Tlilith Bronze-skin

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The Wilderlands of Absalom


  • Kobold Warrenguard 4
  • XP: 17,035/19,600
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Henchman of Ishka, who is a henchman of Karag Two-Blades

A member of the Bronze-skin tribe, assigned as a crossbowman to Wolf Keep, who later joined Ishka.

  • Tlilith is watchful and loyal. (inform | allies)
  • Tlilith wishes to be a part of great deeds. (accompany | valor)
  • And through her part in those, she'll attain great wealth and prosperity. (access | greed)


  • STR 09
  • INT 14 (+1)
  • WIS 10
  • DEX 12
  • CON 9
  • CHA 11 (originally 8, before the pool)


  • Languages
    • Common
    • Undertongue
    • Goblin
  • General Proficiencies
    • Engineering The character is skilled in planning, designing, and constructing castles, towers, roads, and so forth. Any character with this skill can evaluate constructions the party is passing through to assess what shape they are in, when and by whom they were built, etc., with a proficiency throw of 11+. Each time this proficiency is taken, the character can supervise 25,000gp worth of permanent construction.
    • Knowledge (architecture)
    • Signaling (TBD)
  • Class Proficiencies
    • Command The character has mastered the art of command. Her authority inspires men to follow her into danger. The character’s henchmen and mercenaries receive a +2 bonus to morale.
    • Precise Shooting The character may conduct missile attacks against opponents engaged in melee at a -4 penalty to his attack throw. A character may take this proficiency multiple times. Each time the proficiency is taken, the penalty to attack opponents in melee is reduced by 2. Characters without this proficiency cannot attack opponents engaged in melee with missile attacks.
  • Racial Proficiencies
    • 90' infravision
    • Acrobatics The character is trained to jump, tumble, somersault, and free-run around obstacles. The character gains +2 to saving throws where agility would help avoid the situation, such as tilting floors and pit traps. In lieu of moving during a round, the character may attempt a proficiency throw of 19+ to tumble behind an opponent in melee. If successful, the character is behind his opponent. The opponent gains no benefit from his shield. Thieves and others eligible to backstab an opponent gain their usual +4 on the attack throw and bonus to damage. Characters with an encumbrance of 6 stone or more may not tumble.
    • Accuracy The character gains an accuracy bonus of +1 to all attack throws with missile weapons.
    • Combat Trickery (overrun) Succeeds on a melee attack with -2 penalty. Opponent makes a save vs Paralysis with a -2 penalty.
    • Thief Abilities
      • backstab x2
      • Hide in Shadows 18+
      • Move Silently 16+
    • Drawback: Sensitivity to Light (-1 penalty to surprise, initiative and attack rolls during daylight, unless special tinted glasses are worn)


  • AC 4 masterwork leather + shield
  • HP 17
  • Movement Rate 120/40/120
  • Initiative Modifier +0
  • Attacks
    • Primary Melee Attack: magical +1 shortsword 8+, 1d6+3
    • Primary Ranged Attack: crossbow 8+, 1d6+2
  • Saves:
    • Petrification & Paralysis 14+
    • Poison & Death 13+
    • Blast & Breath 15+
    • Staves & Wands 15+
    • Spells 16+


  • Gear, Armor, Weapons: 4 stone, 2 items
  • masterwork brown recluse spider leather armor +1 + shield
  • +1 short sword, its hilt wrapped in red, pebbly leather (from the bone chamber in the Candle)
  • crossbow and 20 bolts (special-sized, need to be commissioned)
  • special-commissioned tinted glasses
  • 3488.45 gp kept with Mr. Hand, 118.5 gp kept on person

Class Construction[edit]

  • Strength Prime Requisite
  • HD 1d6 (1 build point, 500 XP)
  • Fighting Value as Fighter (2 build points, 1000 XP)
    • Narrow armor. Because of their size kobolds do not fit into armor made for humans or larger. Armor must be custom made for them. +2 custom powers, +150 XP
    • Narrow weapons. Because of their size any weapons the kobold wields are one category down from human sized: a dagger is used as a short sword, a short sword as a long sword and a normal sword as a 2-handed sword. +3 custom powers. +150 XP
  • Thievery Value of 1 (200 XP): Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Backstab.
  • Total of 5 custom powers.
    • 90' infravision (2.5 custom powers)
    • Acrobatics as skill (1 custom power)
    • Accuracy as skill (1 custom power)
    • Combat Trickery (overrun) as skill
    • Drawback: Sensitivity to light as Sneak.
  • Save as Fighter, gains class proficiencies as fighter.
  • XP to reach 2nd: 2,450