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A page for me, this is my page.

So, let me tell you a story, of the ill-fated "Gothfae". What does it mean? It's meaningless. Honestly it is. Completly meaningless. I mean sure there is a long story behind it, which you would think would attach meaning to it, but in all honesty the only meaning is "Needed a name that was unique enough to survive the internet and was all outta bubblegum.. err inspiration.. when I made it".

I came out of the BBS culture of the 80's with the moniker Xad xevioN. Xad (That's Zad or Jade depending on if you feel modern or ancient) was often too short for the internet, xadxevion was often too long or worse, too damn hard to make people understand.

So early 90's I picked up the user name 'Sidhe'. Yes. I have constantly done my best subconsciously to make my user name a bitch to spell. Understand, this was before the Web blew up, and well before Changeling hit the scene. Sidhe was an easy name to own. This eventually changed. It got harder and harder to move it around as ISP's died, even though I ran a huge, and the first Changeling website for years with it (remnants of which, along with dead links, still exist out there in the unswept portions of the WWW). So eventually I was forced to give it up.

Now, you'd think I would have learned my lesson. But no, not really.

So I had a Sluagh, a, for lack of a better term, goth fae, that has since moved through so many incarnations in different systems as to be unrecognizable. That would be, Velan DuBois. There's a picture of him down at the bottom. Rather dashing for a sluagh, right? Yeah, I've alway been one to buck stereotypes in Roleplaying.

Back to the story, anyways.

So I needed a new user name. I still didn't particularly want to go back to Xadxevion, though I have now.. in places, I mean technically speaking the Xevion was just something I made up for the "X" in Xad to stand for in high school, so it's like saying JdhJade. Which is dumb, But Xad is still too short and too hard to get. And I needed something unique, that would last me through however many rising and falling ISP's there were in my future.

And so Gothfae I became. No. I'm not particularly Goth. I never wore the whole pancake make-up crap, but I did and do dress in black and listen to particularly 'gothy music', but it's a label I avoid. I'm more of a long-haired hippy pagan. And I definitely am not "fae" of any shape nor kind, unless you counting being vaguely hippy. And so, unable to get my Sidhe at the site I was signing up on for the next million years of internet service (or 5 as it so happened) and needing a user name NOW, Velan became my inspiration for an undying internet identity, that has no deeper meanins.

So here's Velan, from when I could still do art. Yes that's mine. Totally Spiffy.

So that's my Story and I'm sticking to it.

I'm without a real life gaming group, so I game online. Pathetic isn't it. It happens when you get old I think.

Stuff I'm doing here
Liang Yi, Power of Gender

Favorite Games that Withstand the Test of Time, and I Have Amazing Campaign Stories to Bore You With
Unknown Armies
Buffy the Vampire Slayer et al. Pretty much all of Eden's stuff.
Mage: The Ascension
Old School Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (I bought 3rd ed, but I got no cool stories)
God... lets not even finish this list, the more I think about it... Marvel Super-heroes being used a s a horror campaign, Numerous Rolemaster games from first Ed on up, Homebrewed stuff (Nasty Naughty Ninja Elves anyone?) I have gaming memories going back almost 3 decades now. That's a hell of a lot of good systems, or at least good games with bad systems

Games of the Moment
The Edge of Midnight
After 3 years I've finally down and started buying NWoD.

Games I Own.
Don't even get me started.

--Gothfae 06:48, 19 August 2007 (PDT)