I'd ask to delete this Borgstromancy entry since it's based on rather unfair personal opinions.
I've run many games of Nobilis and the only problem was encouraging players not to solve conflicts with violence -due to the high power level of PCs and NPCs violence leads easily to extreme destruction.
Anyway, I agree that Borgstrom tends to write in a too lyrical way instead of trying to explain. Well, I can justify it as her style.
Another game that could fit into this classification is Aria, Canticle of the Monomyth:
Difficult to read, lots of imagination to understand and almost impossible to run. Here[1]'s one review.
As someone that's never had problems, playing, running, or understanding Aria or Nobilis, perhaps this should be redefined as "1) The ability keep those of low mind that would not enjoy a setting or would pollute it it with their ignorance away through skillful use of colorful prose. 2) Proof of the idea that we fear and attack that which we do not understand", I agree that this entry should be deleted. --Gothfae 06:31, 1 September 2007 (PDT)