Orichalcum Handbasket:Main Page: Difference between revisions

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Alydra (talk | contribs)
Dramatis Personae: Added Vines
(24 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
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'''Circle of the Radiant Insurrection'''
'''Circle of the Radiant Insurrection'''

-[[Sirokos]], Sweltering Desert Tempest of the Rampant Corundum Drake, Age 19, Dawn Caste
*[[Sirokos]], Sweltering Desert Tempest of the Rampant Corundum Drake, Age 19, Dawn Caste
*[[Feyth]], Age 29, Eclipse Caste
*[[Duricorre]], Reverberations of the Scale's Imbalance, Age 30, Twilight Caste
*[[Arisa]], Wind Moves the Mountain, Age 17, Zenith Caste

-[[Feyth]], Age 29, Eclipse Caste
''And their Buddy Lunar:''

-[[Ebon Hand of the Dragon]], Age 20, Night Caste
*[[Vines]], aka Breaking Stone, No Moon Lunar Exalt

-[[Duricorre]], Age 30, Twilight Caste
'''Princes of the Earth'''

-[[Arisa]], Wind Moves the Mountain, Age 17, Zenith Caste
*[[Admiral Sand]], Eclipse Caste
*[[On His Tear Stained Path the Rivers of Men and Dragons Spill Their Lamentation]], Abyssal Exalt
*[[Venomous Iron Sleet of the Ill Wind]], Death Knight
*[[Shatterer of the Ways]], Moonshadow Abyssal Exalt, Death Knight of the First and Forsaken Lion
*[[Son of Crows]], Moonshadow Abyssal Exalt
*[[Ebon Hand of the Dragon]], Night Caste Solar Exalt, and her familiar [[Wind over the Slaughtering Fields]].

'''Princes of the Earth'''
'''The Hosts of Heaven'''

'''The Hosts of Heaven'''
*[[Granias]], Lady of the Lap Lands, Reaper of Harvests.
*[[Madame Marthesine of the Lost]], Goddess of Lost Things.

'''Ghosts of the Past'''
'''Ghosts of the Past'''

- [[Mordant Custodian of the Unbalanced Scale of Justice]], Soulsteel Alchemical Exalt, Gunsmith, and Firearms instructor
*[[Mordant Custodian of the Unbalanced Scale of Justice]], Soulsteel Alchemical Exalt, Gunsmith, and Firearms instructor
*[[Erosion's Omniscient Touch]], Solar Exalt, Scholar and Herald of the Future.
- [[Lady Hecubus]], Waning Moon Lunar Exalt, Consort of The Corundum Drake Rampant In The Sun's Ruddy Dawn
*[[Lady Hecubus]], Waning Moon Lunar Exalt, Consort of The Corundum Drake Rampant In The Sun's Ruddy Dawn
*[[The First and Forsaken Lion]]
*[[Terrible Bloody Rose]], Solar Exalt, Ruler of The Domain of Stately Order

'''Various and Sundry Characters'''
'''Various and Sundry Characters'''

- [[The Mountain That Devours]], the steed of Arisa
*[[The Mountain That Devours]], the steed of Arisa
*[[Knopsen Dhul'tek]], elder Dragon King
- [[Knopsen Dhul'tek]], elder Dragon King

== Location, Location, Location ==
== Location, Location, Location ==
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'''Places of Interest'''
'''Places of Interest'''
*[[The Penitent]]
*[[The Penitent]]
*[[The Lap]]
*[[The Steel Tower]]

'''Manses, Demesnes, and Freeholds'''
'''Manses, Demesnes, and Freeholds'''
*[[The Dream of the Sun-Baked Young]]
*[[The Dream of the Sun-Baked Young]]
*[[The Nonexistant]], Feyth's Manse

== Items of Power ==
== Items of Power ==
- [[The Incandescent Arbiters as They Sit Upon an Earthen Throne]]
*[[The Incandescent Arbiters as They Sit Upon an Earthen Throne]]
*[[The Scepter and Orb of Peace and Order]]

== Codex of the Sun-touched Realms ==
== Codex of the Sun-touched Realms ==
*[[Chapter One: A Circle from Many Parts]]
*[[Chapter One: A Circle from Many Parts]]
*[[Chapter Two: A Journey into Penitence]]
*[[Chapter Two: A Journey into Penitence]]
*[[Chapter Three: Assault on the Tower]]
*[[Chapter Four: Shadowland Investigation]]

== Battles! ==
== Battles! ==

[[Battle of the Bulge]]
*[[Battle of the Bulge]]
*[[The Battle of You and What Army?]]
[[The Battle of You and What Army?]]
*[[Corundum Conundrum]]
*[[Sidereals? In MY Lap? It's more likely than you think]]
*[[Dual Surprises]]

== Rules of the Game ==
== Rules of the Game ==

[[Lethality Houserules]]
*[[Lethality Houserules]]
*[[Combo Houserules]]
[[Combo Houserules]]

== Scrolls from the Athenaeum of Outer Worlds==
== Scrolls from the Athenaeum of Outer Worlds==

[[Salient Proclamations]]
*[[Salient Proclamations]]
*[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=500468 Solar Hero Style Martial Arts]
*[http://hd42.de/images/exalted/Creation_Map_v7.1a.jpg Map of Creation]

[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=500468 Solar Hero Style Martial Arts]
== Rumors and Hearsay ==

[http://hd42.de/images/exalted/Creation_Map_v7.1a.jpg Map of Creation]
*[[Journal of a Trader]]

Latest revision as of 00:25, 21 August 2010

This is the main page for the Exalted 2e game entitled Orichalcum Handbasket because, well, these Solars are all going to Hell.

Dramatis Personae[edit]

Circle of the Radiant Insurrection

  • Sirokos, Sweltering Desert Tempest of the Rampant Corundum Drake, Age 19, Dawn Caste
  • Feyth, Age 29, Eclipse Caste
  • Duricorre, Reverberations of the Scale's Imbalance, Age 30, Twilight Caste
  • Arisa, Wind Moves the Mountain, Age 17, Zenith Caste

And their Buddy Lunar:

  • Vines, aka Breaking Stone, No Moon Lunar Exalt

Princes of the Earth

The Hosts of Heaven

Ghosts of the Past

Various and Sundry Characters

Location, Location, Location[edit]

Places of Interest

Manses, Demesnes, and Freeholds

Items of Power[edit]

Codex of the Sun-touched Realms[edit]


Rules of the Game[edit]

Scrolls from the Athenaeum of Outer Worlds[edit]

Rumors and Hearsay[edit]