The Gods Also Rise

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This is the Wiki for Meriss's The Gods Also Rise campaign


You remember Iraq? I do, I was there. The damned Abu Farid rising from that bunker where we bombed the hell out of him. Like a damned bonfire he was. I've never seen anything like it.

Concept: An alternate world where the ancient gods have been reborn once more. They fight and scheme against the Risen, humans or human concepts transformed by the power of belief into something other. Humans have learned how to harness some of this power to fuel new heroes.

System: T&J or Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Ed. Maybe Scion or Exalted with the serial numbers heavily filed off and the mythos totally revamped. Suggestions welcome.

Character Types: Demi-gods. No, no, no, I'm serious Actual demi-gods. Your characters will be the descendants of the ancient heroes. Achilles, Hercules, Fin Mac Cool, King Arthur. Any predecessor with a drop of divine blood or heroic status is possible. Your powers will mirror your ancestor's, so choose your ancient ancestor hero carefully.

Note: Do you like over the top action? Over powered fight scenes? Massive monsters? This is your game. I'll be getting a fair bit gonzo with my action and adventure, there will also be some mature themes. The ancients were not nice people. (Wait till you see the temple of Tezcatlipoca Reborn )

Story So Far[edit]

The Gods Also Rise

Behind the Scenes[edit]

The Gods Also Rise

Meet the Stars![edit]

Example Sheet

Nekohara Youmu/Katherine Carradine

Dr. Alexis Ferrer