User:Bill/Rifts Week by Week/Zosime Sharin

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Zosime [zo-she-ma] has broken with tradition and learned the mystic arts of stone-mastery. Along with 200 other members of the Sharin clan, she has journeyed to Earth hoping to uncover ancient mysteries and battle the forces of evil that occupy the world of her ancestors.


Like all spellcasters in this game, Zosime has abundant options. Fortunately, unlike other spellcasters, the character does not need to choose new powers as she levels up. And the vast majority of powers available to her are dependent upon having a flawless gem-quality stone of one type or another. This should make the character one of the easier introductions to magic in Rifts.

For convenience I have included the number of actions required to use each gem power next to the power's name. This is in addition to the action required to activate the gem.

I have not included on the character sheet exactly what stones the character has in her possession. I recommend allowing the player to select 24,000 credits (two-thirds of the maximum possible starting value) worth of stones, encouraging he or she to choose only two or three.