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SRD 3.5 content is easy to add, so long as a few simple rules are remembered.

  • If you are adding a character, follow the rules for adding new characters here.
  • If the content exists in the 3.5 SRD already: please do not re-post the content here. Simply link to the existing content. Many good heavily hyperlinked SRD's exist on the Internet, including the Hypertex SRD.
  • If the content is a minor variation of existing SRD content, link to the existing content, and explain the variations on the wiki.
  • If the article refers to fan based material please link to it without re-posting, just as you would for SRD content. A good example of this is a character that uses content from the Netbook of Feats.
  • If a situation arises which is not covered, feel free to ask on the relivant talk-pages for assistance.