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Lawful Good Daelkyr Half Blood Ardent 10, Justicar 3

Appearance: If you were to think of the worst possible face to give a knight in shining armor then you need to look no further than here. Zeriss is, by all accounts, disturbing to look at. He has a sharp angular face that gives off great contrast of light and shadows when light is exposed to it. But this is nowhere NEAR as creepy as his eyes. Two round eyes with no pupils and an acidic green iris up against a sheet of white. Some say if you look into those eyes too much you might be driven mad.

Personality: Zeriss is, by all accounts, insane. He cannot be trusted, he cannot be understood and he CERTAINLY cannot hold a longstanding relationship with anyone. He acts and talks with a dignified, almost refined voice at one moment but constantly shifts to darker and more menacing tones when he feels like it. Fact even having a discussion with the man just gets creepy after a while the more you discover about him. Here are some notable quotes.

"LET THERE BE LIGHT! And in the shadows of that light... let there be death."

"He was a good singer. He held that note for a good ten seconds! Right until he hit the ground..."

"READ MY LIPS! *pulls out a sock puppet and does ventriloquism* YOU'RE FUCKING DEAF!"

"*holds up two fingers* 'How many fingers am I holding up!?...' 'Two?'

  • whacks him over the head* 'Now how many?'"

Talents: Zeriss proffers to use the call weaponry power to catch opponents off guard when he comes in empty handed. Still his multiple psychic talents can't be underestimated and he's, by far, one of the most powerful Ardents in all of Khorvaire.

Background: No one knows who or where he comes from but what is known is that he is a MURDERER and HERETIC of the highest order in the Church of the Silver flame. If brought in his head could fetch quite a few gold, which would make him hunted quite a lot... if most weren't too afraid to go near him. Zeriss has always eluded capture and has been known to kill his pursuers. The ironic thing is that Zeriss is, by all accounts, a genuinely good person at heart and wants to see the world redeemed for it's sins.

Powers: Zeriss's levels in Ardent grant him the ability to call any weapons (via: Call Weaponry) right to his hand and this is his proffered method of fighting. Moving in unarmed and then creating a sword from nothing to fight with. His powers as a Justicar reflect his multiple Paladin multiclass feats as well as the Paladin Paragon path he has leveled up in.

Goals: The wicked are killed and the good shall live. I don't care how many lives I must end or how damned my soul becomes but all I know is that I have been chosen for a reason. And that reason is to see that justice is done.

Wrath of the Lich Queen