Shadow Name Static
Real Name Rain Ryan
Order Free Council
Path Obrimos
Legacy Tempests
Virtue Faith
Vice Greed
Attributes Str: 1 Dex: 2 Sta: 3 Pre: 2 Man: 3 Com: 2 Int: 4 Wit: 2 Res: 3
Mental Skills Academics: 1; Computer: 1; Crafts 4 (electronics); Investigation: 1; Occult: 1; Science: 3 (Meteorlogy)
Physical Skills Athletics: 2; Larceny: 2
Social Skills Persuasion 2 (Negotiation); Socialize 1; Streetwise 2; Subterfuge 2
Arcana Space: 1; Forces: 4; Prime: 2
Secondary Attributes Gnosis: 3 Wisdom: 6 Mana: 6/13 Def: 2 Spd: 8 Hlth: 8 Init: 4 Size: 5
Finder (Space 1, 6 dice) Thunderbolt (Forces 4, p. 173, Free Council version, 10 dice) Spacial Awareness (Space 1, p. 233, 6 dice)
Legacy Attainments
1st - Summon the Winds (Forces 3 + Space 1)
High Speech
Striking Looks 2
Contacts 1 (Supernatural Commerce Static is plugged into the local exchange of favors and items, both magical and mundane, among Chicago's awakened community. This aids her in selling her services and finding items for sale. )
Sanctum 1
Order Status (Free Council) 1
Resources 2
Experience Points
Unspent: 3
Dedicated magical tool - Wristwatch with built-in barometer.
Briefcase with tools (electronics & larceny)