Solve For Ex: Thousand Cunning Magpies

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Picture of Magpie
Thousand Cunning Magpies

This is the character page for Thousand Cunning Magpies, a character in Solve_For_Ex

  • Thousand Cunning Magpies, aka "Maggie"
  • Caste: Changing Moon Lunar
  • Concept: Obedient Steward ("Lunar Pepper Potts")
  • Totem: Magpie
  • Tell: Stray deep blue feathers in her otherwise jet black hair
  • Appearance: Magpie is an undeniably beautiful woman, blessed with the still somewhat exotic Tengese appearance. Her composure is usually demure and carefully maintained, but her movements full of suggestive fluidity and grace, an inviting smile on her lips. She typically wears a full length silk dress, and her deep black hair is pulled up tightly. Her tattoos are fluid and curving, like elegant scroll work, leading at once down suggestive directions and false paths.


  • Make creation worthy of the returning Solars.


Lance (Mate + Devotion) "He is my mate, and saw me returned from the precipice of death itself - it is right I tend him."
Annealed Carapace Chirurgeon (Gratitude): "Without her, I would have fallen to insanity and chimerism. She spared me at least one of those fates."
The Circle (Perceived Obligation): "To accompany them is my choice. Without them, I would not have had one."
Luna (Awe and Terror): "Is this truly what you wish of your Chosen?"
'Fire-caste Dragon Blood (Revulsion): "..."
'Harrowed Mind Screams (Murderous Hate): "If I find him again, one of us will not survive. The only way this can end is in screams. Merciful Luna, let them be his."


Mapie's totem form is (self-evidently) a Magpie. Her anima banner is a whirlwind of shimmering silver feathers. When it flares, her features seem slightly more angular, and the feathers glimmer with silver and deep blue gems.



  • Strength 3
  • Dexterity 5 (Favored)
  • Stamina 1


  • Charisma 4
  • Manipulation 4
  • Appearance 5


  • Perception 3
  • Intelligence 2
  • Wits 4



  • Socialize 5 (Upper Class)
  • Survival 2


  • Martial Arts 4 (Unarmed x2)
  • Integrity 3
  • Performance 4 (Harp)
  • Awareness 3
  • Stealth 2
  • Larceny 3 (False Identities)
  • Bureaucracy 4
  • Linguistics 2 (Native: Firetongue, Clawspeak. Learned: High Realm, Low Realm)


Artifact 4[edit]

A pair of Moonsilver Perfected Kata bracers. Questions about their origin is usually met with stony silence, even when asked by her mate.

Contacts 3[edit]

Under many different names and forms, Magpie has met a great many people, and cultivated a relationship with some of them. Odds are, near the places she calls home, she might have an idea of who to talk to in order to get a reliable bit of information.

Resources 2[edit]

Magpie moves too much, and is often on too unstable a footing to build real wealth. She has enough that she need not sleep in the gutter - unless it suits her mood, and if she wishes silken sheets and a fine meal, she has means of getting that beyond Jade.

Reputation 3[edit]

Magpie is known among the Silver Pact, and amongst the Seneschals or those who admire a bit of political chaos, well liked.


Deadly Beastman Transformation
Beast Power Concentration
Humble Mouse Shape
Prey’s Skin Disguise
Changing Plumage Mastery
Twin-Faced Hero



First Full Moon Excellency
Instinctive Full Moon Unity
Third Changing Moon Excellency


Claws of the Silver Moon


Terrifying Lust Infliction
Hard-Nosed Denial Style
Perfect Symmetry
Glance-Oration Technique
Irresistible Silver Spirit

Breaking Reed Style[edit]

Eager Raking Nails
Safety in Torment
Bending Reed Form
Devoted Servant Vigor
Weathering Love's Fury
Freedom in Bondage
Cherished Ornamentation Prana
Cunning Finger Kata
Hiding Behind Master


Leopard Breaks its Cage: 1wp, 1m+ -- First Full Moon Excellency, Eager Raking Nails, Safety in Torment, Devoted Servant Vigor, Weathering Love's Fury, Cherished Ornamentation Prana, Cunning Finger Kata*, Hiding Behind Master (* Must be used)

"Maiden Asks a Favor": 1wp, 1m+ -- Third Changing Moon Excellency, Terrifying Lust Infliction*, Hard-Nosed Denial Style, Irresistible Silver Spirit, Glance-Oration Technique, Perfect Symmetry


  • Essence: ***
  • Personal: 17/17
  • Peripheral: 34/42
  • Committed to Charms: 0
  • Committed to artifacts: 8
  • Willpower: 7/7
  • Anima status:


  • Compassion: 4
  • Conviction: 3
  • Temperance: 1
  • Valor: 2
  • (Virtue channels used: None)

Limit Break[edit]

Curse of the Mother Hen


Enemy 1 (Harrowed Mind Screams) Nightmares 2

Physical: War Form[edit]

  • Cost: 8m
  • Gift charms: Claws of the Silver Moon
  • (Mutations: Wings (6 pt. Abomination), Feathers (+1L/B soak)


Of her past, Magpie is willing to say little. Her true human form is of a young woman with the decidedly exotic look of one from An Teng, and she did admit once that she was born out of wedlock. And life in An Teng is not kind for an attractive young misbegotten woman - though rife with opportunities to please Luna, if one manages to survive the experience.

Luna's blessing did her few favors. A retrieval pack was dispatched to find her, but was waylaid by an unexpectedly persistent Wyld Hunt. Instead, she fell into the hands of one of the Abyssal Exalted - Harrowed Mind Screams, intended both as an experiment on the nature of the Lunar exaltation, and as an eventual gift for the Deathknight's patron as an amusing pet. Under his tutelage, she proved stubbornly incapable of learning Laughing Wounds style, instead manifesting a series of degenerate, useless expressions of the martial art the Deathknight deemed valueless. Forbidden to shape-shift, Magpie did not fall into chimerism, though her period of captivity did little for her sense of self, her identity nearly obliterated.

Upon rescue by a group of Celestial exalted, she has been properly tattooed by the Silver Pact, and is beginning to find her footing again - including discovering that her failure to learn Laughing Wounds was instead actually her learning the style's predecessor technique.


"Of course, I'll see to it."

Magpie is indulgent, almost to a fault, with the Circle and her mate, Lance. She does her best to anticipate their needs and act accordingly - including, importantly, removing obstacles that might be in their way. As much as this occasionally manifests itself as a pretty young woman bearing a tray of tea for a late night planning session, it ends almost as frequently with Magpie returning late at night, her hair slightly mussed and blood beneath her fingernails.


  • Remake Creation's societies toward Solar rule
  • Make sure *her* Solar is part of that, and by extension, the rest of the circle.




  • Earned: 100
  • Spent: 100

18 BP: -2: Willpower + 2 -2: Artifact +1 -4: Reputation and Contacts dots -9: 3 Charms -1: Virtue

100 XP: -96: 12 Charms -3: 1 Specialty