Special Training for the Marukan First Legion

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"It is not enough!"

Each time the Nameless Ravine opened his mouth, Blacksaddle flinched in spite of himself.

"I see you flinch as I speak. Yet I see no shame, only a burning desire to overcome your deficiencies. You understand Dharma, and you know your place in the grand purpose to which we all aspire."

How much longer would he continue like this? For half an hour, the great champion paced back and forth across the parade ground in front of the assembled ranks of Marukan soldiers. His dragon armor gleamed in the noonday sun, its warforged boots carving a line in the mud, back and forth.

"You understand the Great Order Of Things. You have been trained in the Philosophia, you have been instructed in the Theologia, you know that you serve the ever-righteous mandate of heaven. It is not enough!"

He praises our training with one breath, but then always the same refrain of inadequacy. Will we be disciplined for some unknown failure? Have we neglected our duties?

"Your training is magnificent. You are, each of you, disciples of the Tactica, students of Logica, and masters of the implements of war. You have studied under Cathak Nekuto, whose wisdom in war is peerless under sky and heaven. But it is not enough!"

In gross violation of parade ground discipline, Blacksaddle snatched a glance at Nakuto. The wily Warmaster stood still and calm, surveying his troops with a proud father's smile. That's interesting, he thought; Nekuto-sama is pleased. It is rare that he permits himself open affection for his men. But if this isn't a dressing-down, than what is it?

Nameless Ravine abruptly halted in place, and stood with his feet firmly planted and his arms outstretched. A page hurried to his side and began unbuckling his dragon armor, piece by piece.

"You have tasted victory in battle. You have defended your land, and acquitted yourself honorably against Shouting With Iron's horde of foul beasts. You have the steady hand of the veteran, the discipline of the elite, and the finest armaments that the Marukan Alliance has ever known. But..."

Nameless Ravine paused. From his position, fifth file, fifth row, Blacksaddle broked the silence: "It is not enough!"

"YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT IT'S NOT ENOUGH!", the Solar roared back,

The solar looked Blacksaddle straight in the eye. By now, he stood before them without his armor, wearing only a loincloth. Without his accoutrements, he stood of medium height, medium build, with a plain face whose foreign features marked him as an outsider to the lands of Marukan. Nothing about him set him apart as a fierce champion of the Unconquered Sun. Yet merely locking gazes with him caused Blacksaddle's entire body to break out in sweat.

"I say it is not enough, because you have not mastered Terror. I do not say you are cowards, for you most assuredly are not. You have tamed your Fear with Discipline. When battle comes, you will not run, you will not cower. I have seen you in battle. You did not run, you did not cower. Your courage is beyond reproach. But..."

This time, every soldier present shouted in unison: "IT IS NOT ENOUGH!"

A second page handed Nameless Ravine a simple gray robe; he donned it. He handed The Promise to Warmaster Nekuto, and took a plain wooden staff from a third page. The pages then retreated to the armory, and the Warmaster took three paces back.

"You know Fear. You have mastered Fear. It is not enough. You need to know Terror. I will teach you Terror." With his staff, he gestured to the line that he had paced out in the dirt. "In today's drill, I will be your opponent. The first cohort to cross this line sits at the Circle Table tonight with myself and my oathsworn brothers and sister. You may begin whenever you feel you are ready."

To their credit, none of the soldiers moved. As one, they drew their blades, and waited. And waited. And waited. And then, with no warning and no declaration, five hundred men surged forward in perfect unison, a storm of blades and pikes arched towards a single man in a simple monk's robe.

Nameless Ravine shifted his stance and raised his staff, and the Universe exploded into chaos.

Heaven's Mandate