The Stars Are Right: Penthus Press Release Regarding New York Incursion

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Press Release Regarding the New York Incursion[edit]

20 October 1932


The Incursion shocked New York City and the world at large, but civil and military authorities in Manhattan stood prepared, armed with intelligence and munitions from the Penthus Corporation.

The government knew they would be facing creatures resistant to any conventional attack. Faced with an impossible challenge, they turned to Penthus.

"Penthus' research and development was central to our military preparedness," said Representative Florence Kahn of the House Military Affairs Committee. "They not only delivered on their contracts, they exceeded them."

The details of the technology remain classified, but Penthus provided guns and grenades capable of killing Outsiders, even those resistant to any conventional attack. Meanwhile, Penthus' advanced mathematical modelling provided invaluable information before and during the Incursion.

The president of Penthus, Marcus Dubcek, acted as Penthus' liaison to the US military in Manhattan. From the special forces' field headquarters in Central Park, he directed Penthus' support of the military response. Penthus technicians throughout New York employed Penthus' containment technology to stymie the Outsiders' efforts to establish a beachhead.

The enemy recognized the significance of Penthus' involvement, with tragic results. An attacker stormed the field headquarters and killed several marines before revealing he was targeting Mr. Dubcek. Penthus technician Anselm Farber was killed by a shot intended for Mr. Dubcek before the attacker was felled by a Penthus gun.

"Though they understood better than anyone the dangers we faced, Penthus employees didn't hesitate to risk their lives defending New York," said Mr. Dubcek. "I could do no less. Our condolences go to the friends and family of Mr. Farber, as they do to everyone who lost a loved one yesterday."

"The extraordinary research and development that Penthus has undertaken at the behest of the military was one of the decisive factors in the defense of New York," said Colonel Ryan Becker, commander of the Army forces in Manhattan. "The information and equipment provided to our personal during this critical time by Mr. Dubcek and his team of a certainty saved many civilian lives. No doubt the United States Government will continue to work with Penthus to design new and even more effective weapons based on the experiences of New York."

The federal government has warned, and Penthus can verify, that New York will not be the last Incursion to befall the United States or the world. But the world can rest assured that Penthus is hard at work developing even more sophisticated countermeasures.

Responding to Mayor McKee's call, Penthus is already providing material and know-how to help rebuild the city.

"Penthus' headquarters are in New York," said Mr. Dubcek. "We're New Yorkers. And now even Outsiders know this: you don't mess with New Yorkers."

Penthus has prepared educational materials explaining the Incursion and what it means, which it will supply free of charge to any library, school, or news organization. Penthus will endeavor to fulfill reasonable requests for interviews regarding the Incursion. To a request an educational packet, an interview, or for any other inquiry, please contact Penthus' director of public relations, Clarkson Manley.
