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Name Soter ("Saver" or "Saviour" in Greek)

Real Name Alex Danton

Order Mysterium

Path Mastigos

Legacy Threnodists

Virtue Fortitude

Vice Pride

Attributes Str: 2 Dex: 2 Sta: 2 Pre: 2 Man: 2 Com: 3 Int: 4 Wit: 2 Res: 3

Mental Skills Academics: 2 (Linguistics) Computer: 3 (cryptography) Investigation: 2 Medicine: 1 Occult: 3 Science: 3 (Physics)

Physical Skills Firearms: 2 Larceny: 1 Stealth: 1

Social Skills Animal Ken: 1 Empathy: 2 Persuasion: 2 Subterfuge: 2

Arcana Space: 2 Mind: 2 Fate: 2 Forces: 1 Prime: 1 Time: 1

Secondary Attributes Gnosis: 3 Wisdom: 5 Mana: 5 Def: 2 Spd: 9 Hlth: 7 Init: 5 Size: 5


Interconnections (Fate 1) 9 dice

Perfect Timing (Time 1) 8 dice

Supernal Vision (Prime 1) 8 dice

Dispel Magic (Prime 1) 9 dice

Mental Shield (Mind 2) 8 dice

Legacy Attainments

1st - Superluminal Information Transference (Space 2 + Mind 1)

Merits Mentor 1 (Legacy mentor)

Hallow 1

High Speech

Language (Ancient Greek)

Language (Latin)

Library 1 (Techgnosticism)

Sanctum 1

Resources 1


Simonov SKS Atk: 8 Rng: 200/400/800 Cap: 10+1 Str: 2 Size:3 Cost: 1

Order tool - An iron key he "plugs" into the air to complete his spells.



Magical Laptop

Soter's Background

Soter's Merits

Soter's Relation to the rest of the cabal