Sopwith Snipe

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The Sopwith Snipe on wikipedia

A single-seat, British bi-plpane, the Snipe was the premiere fighter for the Entente during the Great War. With seating for a single pilot and a fine Bentley engine that gave the plane a maximum speed of 121 miles an hour and a ceiling up to 20,000 feet for three hours at a time, the Snipe was more manuverable than its predecessor, the more famous Camel, but it was armed with the same deadly forward guns.

Although the days when the skies were as thick with the planes as with birds are over, Britian, France and the United States all keep their air forces up and running and many retired dogfighters have their own Snipe for personal use, as the planes are also good short travel and rapid reconnaissance. Charles “Charlie” Desgrange is one such pilot, though he's specially modified his plane to get more speed out of the engine, fine-tuned the sights on the guns and even increased the body length so he can carry a passenger.

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