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How to defend the oceans? Two ways come to mind, but neither seems terribly promising.

(1) I believe that sailor's hold a deep reverence for the sea. Under the many gods plan, this could be exploited to create a sphere of influence. However, the number of sailors in the world, relative to the vastness of the oceans, causes me to believe this would be ineffective...

(2) Apparently alchemy is extremely potent. From what I can gather, it was used to destroy a large part of the population of the former Soviet Union. Perhaps it could be used to 'poison' the oceans. Perhaps I should discuss this with that strange old prospector. It seems like it would be possible to make the oceans poisonous to Outsiders while leaving everyone else unaffected. Water would seem a good delivery system for alchemical measures...

I need to look into this whole 'Companion' thing. It sounds pretty creepy, from what I can tell. However, it appears that if I wish to negotiate with the Fae or the Nightsiders(?), I'll need to go through it. Maybe it's not that bad...

If Rebecca will be traveling with me into the desert, I should probably try to press her on 'mystical' stuff. However, it might be more valuable to talk to the prospector... Hmmm....

Medea indicated that it would be a good idea to try to negotiate with one of the local Fae to get some practice. Seems like a wise idea to me. Maybe this would enable me to get somewhere on the Donal issue.

I wonder if we could alter the Pentheus plan slightly. Instead of going with the slave tattoos and just sending in people to be eaten, I wonder if we could make it some sort of competition. That is, we'd start the Outsiders out with a small territory and the volunteers would battle them in some fashion to achieve certain objectives. Obviously, one of the Outsider objectives would be to eat as many people as possible, there's no real way to get around that. Anyhow, at the end of a specified time, depending on the objectives achieved by each side, the Outsiders would gain (or not gain... or even lose?) territory. We would still have a cap on how much they could gain (and a floor on how much they could lose). For the Outsiders who are not mindless eating machines, this might be a more interesting 'game'. We could also probably structure it so that our losses are smaller. This would also mean that the volunteers would be more likely to be true volunteers, as they would be actively attempting to achieve goals to save humanity, as opposed to passively sitting waiting to be eaten. They'd also not face certain death.