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Outsider summary My research has turned up four types of Outsiders. Each one has a relatively simple utility function.

1) The lowest ranked Outsiders (and the most prevalent) seem to desire only one good, the consumption of humans (though I should research further to see if animals would also suffice). They can produce two types of "output" that might be helpful. They can kill things and they can enhance physical prowess. Since human sacrifice is required in dealings with these Outsiders, they should not be considered when negotiating.

2) The next ranked Outsiders desire two main goods: land and "presence" (typically some sort of avatar that will allow them to experience things on our planet. In terms of output, they can intercede with the Outsiders in "1" to allow for the same sort of killing that could have been negotiated separately. They can also provide information. These would likely be the class of Outsider that one should seek out for purposes of negotiation.

3) The next group of Outsiders cannot be contacted easily. They are not sentient in an animalistic way as are the Outsiders in "1" or in a human way as are the Outsiders in "2". It is unclear what they desire and what they could provide.

4) The final group consists of a single individual, the Dark Pharaoh. He appears to desire entertainment delivered in the form of strife. He can likely provide almost anything as he resides at the top of the Outsider hierarchy. Dealing with him is likely foolish, as he is undoubtedly more intelligent, cunning, and experienced than any human.