The Dragonic Prophecy

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The Dragonic Prophecy was given its most commonly referred to name by, unsurprisingly, the dragons. However the prophecies connection with dragons is mostly indirect or refers to the old myth of Eberron, Siberys and Khyber. In truth the prophecy has thousands of different names for different cultures across the world. The most common term, one that even the most non-sequential commoner knows, is Fate.

The prophecy is, in all aspects, fate and the destiny of everyone and every thing. No Rajah, no warrior and no god are immune to the prophecies powers. Should the prophecy deem ones destruction that person’s destruction is almost assured. Reading the prophecy is nearly impossible for mortals, even the most accomplished and insane wizards who find a portion of the prophecy can at best derive only one or, at best, five words from it. While these can be glimpses into the future the knowledge of the prophecy is greatly limited among the races and kingdoms of Khorvaire.

The dragons posses a greater knowledge, agents of the chamber uncover important facts about the prophecy every day and while it might takes years to completely comprehend a prediction. Such knowledge is either guaranteed or should be given some measure of serious thinking.

The prophecy is not a solid piece of literature and it’s predictions are not written in stone. A better analogy would be that it is written in clay and the actions of mortals are the hands and the kiln. The prophecy lists multiple outcomes to different events and vague descriptions for accomplishing each one. Take this example below, from the origins of the world and the tale of resurrection.

When love is forsaken for the good of all and death is dealt to the final archer there shall come about an awakening inside the soul of the risen demon and with it shall the father of all come into being once more and bring about a re-shaping of the world.

However this same prophecy may say that if the final archer lives the world will be plunged into a thousand years of darkness. Such is the way of the prophecy; it works as both a plot hook and a weapon that can be used for either side.

If you intend to use the prophecy make sure that many powerful factions would be interested in it.

Shadows over Cyre