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I suppose I should pass this on to my allies at some point. I figure there are three things they should look for to determine if the ruby is corrupting me:
1) I stop being 'glib'
2) I stop being contrary
3) I intentionally harm someone

I think the fact that Boris could care less whether I live or die is one of the reasons he is the best person for dispensing useful advice. The other being that he is very outcome-oriented (as opposed to process). If I seek advice from Rebecca, she will worry that what I am doing will endanger me and refuse to be part of the plan. With KoL or Henrik, they will concern themselves with whether what I am doing is right or wrong and seek to impose their own desires upon my actions.

I have always been an atheist. I wonder if recent events should reinforce this belief or make me question it? On the one hand, it is apparent that Sir Newton did not have everything figured out. On the other hand, other than the Norsemen, the various religions do not seem to have scoped out the nature of our times particularly well...

Given that my team is comprised of:
1) Boris -- A powerful necromancer who is G to KoF
2) Henrik -- G to KoB who possessed unique magic related to his art
3) Rebecca -- A "Soldier" with powerful magic (and probably also a Balance)
4) Roxanne -- A person who's magic is so powerful it would destroy her if she used it
5) Auda -- KoB ... one of the three most powerful/important persons in the world
6) Carl -- KoL ... see 5.
7) Redland Jack -- A guy who can use partial derivatives to solve the principal/agent problem...
It is a simple matter to see why I might have feelings of inadequacy and the concomitant feelings of vulnerability. It is also, perhaps, the reason I see myself as the 'champion of the common man.' At the end of the day, will these people be able to properly represent the bulk of humanity? Will I?

Although they likely have better reasons, I feel as though I can sympathize with the Fae. I, too, feel abandoned. It is clearly petty, but I can't help how I feel. Is this why I pursued the deal with the Pharaoh? Is this why I have such positive feelings towards Ms. Caine? I need to keep an eye on this and make sure my emotions are not affecting my actions...