When Being A Daddy's Girl Is Not Enough

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If you thought Kiera was hard to deal with, try being her Dad. Or if you thought her Dad didn't know how to smack her down right neatly, try being Kiera.--Kim.


Kiera's Original Wave from Beylix:


Greetings Zūngōng Fu Qin,

I know that you did not want to hear from me unless I had decided to come home, but I felt that you should know that I am doing well. I wished to reiterate my gratitude for you kind assistance in my time of distress and hope that with time we can reach a better accord and harmony.

I know that you are wondering what prompted this message and you would be amused that I found myself missing your surety of thought and your rock solid sense that your perception of things is unshakably correct. Stubbornness is one of the characteristics that we share in common, something that I find myself being proud that I have inherited from you. Whether or not you respond is acceptable; I realize that I have burned my bridges more than once. I know that you think of me as fahng-tzong fung-kwong duh jeh and I was guilty of thinking of you as a pian zhi de jiu cha yuan, but I am beginning to find myself understanding your point of view you more and more as I adventure here out in the Black.

I would be lying to not say that I have another request of you, but this is one of information, not funds. This request is not the cause of this wave, despite what you may think. I genuinely miss you now that the chance for communication may be forever gone.

If you do not wish to respond or I am gone forever from your heart, Wo shang mei er, mei xin, bian shi tou and bother you no more. I cannot conceive that you have forever forsaken me, but I do realize that I have been a disappointment. I shall accept if you have truly turned your back to me; I will respect your decision and will wish you and Mother wellness and long life.

Xiexie Honored One,
Your Xiao gui

fahng-tzong fung-kwong duh jeh = a knot of self indulgent lunacy"
pian zhi de jiu cha yuan = stubborn disciplinarian
Wo shang mei er, mei xin, bian shi tou =I will close my ears and my heart and I will be stone
xiexie = thank you
xiao gui = little demon


Father's reply:


I don't have time for this tái jiào zi (flattery)

Your mother may fall for that Fei hua (nonsense) but I won't. It was an error in judgment for you to seek me out before her. You should know better.

If you have a proposition of some kind, tell me what you bring to the table and what you want. If your request has merits, I will not hold your past actions against you.



Kiera's reply: ( a bit stung cus' she was trying to make amends)


Ni How JJ,

Nice to know that you are still the gao yang jong duh goo yang (Motherless goat of all motherless goats.) To cut to the chase, I have a friend that was part of a program that produced individuals with particularly unusual talents and an even more particular memory loss. My friend would like to find out if he has any family members left and where they are; all memories of this have been lost or erased in favor of others. I can meet you nearly anywhere to talk; this involves the Sun. Wu du bu juhn fu (person without poison is not a great man) and I ain't got nothing but I'm willing to negotiate with you for this. But you probably knew that I don't have ri shao gou shi bing (descriptive dog poo) to offer. I can give better details in person.

Dohn luh mah? (Do we have an understanding?)


Father's reply: (after letting her stew in her own juices to reconsider her disrespect)

I will be on Sho-Je Downs for three weeks at our lab in the Starry Desert. I will give you clearance to land if you wave ahead. It will be a testament to your negotiation skills, if you can turn this "nothing" into something. Perhaps you can offer the modicum of respect due normally to fathers as a starting bid.

Kiera's reply: (and she a bit worried now)

Sho-Je Downs, Bǎobèi Bàba? (honored father)

Duìbùqǐ. (I'm sorry) I am making jest when you are dealing with great responsibility and have no time for such nonsense from your youngest.

Xièxiè (Thank you)

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