TE RelicsRedux/Cast/IsabelleBeauchene

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Isabelle Beauchene[edit]

(Played by Anya Taylor-Joy)

Once upon a time Isabelle was a student attending university in Lyon studying graphic design, working on her digital art, practicing wicca and proving that yes, women do play video games and Belladonna just kicked your butt in LoL. Then reality changed.

It was the Cyberpope’s Inquisition that inadvertently created the cyberwitch Belladonna. A student in Lyon, Isabelle was having a difficult time attending university while keeping her wiccan faith a secret from the Church Police. She fell in love during the first year and when her girlfriend decided to join a coven of white witches despite the risk, Isabelle couldn’t let her do it alone and agreed to join with her. For a month life was beautiful for Isabelle. She discovered she had a talent for magic and she and Delphine grew even closer.

Isabelle still doesn’t know how the Church Police found out about the coven, only that on one fateful spring day her world was shattered when Inquisitors came and slaughtered her entire coven. Left for dead, Isabelle would have perished as well but a resistance agent affiliated with the Delphi Council had been scouting the coven with the intention of possibly recruiting them. Agent Lapointe was able to pull Isabelle out of the wreckage the Inquisitors left behind and bring her back to his associates. Missing half her face, the resistance doctors had to resort to using cyberware to replace her eye.

Lapointe’s had been concerned that the white witch would be upset with the resistance for resorting to the use of cyberware, but he needed have worried. Isabelle immediately joined the resistance cell to avenge the loss of her love and even embraced the cyberware when she realized she could still cast spells if she simply took a different approach. Now a cyberwitch, Isabelle has since received further upgrades and has become an infiltration specialist, using her enhancements and magic to steal information from the hated Inquisition. One day she hopes to bring down the entire Cyberpapacy but with Lapointe’s recommendation and blessing, she is now working directly for the Delphi Council as an agent.

Basic Summary[edit]

Race: Human (Cyberwitch)
Home Cosm: Cyberpapacy (Magic 14, Social 18, Spirit 16, Tech 26)
Total XP: 20
Clearance: Alpha
Possibilities: 3


Charisma 7, Dexterity 8, Mind 9, Spirit 10, Strength 6


Dodge 10, Melee 8, Unarmed 11
Move 8 (24), Toughness 8 (2), Shock 10, Wounds 3


Fire Combat +1 (9)
Unarmed Combat +3 (11)

Intimidation +0 (10)
Maneuver +0 (8)
Taunt +0 (7)
Trick +0 (9)

Alteration +3 (12)
Apportation +4 (14)
Computers +1 (10)
Dodge +2 (10)
Evidence Analysis +0 (9)
Faith +0 (10)
Find +1 (10)
First Aid +0 (9)
Land Vehicles +0 (8)
Persuasion [F] +3 (10)
Reality +2 (12)
Stealth +1 (9)
Streetwise +0 (7)
Tracking +0 (9)
Willpower +0 (10)

French (native) 3
English 2


Cyberware Implants x2
- Neural Jack (Direct connection to devices)
- Hexxer MK I & II (Ignore half Shock from spell failure, bonus to next spellcast test)
- TSE Recorder (Can record what you see and hear)
- TSE HUD (HUD displays documents, videos, other data)
- TSE Drone Controller (Can interface with both hardlight and lower tech drones)
- Trigon Slicers (Retractable blades housed in fingers)
- CyberHam Synthivoice (Lockpicking to bypass voice scanner is Favored or automatic)
- CyberHam Encrypted Comms (Can communicate silently)
- CyberHam Translator (Translates spoken languages native to Core Earth or Magna Verita)
- BelleView Low-Light MK II (Ignore 2 points of darkness penalties)
Spellcaster (Gain Spells: Disguise, Mage Hands, Open Lock)
Familiar: Honor (Persuasion skill is Favored; Gain Spells: Portal, Scrambler)


Glock 9mm: Dmg 13, Ammo 15, Range 10/25/40 (Tech 22)
Trigon Slicers: Dmg 7, Small, Armor Piercing 1 (Tech 26)

IraMesh Clothing: Armor +2 (Tech 24)

TSE DataChip x3: Holds video, audio, documents, data (Tech 26)
Wall Crawlers: DN 10 to climb even smooth surfaces (Tech 24)
Multi-Tool (Tech 22)
Lighter (Tech 18)
Sunglasses (Tech 20)
Extra Magazines x2: Glock 9mm standard rounds


XP Log[edit]

Familiar (5), Cyberware x1 (7), Apportation +1 (4), Computers +1 (1), Find +1 (1), Fire Combat +1 (1), Stealth +1 (1)

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