The World Tree/Felgrim

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Also known as the "lonely island", Felgrim is the only island within the country of Ikhael in the World Tree campaign. Holding unique wildlife, Felgrim is located in Kelmorn and serves as a "playground" for the rich and wealthy.

Felgrim is run by a figure known as "the Queen Raven", holding absolute law over the city and its inhabitants. To the patrons, her rule is respected, fair, and just, keeping slight ties to the freedom the island instills. Boasting of very basic rules, inhabitants are to do as they please, short of drastically delaying another's good time.

Known for its debauchery and chaotic atmosphere, Felgrim is known for its decadence and lack of moral compass, with brothels, gambling, and taverns found on every corner.

Points of interest found within Felgrim are its vast amount of nightlife and drinking, the "Ravenbreaker's Only" establishments for those who pay the extra coin, prestigious manors and estates available and "the Queen Raven Estate" found at the town's peak.