Treasure History
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En route back to Wolf Keep:
- 8300 tarnished silver coins
- a carved bone bracelet worth about 80 gold
- a dented golden crown, worth 700 gold
- The giant's two-handed sword is also likely magical.
- He carries a pouch with three small but nearly perfect diamonds, each worth three thousand gold.
- There are 18 light warhorses stabled in the ruins, along with two medium warhorses that wear chain barding.
- There is also one of the largest warhorses that any of the adventurers have every seen, a roan stallion barded in plate. The horse is clad in plate barding and bears saddlebags laden with three thousand gold coins, in addition to various and sundry adventuring equipment. Its name is Fazaidriahhay, which translates to Tramples the Puny Underfoot.
- 3500 electrum coins.
- One flawless ruby, worth 6000 gold.
- One flawless diamond, worth 8000 gold.
- A gold medallion, wrought in the shape of an octopus (Medallion of ESP)
- A battle axe that is likely magical, as well.
- wyvern parts, 2,280 gp
- 2500 gold in jewelry, gemstones and coins.
- Ornklo, a spear crafted from some dark, heavy wood and carved with images of diving falcons is magical
- a magical cloak (Elven Cloak)
- a magical ring that is a heavy gold band set with onyx.
- The (bandit) mage wears two rings that are obviously magical. She also has two potions tucked into her robes.
- The cleric is wearing plate armor and carries a mace; both of which are magical.
- Bad Timos wears a ring upon his right hand that is magical, as is his armor and sword.
- The two lieutenants wear normal armor but one wields a magical axe and the other a magical sword with a magical shield.
- The adventurers also find a total of 5,000 gp, all in diamonds, upon their persons.