Xanjeen the Harrappan

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A minor Son to the great trading clan of the Urphahara, Xanjeen was fascinated by the stories of the West and it’s great warrior god who came to the very borders of Harrappan lands and laid the western border of his empire against their own.

This was a golden age, which every generation has bemoaned the loss of over the centuries since the great Xandria died and went to become a god above. The aged grandees of the house filled every childs ear with the stories of the old days, but in Xanjeen, they stuck. Stories of golden warriors and flying gryphons, gods walking the earth and massive battles, loves lost. Xanjeen remembered them all.

Even as he grew up a respectable gentleson of a higher caste patron clan,learning the finer arts of speech and negotiation, health in body and mind, reading and writing and an understanding of the greater world, his heart longed to make real his dreams, go beyond the life of a scholar-princeling or a trader- physician - all perfectly good callings in the eyes of his wealthy house.

Finally, after long study and planning, he was mentored by an uncle going on trade missions to look for rare western spices. In the two year trip, he learned many things of the West, but saw no sign of the golden empire of the stories - Smaller, meaner fragments of it, perhaps, but nothing that could satisfy his childhood longings.

Until they heard the stories of the island, while passing through Promare, their main port of call in the region. A harper sang it, a story of where the great hero retired when his empire was gone to warring children and plotting kin. He saved an island people from monsters and retired there to die…after a quiet life as a farmer…or so the stories say.

Xanjeen never liked his uncle anyway and any suggestion they visit this Griffin Isle was met with derision. They were traders, not speculators… So Xanjeen skipped port, on the first ship bound for the Isle of Griffons, to pursue his dreams. And maybe, make a little fortune on the way. He bought everything he could think of, and set off exploring...

Gender:Male. Height 5’6” Weight 155lbs. Age 24. Dark olive brown skin, black wavy hair. Large brown eyes, prominent nose and cheeks. Smiles a lot. Solidly built despite small size. Very white teeth. Quotes. “ Your sword is very fine, yes and it looks a pretty penny, but think how your wife will feel when she see’s these silks…” Personality: Genuinely likes to make people happy, and that comes through in his personality. As honest as he can be, and quite superstitious in his own way. Seems naïve at times, due to cultural differences and age [ he is not considered a full adult in his own culture yet.]

Character Details[edit]

  • Name: Xanjeen the Harrappan
  • Race: Human
  • Social Condition: Well to Do
  • Sex: Male


Str: 14, Con: 12, Siz: 11, Int: 14, Pow: 10, Dex: 13:, Cha: 15.

  • Hit Points: 14
  • Total Fatigue Points: 26
  • Total Magic Points: 12
  • Damage Bonus: +1D4
  • Experience Bonus: +7%
  • Current Fatigue: 26 - 8.5/13.5 = 17/12
  • Current Magic Points: 10 - 0 = 10

Skill Groups[edit]

  • Communication: +7
    • Bargain (5%): 52%
    • Command (5%):-
    • Etiquette (5%): 32%
    • Fast Talk (5%):-
    • Perform (5%):-
    • Persuade (15%): 37%
    • Status (15%):-
    • Teach (10%):-
    • Language [Eastern] (INTx5%): 82%
    • Language [Trade] (INTx3%): 52%
    • Language [Promarian]: 32%
  • Manipulation: +7
    • Art [Sketch] (5%):-
    • Craft [] (5%):-
    • Fine Manipulation (5%):-
    • Repair [] (15%):-
    • Sleight of Hand (5%):-
  • Mental: +4
    • Appraise (15%):-
    • First Aid (30%): 54%
    • Gaming (INT+POW):-
    • Strategy (01%):-
    • Knowledge (Herblore/plants): 45%
    • Knowledge (Natural World): 35%
    • Knowledge (Xandrian Legends): 14%
    • Knowledge (Medicine): 54%
    • Read Persaic [the eastern script]: 29%
    • Read Hellatin [the local script]: 14%
  • Perception: +5
    • Insight (5%):-
    • Listen (25%): 40%
    • Navigate (10%):-
    • Sense (10%):-
    • Spot (25%): 75%
    • Track (10%):-

  • Physical: +5
    • Climb (40%): 70%
    • Dodge (DEXx02%): 51%
    • Hide (10%):-
    • Jump (25%):-
    • Ride (5%): 15%
    • Stealth (10%):-
    • Swim (25%):-
    • Throw (25%):-

Hit Points and Armour[edit]

Location Name Armour types A.P. H.P. Enc. Melee Missile
Head Leather/Leather+Cuirbouilli 1/4 4 0.35/0.85 19-20 20
Left Arm Leather/Leather+Cuirbouilli 1/4 3 0.35/0.85 16-18 18-19
Right Arm Leather/Leather+Cuirbouilli 1/4 3 0.35/0.85 13-15 16-17
Chest Leather/Leather+Cuirbouilli 1/4 5 0.7/1.7 12 11-15
Abdomen Leather/Leather+Cuirbouilli 1/4 4 0.35/0.85 09-11 07-10
Left Leg Leather/Leather+Cuirbouilli 1/4 4 0.7/1.7 05-08 04-06
Right Leg Leather/Leather+Cuirbouilli 1/4 4 0.7/1.7 01-04 01-03
  • Total Hit Points: 12 HP
  • Total Armor ENC: 3.5/8.5

Weapons and Shields[edit]

  • Attack Bonus: +7%
  • Parry Bonus: +5%
Weapon/Shield Name Damage S.R. A.P. Attack % Parry % Range Enc.
1-h spear 44% 42%
kukri 1d4+1d4 3 15 44% 42% 0.5
Shield 1d2+1d4 3 15 44% 42% 3.0
Composite Bow 1d8+1+1d2 - 12 74% 10% 120 0.5 + 1.0
Brawl 1d3+1d4 3 arm 32% 29% 0 0
Grapple Special 3 special 32% 29% 0 0
  • Total Weapon ENC: 5.0


  • Name: Sturdy
  • Breed: Mule

Str: 29, Con: 13, Siz: 26, Int: 4, Pow: 10, Dex: 11.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +2d6
  • Move Rate: 12
Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head None 7 1 None 17-20
Left Foreleg None 6 1 None 14-16
Right foreleg None 6 1 None 11-13
Forequarters None 8 1 None 08-10
Hindquarters None 8 1 None 05-07
Left Hindleg None 6 1 None 03-04
Right Hindleg None 6 1 None 01-02
  • Total Hit Points: 20HP
  • Attack Bonus: +8%
Attack Damage S.R. Attack %
Bite 1d3+2d3 3 33%
Kick 1d8+2d6 3 33%
Rear and plunge 2d8+2d6 3 33%
Trample 2d6+2d6 3 33%
  • Name: Less Sturdy
  • Breed: Mule

Str: 29, Con: 13, Siz: 26, Int: 4, Pow: 10, Dex: 11.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +2d6
  • Move Rate: 12
Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head None 7 1 None 17-20
Left Foreleg None 6 1 None 14-16
Right foreleg None 6 1 None 11-13
Forequarters None 8 1 None 08-10
Hindquarters None 8 1 None 05-07
Left Hindleg None 6 1 None 03-04
Right Hindleg None 6 1 None 01-02
  • Total Hit Points: 20HP
  • Attack Bonus: +8%
Attack Damage S.R. Attack %
Bite 1d3+2d3 3 33%
Kick 1d8+2d6 3 33%
Rear and plunge 2d8+2d6 3 33%
Trample 2d6+2d6 3 33%


  • Weapons:
    • Listed above. + speak and 3 javelins on the mule.
  • Armour:
    • Listed above.
  • Other: (on mules)
    • Ceremonial kukri
    • Journals, [2] and a writing case with inks, quill, etc.
    • Doctors bag, surgery tools.
    • Herbal storage case, gathering satchel.
    • Large saddlebags, 2 sets.
    • One decent set of clothes from home [full regalia of his station].
    • A small selection of trinkets, bought to trade with locals from what little he knew of the place.


    • 110 ounces of silver.

Companion: Naimless the Local Lad

- Main Page; Griffin Island