User:Bill/Leaves and Branches

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The kingdom of Halta is suspended high in the trees of the distant East. A unique social structure thrives here. Beastmen and god-bloods walk among humanity, separate but equal. Tensions between these "ethnicities" exist but are not acknowledged by the human dominated political establishment. Within the hidden places of the treetop cities the marginalized gather and struggle. Under the surface of the peaceful Haltan society exists a secret war. Innocent mutants fall hundreds of feet to their doom every night by the hand of so called normal men.

Player Characters[edit]

The player characters will either be beastmen, god-blooded, or heroic mortal sympathizers working with the underground movement to integrate Haltan society. Hawk-men and snake-men are recommended, though other forms of beastman are valid selections. Stealth, investigation, and athletics are all recommended abilities. Sorcery will not be available during character creation though it is encouraged to take Thaumaturgy.