Starfall: Aramil

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System Information[edit]

Star: (G) Yellow

  • Reseen Class 1, Sub-Terran (G2, R2, A2, P3, H3)
  • Archer Class 4, Sub-Terran (G1, R4, A0, P0, H0)
  • Theseis Class 5, Gas Giant, Small (G5, R3, A1, P5, H0)

Complete Data


The only inhabited planet is Reseen. The planet is mostly Earth like, but has a high level of radiation that is inconvenient and dangerous. Efforts are still underway to lower the radiation level. The colony is composed almost entirely by humans, of many different ethnicity. A variety of different human languages are spoken here, but Solar is the most common.

People and Culture[edit]

The people of Aramil are divided into two distinct classes. The Laborer class, which makes up about 80% of the population, and the Governor class which holds almost every public office. The Laborer class is kept in poverty because of a contract with I.C.S. that places them in a harsh labor system with almost no chance of social mobility.

The Governor class is made up of those people who were able to negotiate more favorable conditions for themselves. They control most of the resources on the planet and are the only ones able to hold offices since I.C.S. has to approve all candidates who want to run for an office


Est. 2252, Aramil was originally created by laborer who had been displaced during the Galactic War. A handful of well off leaders believed that they could fund the establishment of a colony to create an equal society. For a time a quasi religious philosophy called Vashism was popular. By 2267 it was clear that the colony did not have enough money to lower the radiation level of Reseen or maintain structures to protect its citizens from the radiation.

In 2269 life was discovered on Reseen in the form of single-celled microbes. These organisms possessed a number of unique qualities that made them valuable to the fledgling nanite industry. I.C.S. was able to purchase the mining rights to the planet in exchange for providing basic living arrangements for the colonist for the next 100 year and lowering the radiation level of the planet. The colonist, however found themselves bound to labor contracts with I.C.S. These contracts resulted in the creation of a harsh yet highly profitable mining industry that has made many officials in I.C.S. very wealthy while leaving much of Reseen in abject poverty.

Many attempts to protest these arrangement to the Galactic Senate have been blocked by I.C.S.

The conflict between classes is the the most characteristic trait of Aramil. A number of revolutionary groups or labor unions have attempted to break off from I.C.S. control but these efforts have so far only increased the amount of "Corporate Security" that I.C.S. is willing to mobilize in order to protect its interests in the system. The most recent conflict involved a group known as the Diggers. A public protests in the city of Abrea, over the arrest of 2 prominent Diggers, was violently put down in an indecent known as the Abrea massacre. 17 protesters and 2 security officers were killed, 300 protesters were taken into custody.

Game Information[edit]

In addition to the rules in the PHB, humans from Aramil also have the following traits:

Strength: Humans from Aramil have a maximum strength score of 15
Poor Looks: Humans from Aramil gain 6 points for taking the poor looks flaw.