User:Bill/Rifts Week by Week/Milosh

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A sturdy looking young man of Polish descent, Milosh "Lucky" Zdeb volunteered for military service because he felt it was the right thing to do. Milosh frequently does what he thinks is right regardless of the consequences, but most of the time it works out for him. In fact, when an entire building collapsed around him during a gargoyle attack; burying the monsters and saving his fellow soldiers, the NGR psi-ops units took an interest. They uncovered dozens of remarkable incidents where Milosh seemed to have narrowly escaped death or otherwise experienced an uncanny twist of fate in his favor. An unknown force seems to guide his actions and protect him. A force that does not register with any of the psychics or magicians that have attempted to probe him.

Due to his unique ability to aid others and his eagerness to contribute to the war effort, Milosh was granted permission to remain with the military. For some reason though, he never quite fit in with any particular unit. Rumors about him inevitably resulted in his commanding officer requesting that he be transferred. Finally, Milosh was made part of the Special Tactical Regiments and shipped to the front lines.


I put this character together last to fill a primarily supportive role. While he lacks any specific healing powers, he is a doctor and therefor able to help SDC characters recover from injury. Additionally, I used the super-power rules from Conversion Book I to grant him superhuman Mental Endurance and Karmic Power. These, combined with the bonuses from the Body Fixer class, make him virtually impervious to mental influence of any sort and grant him substantial bonuses while in the pursuit of "good". Essentially, as long whoever is playing him goes along with the story, the character and to a lesser extent the group is going to get some bonuses for doing so.