User:Bill/Rifts Week by Week/Abraxas Sharin

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Abraxas is an undead slayer seeking to protect his people and battle the vampiric menace that dominates central America. The hubris and villainy of clan Sharin does not tarnish this hero's courage and he hopes to one day redeem his family name.


The tattoo powers and native abilities of the true Atlantean make this a highly versatile characater. His natural MDC and supernatural strength enable him to mix with more powerful creatures and battle vampires.

The broad range of powers and options that the character possesses is also a disadvantage though. Newer players, particularly those with limited role-playing experience may find it difficult to keep track of all of the character's powers and it will be easy to overlook an option that may be particularly useful in one situation or another. The notes for the character's powers are very detailed though and if the player takes the time necessary to review them a few times, he or she should be able to make informed decisions.