User:Bill/Mystery of the Miasma
While traveling between points A and B the characters encounter a small town that appears to solely inhabited by insane people that start throwing themselves on the the character's APC. One of the characters opens a hatch to shoot at or otherwise dislodge some of the crazy people who have climbed on to the hull. While the players are fighting off these poor bastards, and probably killing a few of them, a man in environmental armor steps out of an ally pointing a device at the crowd. They disperse quickly and attempts to contact the characters via the radio, warning them no to open the hatch.
The man in the armor is a rogue scientist named Ronald Nemo. He is studying the disease that the characters have just been exposed to and he thinks he has found the source. He has found a bunker several miles away that the townspeople appear to have unearthed and opened, no doubt hoping to salvage some pre-rifts tech hidden within. Ronald thinks that he can cure the disease if he can get a sample of the pure strain.
What else is hidden in the bunker though? Security androids? Mutants? Perhaps it's occupied by the descendants of a military unit that went underground when the bombs went off? Could be most anything. It is Rifts after all.
The players are either members of a group of adventurers or a band of mercenaries, which option the group picks should be decided before characters are generated. Adventurers offers a slightly wider range of available character concepts, but I'll be more lenient about gruesomely overpowered characters if the group decides to be mercenaries.
I do not normally use the Palladium Role Playing System if I can avoid it. While it can be made serviceable, I just don't like it. I would be willing to use it though; if only to point out how bad it is. Alternatively, I would be happy to use any point-based generic game in my collection or use my own Rifts-inspired homebrew.