Zash Trignot

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Name of character[edit]


  • Calling: Sage
  • Rank 2 (XP 7/12)
  • Species: Human (Native)
  • Homeland: Wistful Dark
  • History: Blight Raider
  • Languages: Low Speech, High Akenian


My history grants me a Minor Bonus (+2) on...

  • swift and ruthless action
  • getting out of tricky situations
  • taking what isn't yours


  • Might 6 (Base 6)
  • Deftness 8 (Base 8)
  • Grit 8 (Base 8)
  • Insight 11 (Base 11)
  • Aura 8 (Base 8)


  • Soul Link - You are able to connect your heart and mind with another. However, when not linked to another, your supernatural empathy crowds your mind with a cacophony of ambient emotions.
    • You may choose a single, willing person to Link with.
    • You must be close enough to touch someone in order to establish a Link with them.
    • Once linked, you can share thoughts and feelings with each other no matter how much distance comes between you.
    • You may terminate, or switch, who you are Linked to at any time.
    • When not Linked to another, all Checks and Contest rolls suffer a Minor Penalty (-2). Your receptive mind is distracted by the stream of others' thoughts.


Grand Grimoire: Knowledge is your passion. Your Grimoire, a strange tome that’s always at hand, is filled to the brim with notes of your discoveries and experiences.

  • Your Grand Grimoire is a large, personalized book that is always in your hands when needed, but nowhere to be found when you have no use for it.
  • Only you can write in the Grimoire, but it is quite capable of filling its own pages! It can magically sketch pictures of things you stare at for a few minutes and record messages you speak into its pages.
  • If you fail an Insight Check when attempting to recall a piece of information, you may consult your Grimoire for clues. Stuffed full of factual titbits, the tome will allow the GM to reveal a hint to where the elusive piece of information can be found.
  • If you die, your Grimoire manifests permanently. The tomes of great Sages are extremely valuable!

Sage's Staff: Staves are an iconic part of any Sage’s inventory. Your elegant wand, or gnarled walking stick, carries your personal sigil and is the primary conduit for your magic.

  • Spell Push: With a dramatic gesture and a shout, you can use your staff to magically shove things about.
    • The Push can affect things up to 15 ft away.
    • The Push exerts the same amount of force as an adult human.
    • The Push is always executed with full power and can not be used with any delicacy.
    • If the Push is used in a Check or Contest, the spell’s Might is the same as your Insight. This might include attempting to shove against a monster, or moving a heavy stone.
    • If the Push is used as an Attack, it is treated as an Unarmed strike, and can strike at a target up to 1 Battlefield Area away.
  • Magelight: Your Staff can glow with a radiance equivalent to a Torch (´ p175).
    • This light can be turned on and off by lightly tapping the staff.
    • The light remains in effect as long as you are holding your staff and are conscious.
  • Long, heavy staves can be used as a Standard Weapon. Shorter wands double as Concealed Weapons.
  • While you may only have one Staff at any time, creating a new one is as simple as carving your personal sigil on to your chosen piece.

Prestidigitonium: One of the earliest tricks you learned was how to animate objects using the mana left behind by another living creature’s touch. With this you can breathe wondrous life into simple tools and children’s toys.

  • With some singing, or gentle coaxing, you can attempt to make a single object spring to life and perform the function it was originally designed for.
  • An object needs to have been used within the last 3 months to retain the residual mana required for the spell.
  • Requires an Insight Check
  • Success: Your chosen object begins to move. A door knob will rotate and the door click open, a toy soldier will march, and a Physician’s Kit will perform surgery.
    • The object will perform long enough to complete a single task, then the mana is expended.
    • If a Check or Contest is required, your Insight is used.
    • A Melee Weapon may be animated for a single Attack. The strike uses your Attack Bonus.
    • A Shield can float and Parry a single Attack on you, or a nearby ally, before falling to the ground.
    • A Missile Weapon can fire a single shot, if ammunition is available.
    • Successful or not, once an object has been targeted by Prestidigitonium the ambient mana is disrupted and the Ability won’t work on it again unless…
    • The object is used again, although it takes 24 hours for the required mana to settle.

Murky Mask (Prodigy): By coating yourself with malleable mana, you can mould your features into an incredibly convincing disguise.

  • You can moderately alter your build, coloring, face and height, but cannot exactly mimic another.
  • Drastic changes in mass are not possible. You can transform into a Species of a similar size to you. For example, a human could imitate an Elf or Tenebrate, but not a tiny Chib or bulky Promethean.
  • Your Mask lasts for an hour, unless:
    • You are caught lying.
    • You lose a Heart, suffer an Injury, or are affected by some other harmful effect.
    • You ‘will’ the Mask away.
  • After use, you must wait an hour before using the Mask again.
  • Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.

Eldritch Explosives (Rank 2): Nothing clears a room like a mana kaboom! You make magical explosives. Rank 1

  • Once per Fight, you can conjure a Mana Grenade, a non-lethal weapon designed to subdue
    • Mana Grenades work like regular grenades (`p178) except...
    • They do Twilight Magic Damage (`p259)
    • Targets reduced to 0 Hearts, or less, are knocked unconscious (or fall inert if they are Mechanoids or Undead) for an hour.
  • Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.

Social Bonds & Reputations[edit]

Allegiance: neutral Gifts:


  • Hearts: 2
    • Base 2
    • Injuries: Severe
  • Defense Rating: 12 (Base 10)
  • Speed Rating: Average

Attack Bonus:

  • Antler wand, Attack +0, Concealed, bonuses: none, extra damage: +1 (22), abilities: Ambush
  • Spell Push, Attack +0, Unarmed, bonuses: none, extra damage: none, abilities: none


Retrieving items takes 2 Actions from a Backpack and 1 Action from a Traveler's Bag

Worn Outfit: voluminous robes

Inventory Slots: 6/15 (backpack: +5 slots)

  • Light Armor (bandit leathers) (2 slots)
  • Rebreather (raider's maw)
  • Functional outfit (voluminous robes) (2 slots)
  • Backpack
    • Crowbar



  • Stones:
  • Coins: 33
  • Gems: