200 gp (4x50 families) Revenue once controlled: 550gp month

The current religion of the domain in The Manifest.