User:Bill/Scions of Mirth & Madness
The collapse of the Deliberative's infrastructure and the tyranny of the Shogunate made Creation a place with little laughter. Only during festivals and in Calibration did the gods of humor have cause to rejoice. Then the Great Contagion slaughtered nine tenths of the mortal population and most of the gods associated with humor perished with them. Since then new gods have slowly risen in stature to take up the mantles vacated in that dark time.
All is not well for these young gods. Times grow dark and people have less cause to joke. Something must be done or their fate shall be the same as those who came before them. Worse yet, the gods of humor have noticed that Yu Shan is almost entirely devoid of true laughter and the Incarna are especially stony in demeanor. The greatest of the gods seem entirely immersed in their game while the rest of Yu Shan is full of conspiracy and debauchery.
This game will highlight how small creation is to actual gods. It will focus on the political relationships and intrigues of opposing gods, celestial bureaucracy, and the endless quest to expand one's influence that all gods are on.
Player Characters[edit]
The player characters will be a small court of low Essence (●●●○○) gods created per the appendix of Gods & Elementals. Each character must be aligned with one narrow aspect of humor that may not overlap with any other player character to any significant degree. Choose your purview carefully because your motivation will be tied directly to it; gods are their motivations. Officially, in Yu Shan, gods of humor are under the supervision of Luna.
These gods may buy celestial level sorcery or martial arts, though it is discouraged without significant reason related to the pursuit of humor. Custom Artifacts and Charms directly tied to the character's purview will be approved on a case by case basis and may be subject to editorial.
Sample Purviews[edit]
- Hyperbole
- Irony
- Jokes (stories)
- Jokes (practical)
- Puns
- Satire
- Schadenfreude