Starfall: Eberon

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System Information[edit]

Star:(G) Yellow

  • Carthis* Class 1, Sub-Terran (G2, R3, A2, P2, H3)
  • Anora Class 5, Sub-Terran (G4, R1, A4, P5, H5)
  • Thean* Class 1, Terran (G2, R1, A2, P4, H2)
  • Dethar Class 4, Super-Terran (G1, R3, A0, P0, H0)
  • Eluvan Class 5, Gas Giant; Small (G5, R3, A1, P5, H0)

Complete Data


Eberon is one of the stellar nations. It consists of 5 planets that orbit a single yellow star. two of the planets are inhabited. The first planet, Carthis and the third planet Thean.

Cathis is a densely populated desert world. Because of the high temperatures, most of the planets population lives near the poles where the temperature is somewhat similar to Earth's equator. The air is very thin here also which causes offworlders discomfort but poses no longterm effects.

Thean, on the other hand is the home of the Eboran ruling class and nobility. the pressure on the surface is too dense for human life, so the inhabitants live in beautiful flying cities.

People and Culture[edit]

The people of Eberon are universally of darker skin and have a unique color hair that is the product of gene manipulation. The official language of the system is called Pentex, it was invented not long after the system was colonized and intended to be the most perfect language. Because of its high degree of precision pentex is also spoken by some technicians and scientist. About half of the people are bilingual with Solar as a second language.

Lineage is very important in Eberian society. To these ends the culture practices a form of eugenics in an attempt to remove undesirable traits from the gene pool. The culture is very structured in a sort of caste system that consists of roughly five tiers. The government is monolithic in nature with an emperor supported by a ruling class of nobles.


Eberon was established by citizens of Earth during the Exodus in 2137. By the 2160s Eberon had become very powerful and openly hostile towards the other nations. Eberon established colonies at Mesak and Fade, thus becoming the Eberion Empire. In 2178 Eberon attacked and conquered the Orphan system. A conflict followed between Eberon, Sol, Pharaoh, and Halo call the Eberian War.

Following the defeat during the Eberian War, the nation turned it attention towards genetics. Large scale experiments were done on human subjects in an attempt to create a more advanced race of human. These experiments created random and uncontrollable mutations in the test subjects that were often detrimental. In 2228 a group of these mutants attempted a coup against the Eberian emperor. This coup was unsuccessful and all of the mutants were hunted down and destroyed.

In 2213 Eberon attacked the Celt System. This event was the first act of hostility in the Stellar War. Eberon and its ally I.C.S. were defeated in this conflict. Eberon faced strong sanctions in the wake of the war and has since been forbidden from massive arms projects and its armed forces are strictly limited. The empire was forced to grant independence to Mesak, Fade, and Orphan.


The Eberians practice a type of religion called Axithisim. The basic tenants of the religion place humans above all other races in the galaxy, and place Eberians above all other humans. The religion has many transchumanist ideas, the most important being the concept of Ascension. Ascension is the point when those who are worthy are going to transcend the human form and become something more. The exact interpretations about the nature of the transcended form varies somewhat.

Caste System[edit]

The casts system basically includes 3 noble castes, 2 lower castes, and an outside castes which consists of slaves. Each castes has increasing political power and protection.

Castes are determined at birth, the castes of both parents and their parents are considered. Each castes has a numeric value and the average value of the parents and grandparents castes is used to determine the caste of a child. Because of this it is possible for families to change caste over time, and also why lower castes are avoided since it will affect the family for two generations to come.

Once born into a class upward or downward mobility is sometimes possible, but it is the exception rather than the rule. The most common type of mobility is down, in the case of criminal offenses against a higher caste.

Noble Castes

  • Trok this is the highest caste. The rulers of the system are chosen from the Trok class. Members of this caste are supported by the state and enjoy the fullest protection of the law. Numeric Value: 50.
  • Olkak the Olkak may serve in medium ranked state offices, they pay no taxes. Numeric Value: 40
  • Lurden sometimes called "petty nobles" the Lurden can hold local offices and sometimes act as servant to higher nobles. Numeric Value: 30.

Lower Castes

  • Kapak members of the Kapak my own land, but can not inherit it. Education is still an option but it must be paid for at public academies, the Kapak must also pay taxes. Many members of this castes works as servants or managers on behalf of a member of one of the noble castes. Numeric value: 10.
  • Aurak lowest of the free castes, the Aurak pay more taxes than the Kapak and my not own land. Education is possible, but few members of this caste can afford it. Numeric Value: 5.

Slave Caste

  • Tailonna this casts includes slaves and criminals. They have no rights under the law and many of them are property of a noble. At birth members of this class are marked with a tattoo that makes it impossible for them to advance beyond it. Numeric Value 0.


The Altaïr is an organization of highly trained warriors and assassins in service to the Trok. The Altaïr are known for their skills and hand to hand combat, but also for their talent with stealth and infiltration. The service of the Altaïr is one of the greatest advantages the ruling caste has. With these skilled assassins in their service there are very few who would wish to make enemies of a member of the Trok.

Prophet of Nine Towers[edit]

In 2213, as the nation was recovering from its defeat during the Stellar War, the child of a noble family began to have visions and speak about an alien race that once ruled the known galaxy. The child was Alash Tethi. Tests of his brain reviled abnormalities and his visions gained wide attention. He became known as the "Prophet of Nine Towers" because his family was from the Nine Towers region. Alash was eventually brought to the emperor himself. While in the presence of the emperor Alash gave his most famous prophecy. He claimed that he was speaking on behalf of an alien race that had once ruled the galaxy before they transcended their physical forms. He claimed that these beings still had an interest in the events of the galaxy and that they would return at some point to teach those that were worthy how to transcend the flesh. The rest of this prophecy has been a closely guarded secret of the Eberion nobility. It is believed that this prophesy is related to the Forerunners.

Game Information[edit]

In addition to the rules in the PHB Eberians have the following traits:
Favored Skill: Resolve or Deception
Increased Attributes: Constitution +1