Vice Admiral Ramirez

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Lawful Evil Half-Elven Male, Lawful Evil Fighter 3/Rogue 3/Dark Lantern 5

Appearance: An elderly half-elf that has favored his human side more than his elvish side as to get silvery hair and a goatee. He speaks with a thick Brelish brogue from living so long amongst them despite still dressing as a Thrane nobleman in most respects. He favors a rapier and is utterly without honor in combat so long as he appears honorable.

Personality: Vice Admiral Ramirez is a commanding, calculating, vicious man that pretends to the finery of a Thranish nobleman. He believes that everything that expands the power base of the Dark Lanterns is good for the nation and that anything that hampers the Brelish Empire is affront against the gods. He envisions a United Galifar but only with the other nations transformed to be more 'Brelish.' His temperment often gets the better of him.

Background: Ramirez D'Lyrander was born in Thrane with the Least Dragonmark of his House. A capable pilot and a tremendously agile military mind, he grew to utterly hate his House with a fury of ten thousand exploding suns. He believed he was denied the glories of the battlefield and rising to the full limits of his capabilities due to his House's neutrality and being born with only a minor mark. In the end, he challenged a Siberys Dragonmark member of the House to the duel and promptly killed him without mercy. It was a mercy when he was driven from the House and he fled to Breland.

Ramirez, eventually, grew bored of his service in the King's Armies but earned a great deal of respect for his cunning acts. Finally, he proposed to the head of the King's Citadel that they should create an organization to counter the efforts of the Queen's Eyes and other Intelligence efforts in the country. Thus, Ramirez became head of the Dark Lanterns. His status as an active field agent was short lived but he set the template and has since directed the covert operations of Breland for the past forty years.

Ramirez has accumulated great power as head of the Dark Lanterns, far more than he could in a more public organization. Though distrusted for his Thranish and Dragonmarked roots, he's quite loyal to Breland. Specifically, he's loyal to his ideal of what Breland should be. Ramirez loathes New Cyre, Darguun, the Dragonmarked Houses, Droam, and the Pro-Democracy movement. While he has no desire to be King, that would expose him to needless scrutiny, he is not particularly loyal to HIM (King Boranal). Ramirez would be very happy to see King Boranal meet an unfortunate accident and one of his more easily manipulatable or trusting relatives take over the Throne of Breland.

Ramirez flies around his personal military Airship, the Hydra rather than owning a mansion of his own...Well, at least he did, until Rupin decided to to quit the Dark Lanterns in a very flashy manner.

Shadows over Cyre