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Name: Redland Jack (Jack Redmond) Str: 6 Occupation: None (formerly an Economics Professor) Con: 6 Nationality: British Siz: 11 Gender: Male App: 9 Age: 33 (April 30, 1899) Dex: 12 Height: 6'1" Pow: 11 Weight: Current (143 lbs) -- Normal (143 lbs) Int: 18 Hair Color: Brownish (short) Edu: 21
Accounting(10%) Medicine(15%) Weapons Anthropology(30%) Natural History(20%) Axe(20%) Art(05%) Navigate(10%) Blackjack(40%) Climb(40%) Occult(05%) Club(25%) Conceal(15%) Other Language(00%) Knife(25%) Credit Rating(15%) -Germ.(50),Latin/Greek(20) Sabre(15%) Dodge(36%) Economic Theory(75%) Sword(20%) Drive Auto(20%) Photography(10%) Handgun(35%) Electrical Repair(10%) Psychology(35%) Machine Gun(15%) First Aid(30%) Ride(05%) Rifle(42%) Hide(10%) Sneak(10%) Shotgun(30%) History(50%) Spot Hidden(25%) Submachine Gun(15%) Jump(25%) Swim(25%) Punch(50%) Law(30%) Throw(25%) Grapple(25%) Library Use(75%) Track(10%) Listen(25%) Astronomy(20%) Biology(30%) Chemistry(38%) Physics(30%) Mathematics(70%)