User:Bill/Retrograde d20

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The big idea behind Retrograde is that the characters are generated twice. First as 20th level characters including all of the trappings such as magical items and group affiliations. Then as a first level character. This is intended to do two things; clarify the direction that the character is headed right away, and give the GM a clear indicator of what the characters must encounter to gain the abilities and items that they want. Can the characters deviate from their plan after being exposed to different scenarios? Absolutely. The 20th level character may serve, to a certain degree, as the character's fate but nothing should be written in stone. Likewise there is no script immunity and the character can die.

Special notes:[edit]

The DMG is a bit vague on the subject of learning spells via study for advanced characters. Participants in this game will be able to purchase them as equipment for the same cost as studying them.