Starfall: Cassi

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System Information[edit]

Star: (G) Yellow

  • Cat’s Eye Ring System
  • Decleris Class 1, Sub-Terran (G2, R3, A2, P2, H3)
  • Ignia Class 1, Terran (G2, R2, A2, P3, H2)
  • Pan Class 3, Super-Terran (G4, R3, A4, P4, H4)
  • Sordis Class 5, Gas Giant, Small (G5, R3, A1, P5, H0)
  • Arrow Class 4, Super-Terran (G1, R3, A0, P0, H0)
  • Kingsport Class 2, Super-Terran (G3, R1, A1, P4, H1)
  • Ashin Class 1, Sub-Terran, (G2, R1, A2, P3, H2)

Complete Data


Cassi is one of the Stellar Nations

Cassi was inhabited in around 2223. Many of the planets of the system are almost Earth like to begin with and with the exception of a lack of water the last planet Ashin required no terraforming at all. The most common challenge to settlement throughout the system is the elevated levels of radiation.

The main settlements are found on Ignia and Ashin.

People and Culture[edit]

Humans are the primary inhabitants of the system but sizable populations of other races are also common. Darker skin and hair is common. The inhabitants mostly speak Solar and Pentex.


The original settlements here were medical research facilities. After a time a medical society known as the Hospitallers became the governing political body. By 2235 a growing nationalist movement was causing many to desire recognition as a stellar nation. The Galactic Senate was reluctant to react.

In 2238 an epidemic on Popelie created an increased interest in Cassi. By 2242 the Hospitallers had brought the disease under control. Using the opportunity, the nationalist made an official bid for nation hood. The request was granted in 2246.

Game Information[edit]

In addition to the rules in the PHB Celts also have the following traits:

Favored Skill: Medical Science or Life Science
Code of Honor: Cassians gain 6 points for taking the code of honor flaw.