When the King Comes Knocking:Kristoph
A character for When The King Comes Knocking, a Dungeons & Dragons game of Dark Adventure.
Kristoph is a man terrified of his own power, especially of any responsibility for it. As an apprentice sorcerer, he trained under Mistress Tatiana. She was extremely strict, but he trusted her implicitly and did whatever she asked to the best of his ability at all times. He didn't even mind if she whipped him or locked him in a cage, because he knew that she had his best interests at heart. It was her way of showing love.
When she was kidnapped by Torog's minions, he was crushed. Bloody finger-tracks and shattered nails leading out the doorway were the only things he had left for her...except for a signet ring and her screams echoing in his ears: Save Me.
The prospect of deciding what to do on his own was overwhelming to Kristoph - such a thing would have been like attempting to swallow a tidal wave. So, he interpreted her words as an order. If Tatiana had told him to save her, then that is what he would have to do. Every branch in the path or choice that has came before him, he has interpreted her intent and what she would have wanted him to do. He is in a state of desperate denial about his own agency; in his own mind he's still a slave to his Mistress, doing exactly what she told him. No more, no less.
However, the ember of power that he had as her apprentice has burgeoned into sparks and slow flame. The magic within him grows stronger with each exertion against the potent horrors and cruel obstacles of the Underdark. The time will come when he can no longer ignore his own burgeoning might.
Rescue Tatiana, avoid consciously making decisions of his own, return to a psychologically placid life as her slave.
Combat Block[edit]
Human Dragon-Sorcerer 7
HP: 53 Bloodied: 26 Healing Surges: 6 Surge Value: 13
AC: 21 Fort: 18 Reflex: 18 Will: 21
Speed: 6 Initiative: +5 Passive Insight: 13 Passive Perception: 13
Usual Attack Bonus: +9 Usual Damage Bonus: +9
Resist: Poison 5
Ability Scores[edit]
Strength 16 +3/+6
Constitution 11 +0/+3
Dexterity 14 +2/+5
Intelligence 10 +0/+3
Wisdom -1/+2
Charisma 19 +4/+7
Intimidate +12, Arcana +8, Diplomacy +12, Athletics +11, Endurance +11, Thievery +10, Stealth +10
Acrobatics +5, Bluff +7, Dungeoneering +2, Heal +2, History +3, Insight +3, Nature +2, Perception +3, Religion +3, Streetwise +7
Unarmored Agility
Sneak of Shadows: Thievery Training + Sneak Attack 1/encounter
Twilight Adept: Stealth Training + free action Cunning Sneak 1/encounter
Sorcerous Blade Channeling: Sorcerer powers as melee attacks
Focused Expertise: Claw Gauntlet (dagger)
Action Surge: +3 bonus to attacks made due to an Action Point
- Storm Walk
- Burning Spray
- Acid Orb
- Second Wind
- Sudden Scales
- Explosive Pyre
- Flame Spiral
- Thunder Bomb
- Lightning Breath
- Glacial Armor
- Inspiring Fortitude
- Magic Claw Gauntlet +2 (stats as dagger)
- Off-hand Rhythm Claw Gauntlet +2 (stats as dagger)
- Veteran's Cloth Armor +2
- Cape of the Mountebank +1
- Everlasting Provisions
- Lamp of Discerning
Adventurer's Kit, Arcane Signet Ring, Candle (10), Climber's Kit, Crowbar, Everburning Torch, Fine Clothing, Flask (empty), Belt Pouch (empty), Thieves' Tools, Bottle of Wine, Spellshard, Pitons (10), Silk Rope (50 ft.), Glass Cutter
- Kristoph's perception/insight scores reflect the bonus from the lamp of discerning.
- He's using the Spellshard as a fancy, expensive journal. It literally contains his recorded thoughts.
- The Everlasting Provisions takes the form of the platonic ideal of a picnic basket - it takes subconscious imaginings of food from its owner and his allies to create a library of dishes it can produce. For this reason, the food therefrom tends to be somewhat idealized - it generally produces meals that look like they were painted by Norman Rockwell, more or less.
- The arcane signet ring is one that belonged to Tatiana - it came free of her hand (along with her shattered fingernails) when creatures literally drug her screaming from her home. Kristoph wears it on a tough leather thong around his neck, so that he can return it to her when he finds her.