Verei d'Lyrandar

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Verei d'Lyrandar CN Female Half Elf Swashbuckler 5, Dread Pirate 3

Personality:Verei is usually self righteous and pragmatic. She has a sense of self pride and accomplishment and when she's wronged she often takes the quickest route of vengance. Despite this she is usually helpful toward others and is willing to go out of her way to assist those who looks powerful or accomplished. She is aware of the possibility of betrayal however and she scrutinizes people with less than honorable intent.

Background: Verei grew up in Lyrandar as one of their most accomplished Airship pilots. This all changed when a Sarlonian Embassador ordered her to defeat a storm guardian. Such a feat was impossible as such she wound up with her ship destroyed and her reputation in her house ruined. She was exorated soon after and then she took up the mantle of a pirate.

She knows Cassius from her past and has done some dealings with him. But she has also recently come into connection with Sofia Roberto after a small scandal involveing Mark and a gift he had given to a little boy.

Roleplaying Tips: Verei is self assured and confident in her decisions. She puts a lot of thought into what she does and should be role played as a person who knows what to do and when to do it. If she screws up then she's bound to get mad.

Shadows over Cyre