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  • Warrior: 2
  • (500) / (1000)
  • Hits: (2/2)
  • Combat Pool: (2+1(having both Agile and Powerful, it almost doesn't matter what Wicoca does))
  • AC 6 with a shield, 5 without
  • Modifiers: (+1 from Agile to AC and ranged attacks, initiative, parry and dodge, as well as abilities or saving throws involving speed, manual dexterity, athleticism)

(+1 from Powerful to Attack rolls with melee weapons, Damage rolls with melee or thrown weapons, and Saving throws using brute strength)

  • Morale: (+0)
  • Reaction: (+0/-2 depending on whether the NPC qualifies as upright citizen)
  • Initiative: (+1)
  • Movement: (16)


  • Gifts & Curses: (Give their names and a brief description of what they do in the blanks below.)
    • Cad (The character has low moral fiber and ungentlemanly conduct. Any time he is presented with an opportunity to misbehave (a free night in a new city, for example), or in a social situation where proper behavior is expected, he must make a standard saving throw (modified by gifts or abilities relevant to self control, which are currently... none, or -1 for Coward) or pursue a debauched plan or embarrass himself. -2 to reaction rolls from upright citizens who are aware of the character’s leanings).
    • Coward. Simply -1 to morale.
    • Patron, set in Guar (as per post 156 and the following from the OOC thread).
  • Abilities: (Same as for G&C)
    • Agile. Increase Armor Class by 1. +1 bonus to missile attacks (including thrown weapons), parry and dodge attempts, initiative, and ability or saving rolls involving manual dexterity, speed or athleticism.
    • Survival: The character is skilled at hunting, foraging, finding water and shelter, orienteering in natural environments, recognizing natural animals and their properties, and other skills of woodcraft.
    • Powerful (The character is heavily muscled. Increase Damage bonus by 1 for melee and thrown

attacks. +1 bonus to melee attacks and any ability or saving roll involving brute strength).


  • Armour: (Enter information and stats on armor and shield in the space below)
    • Leather armour AC4 red 0 pen-4 painted green
    • Shield AC+1, red 0, pen 0 painted brownish-red, with green diagonal stripes
  • Weaponry: (Same)
    • Flail skirmish+0, damage+1, attack in duel +1, parry N/A reach 0
    • Dagger skirmish-1, damage-1, attack in duel +0, parry -1 Reach -1
    • Longbow skirmish+1, damage+0, attack in duel +1, reach 40
    • Shield skirmish N/A, damage-2, attack in duel -1, parry +1, reach -1
  • Gear: (All other relevant items of equipment. I recommend listing more than one item per line, for reasons of space.)
    • bottle of spirits
    • backpack
    • flint and tinder
    • hunting horn
    • waterskin
    • 6 torches
    • pouch
    • 6 spikes
    • 10 meters of rope
    • hard tack (3 days)
    • a kestrel named Rasho
    • Map
    • Mule
    • Bounty notice
    • swamp-gorse
    • peat-mushrooms
  • Treasure
    • Marks:
    • Crowns:
    • Shillings: 1
    • Pennies: 9, 6
    • Farthings:
    • Gems, Jewelry, and so forth: In His Dreams.
  • Bio
    • Normal: Wicoca, forest warrior, has been raised in fear of the Forborne Host. He had enough of trying to appease this merciless deity, and so abandoned his village, built in a place where the Host's influence was too strong, to look for fame and power in the city. But he's still looking over his shoulder for the Host. Maybe one day he'd stop doing that. Then again, maybe he'd learn some manners one day. Both seem to be possible, but distant events, though.
    • haiku:

A cad and coward,
Wicoca outran Host.
Money's in da city.

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