The Demon King

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The Demon King[edit]

Chaotic Evil Male Aasimarr [Death Knight] Blackguard [Khyber] 10/Warlord 10


The Demon Prince is the image of the Sleeping One, a Daelkyr of Frost and Cold that had been imprisoned in an eternal sleep by the Gatekeepers. Having fused the child of Pyriel with the evil spirit of the True Mirror of Opposition's ghost of Cassius and the essence of the Sleeping One, he's grown to titanic proportions and positively radiates evil. Underneath his mask, he's still identical to Cassius, which is only more unnerving.


The Demon Prince is a being who never had a childhood or friendships. Indeed, he was alive only for the better partof a month before he was fused with the Sleeping One's essence. Thus, he's a brilliant and malevolent being that lacks many of the experiences that would serve as the barriers to the evil within. Only Erandis has any control over him.


Pyriel desired to create a teacher for humanity formed from his own essence and raised by Haydith's goodness. What he didn't realize was that Erandis D'Vol, who provided him her distant descendant in Haydith, would betray him quite so badly. Stealing away his divinely inspired child, she corrupted him with the power of the Mirror of True Opposition and the power of a Daelkyr that she has been harnessing the power of for thousands of years.

The resulting creature is not entirely devoid of his original purpose. Cursed with Cassius' former members and a dim remembrance of his former purpose, he believes it is his duty and destiny to prevent the Daelkyr and Rajah from ever awakening again. Unfortunately, he has a rather novel solution to that end.

Using his Xoriat-granted powers, he is harvesting the souls of those he enslaves and raises as the undead and then binding them into the Lifestream of Eberron to reinforce the ancient bindings. Furthermore, he believes significantly less people means that the hatred and fear that feeds the Rajahs will be significantly less.

This suits Erandis D'Vol's purposes just fine.


The Demon King is an even more physically powerful specimen than Genai and possesses all of Cassius' fighting skills combined with military genius. As a Death Knight infused with a Daelkyr's power, he can open portals to Xoriat at will and Gate an exceptionally large number of creatures in every day. Likewise, he is a genius that has memorized all of the Blood of Vol's rites and can create permanent undead hosts more or less at will by his mere presence.

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