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* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Megan "BlackRoseWhisper" Webster|Megan]]: (Professional) Yumi respects Megan for her skills with the dual 1911s, similar in many ways to those of Sylvia herself. The two of them have fought together on several occasions, and often talk shop when they are at the Church of Violence, Yumi to see Sylvia and Megan to see Sister Magdalena.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Megan "BlackRoseWhisper" Webster|Megan]]: (Friendly) Yumi respects Megan for her skills with the dual 1911s, similar in many ways to those of Sylvia herself. The two of them have fought together on several occasions, and often talk shop when they are at the Church of Violence, Yumi to see Sylvia and Megan to see Sister Magdalena. Yumi owes Megan a great deal for being one of the two mahou shoujo who brought her sister back to her.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur: Riri|Riri]]: (Friendly) Riri saved Yumi's life when she was caught in an ambush by three mahou shoujo working for one of Chang's rivals in Hong Kong, and the two have worked together on several occasions since fighting demons and those they possess. She's by far the youngest of Yumi's associates, and is quite self-reliant for her age, but Yumi still feels a sense of responsibility for her and seeks to help keep her out of trouble when she's around.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur: Riri|Riri]]: (Friendly) Riri saved Yumi's life when she was caught in an ambush by three mahou shoujo working for one of Chang's rivals in Hong Kong, and the two have worked together on several occasions since fighting demons and those they possess. She's by far the youngest of Yumi's associates, and is quite self-reliant for her age, but Yumi still feels a sense of responsibility for her and seeks to help keep her out of trouble when she's around.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Noriko Netsuke|Noriko]]: (Professional) Yumi met Noriko during the battle with Zhao Jun, Huy Tran and their men. The two of them have a common friend in Riri, though Yumi mainly knows Noriko as the girl who set some fires around Roanapur and led the police on a merry chase, as well as the one who stole Yumi's kill of Zhao Jun. She's not one to hold that against her though -- a dead demon's a dead demon.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Noriko Netsuke|Noriko]]: (Professional) Yumi met Noriko during the battle with Zhao Jun, Huy Tran and their men. The two of them have a common friend in Riri, though Yumi mainly knows Noriko as the girl who set some fires around Roanapur and led the police on a merry chase, as well as the one who stole Yumi's kill of Zhao Jun. She's not one to hold that against her though -- a dead demon's a dead demon.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Wang Xiahe|Xiahe]]: (Professional, reciprocated) Yumi and Xiahe are business partners when it comes to demonslaying. Yumi doesn't exactly trust her due to her background in the intelligence community, though she has given her good intel on demons in the past. Yumi prefers to meet face to face with Xiahe when they have to communicate with each other due to Xiahe being deaf, and Yumi has learned enough sign language to make herself understood when lip-reading isn't enough.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Wang Xiahe|Xiahe]]: (Professional, reciprocated) Yumi and Xiahe are business partners when it comes to demonslaying. Yumi doesn't exactly trust her due to her background in the intelligence community, though she has given her good intel on demons in the past. Yumi prefers to meet face to face with Xiahe when they have to communicate with each other due to Xiahe being deaf, and Yumi has learned enough sign language to make herself understood when lip-reading isn't enough.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Shizuka Otomitsu/"Shizuka the Moonlight Blade"|Shizuka]]: (Friendly, reciprocated) Despite their differences in class, Yumi helped Shizuka get accustomed to life in Roanapur, much like Sylvia did for her when she was first starting out following Yuri's death. Though her primary prey are demons and those that summon them, she's agreed to help Shizuka track down the assassin that got away -- she knows all too well what it feels like to lose someone you love.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Shizuka Otomitsu/"Shizuka the Moonlight Blade"|Shizuka]]: (Friendly, reciprocated) Despite their differences in class, Yumi helped Shizuka get accustomed to life in Roanapur, much like Sylvia did for her when she was first starting out following what happened to Yuri. Though her primary prey are demons and those that summon them, she's agreed to help Shizuka track down the assassin that got away -- she knows all too well what it feels like to lose someone you love.
==Character Songs==
==Character Songs==

Revision as of 20:21, 3 August 2014

Yumi is a character in Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur, played by rbingham2000

Yumi Suenami (末浪由実) / Demon Hunter Yumi

"O soul of mine, under shadow's sway...
Let every demon become my prey...
Let vengeance tear my chains asunder...
Let the hunted...become the hunter!
Dark Transfiguration...COMMENCE!"

Yumi, out of costume

Yumi, in costume

Defining Moment: Yumi was visited by Kanzoutsukamu soon after her older sister, Yuri, was eaten alive by a demon on their first day on spring break in Roanapur while poor Yumi was forced to watch. She doesn't know who summoned the thing or why, and the cops, being the corrupt, bribe-taking lot they are, aren't giving her any answers. Granted with powers that enable her to take on the demons on their level, she has hired out as a demon hunter to the syndicates of Roanapur. Her ultimate goal is to take vengeance upon the demon that killed her sister and the summoners that loosed it upon the city.

Badass Type: Kickass (+2 bonus to all Physical rolls)


  • You Are Awesome, And You Should Feel Awesome -- Though her main talent is kicking ass, Yumi can bust out a fiery speech with the best of them. By spending 1 BP during a pre-battle scene, she can give every Badass present and allied with her 1 extra BP.
  • That All You Got? -- Though she prefers to keep at range, Yumi can take a hit like nobody's business. She can spend 3 BP to negate all damage taken in a single instance.
  • Dark Angel Nemesis -- In times of great need, Yumi can burn 2 BP to unleash her Trigger Form, a second form that supercharges her offensive ability, but places her body in a great deal of strain. When in Dark Angel Nemesis mode, Yumi gains a +2 bonus to her attack rolls (giving her essentially a +6 total bonus!), but at the cost of losing 1 BP for every round the form is active until she either chooses to end it or loses all her BP. She can only unleash her Trigger once per general fight. When in Dark Angel Nemesis form, Yumi's hair goes crimson red, her skin turns as white as snow, her eyes turn a bright gold, her shadowy leather armor turns into a set of shiny black metallic armor similar to the Ebony Armor from Skyrim, and she gains a pair of blackened wings that she can use to fly, attack and defend.
  • Martial Artist -- While her skills in gunplay and archery are top-notch, Yumi's history as a vicious brawler is not to be taken lightly. She can and has killed people with little more than her bare hands, but when she engages the Reaper Form of Dextera Ultionis, it's best to be somewhere else! Yumi can spend 1 BP to make a melee attack do 1 BP worth of damage for every 2 points over the defender rather than every 4.


Mahou Shoujo Form:

  • Dextera Ultionis, the Right Hand of Vengeance (+2 Weapon) - Yumi's primary weapon, which can be conjured at will any time she is in mahou shoujo form. It can take on three major forms depending on Yumi's needs:
    • Striker Form - This is Dextera's default form, a magical crossbow that is black with gold and red accents. It can be fired as fast as a semiautomatic weapon, is typically used at short to medium range, and never runs out of ammo because the glowing purple bolts it fires are conjured magically. When BP is spent for attack, Yumi unleashes both charged attacks and shaped attacks that devastate her opposition. When Dextera is in Striker Form, Yumi also has the ability to conjure a shadow-copy of the weapon in her other hand for dual-wielding purposes. Yumi typically uses this form against non-magical or possessed foes, as well as a warmup against demons and mahou and maou shoujo.
    • Arbalest Form - A larger version of Striker Form, used to deliver powerful long-range attacks, but with less speed than Striker Form due to the size of the weapon in this mode. It is also the form Yumi prefers when using her powerful Incantation attacks, including Shadowfire Inferno, Darklight Fusillade, and the joint attack Luminous Shadow Breaker with Shizuka.
    • Reaper Form - This form converts Dextera Ultionis from its usual crossbow modes into a wicked-looking crimson-bladed scythe that is primarily used to slash people and demons alike to ribbons. When in this form, Dextera is capable of unleashing devastating melee and short-ranged attacks, including the infamous True Devil's Reaper, which was used to destroy Yumi's first Awakened Demon, Shub-Niggurath.
  • Shadow Armor and Blood Red Scarf (+1 Armor) - This is a set of shadowy leather armor with a crimson scarf that goes down to just below Yumi's beltline. Sometimes she wears a hood on her head, but other times, her hair flies free.

Normal Form:

  • Sig-Sauer P-228 - Yumi's primary sidearm in normal form, which has a 13-round mag. Yumi usually uses hollow-point bullets for their stopping power against unarmored targets.
  • Leather Jacket - One of Yumi's first purchases in Roanapur, its tough hide makes for decent protection in a knife-fight, but doesn't do much against bullets.


Yumi's parents died in a car crash when she was ten and her sister Yuri was twelve. The two spent the next six years of their lives in foster care, the first two years at an orphanage and then with a drunken asshole of a foster father, the latter time a period that Yumi would later call Jigoku no Yotose -- the "Four Years of Hell". While Yuri was quite responsible for her age due to having to take care of Yumi, Yumi was the troublemaker, who, while she was a superb athlete, would always be getting into trouble with the school for frequent fights with others. When Yuri graduated from high school, she moved out and took Yumi with her to live on their own until Yumi finished high school, with Yuri taking a part-time job at the local grocery to provide for the both of them. Yuri went to Kanokon University to study medicine, and joined the Kanokon chapter of Delta Kappa Phi during her first year. It was during Spring Break of 1989 that the head of the sorority, Hitomi Nishimura, got the idea that the sorority would go to Roanapur, a city on an island off the coast of Thailand, well known for being one of the wickedest cities on earth, thinking that it would be a good place to get drunk, get laid and party down, to "take a walk on the wild side." If Hitomi had thought just a little bit more, she would have realized that the city was not a very good tourist attraction.

When Yumi found out that her sister was going to Roanapur, she was flat-out against the idea of Yuri going. Rumors in Japan had named Roanapur as a haven for all kinds of criminal activity -- Mafia, Organizatsiya, Triads, South American drug cartels; you name it, it's there in some form or another -- and Yumi did not want Yuri to get hurt or worse out there. Unfortunately, Yuri had a sense of responsibility for everyone in the sorority, and did not want Hitomi to do something stupid that would get everyone in the sorority in trouble or even worse. When it became apparent that Yuri was going like it or not, Yumi insisted on going with her -- she knew the city was dangerous as hell, and if Yuri had to go, she was sure as hell not leaving Yumi behind.

Yumi's first night in Roanapur was one of tragedy and terror. It went smoothly enough, with Yumi tagging along with the other girls as they toured the various bars in Roanapur and drank to their heart's content. But Yumi and Yuri soon got sick of the other girls' partying as night fell and headed off to seek entertainment elsewhere. Neither of them saw the demon in the alleyway until it was too late. Yuri was pulled right into the alleyway by one of the thing's many tentacles, and when Yumi rushed in to save her, she was not prepared for what she saw. The demon tortured Yuri by means of channeling energy through its tentacles and into her body and by spraying her with thousands of tiny needles with pain-enhancing poison. Every time Yumi tried to help her, she was either smacked into a wall or into the ground by a tentacle or blasted down by a beam from one of the Thing's thousand glowing eyes. Yumi finally got her chance to try to hurt it when she rooted through a nearby dumpster and found a gun belonging to a dead man inside, but as she soon found out, the gun didn't do a thing against the demon -- and neither did anything else she either swung or threw at it. Yumi could do nothing but watch as her beloved sister was dragged into the thing's circular maw by its tentacles and eaten alive. As Yuri was being eaten, she begged Yumi to run and not look back. Yumi spent the rest of the night trying to evade the demon, running and hiding in order not to get eaten herself, while at the same time dodging the various scum that populated Roanapur's streets at night. She does not know what made it decide to stop hunting her -- whether it gave up, caught something else of interest or was interrupted -- but when she was finally safe for the moment, she booked a room with a local hotel that spoke English with what was left of her money, locked the door and broke down.

The next day, Yumi tracked down the other members of Yuri's sorority. While several of them were rather concerned about where Yuri disappeared to, the majority of them, including Hitomi Nishimura, didn't seem to give much of a damn about her. None of them believed Yumi when she gave her story about a monster eating her sister, and quite a few of them had laughed at her. And then Hitomi had told Yumi that she didn't much care if Yuri did get eaten by a monster, and if she did, it was less than she deserved for dragging the sorority down. For Yumi, who was coming off of a very scary first night in a very dangerous city and having just lost her sister who was her primary source of support for six long years, this was the final straw. Yumi viciously attacked Hitomi, fighting off the other sorority members when they tried to stop her and then pursuing her through Roanapur's streets before cornering her and pounding her head into the pavement in a savage rage. By the time anyone was able to pull her off, Hitomi was quite thoroughly dead. It didn't take long for the police to catch up with Yumi following Hitomi's death, and she ended up in the local lockup, where she spent the rest of the night.

Kanzoutsukamu appeared to Yumi in her jail cell, and after a brief question-and-answer session concerning just what the hell happened last night and what that thing that ate her sister was, she accepted the tsukaima's offer of power. When a lesser demon appeared soon after her release from jail, she fought and killed the demon with the help of Kanzoutsukamu. As Yumi sent the demon screaming into the void, something awakened in her. Knowing that she now had the power to fight demons on their level was a rebirth for Yumi in a very real sense, and knowing that there were more demons out there preying upon people made Yumi determined to pay them back in kind.

It has been four years since Yumi first arrived in Roanapur. She has made a name for herself as a courier, a small-time cigarette dealer, an occasional legbreaker, and one of the people to see when you've got a demon problem. Yumi's hatred for demons and the ones who summon them have made her a very deadly force in the mahou shoujo world. For Yumi has never forgotten the two vows that she made when she made the contract with Kanzoutsukamu.

The first was never again to become a demon's prey, but to make any demon she came across her prey. The second was to find and kill the demon that was responsible for what happened to her sister.


As a mahou shoujo, Yumi has a number of powers that she can call upon to fight demons and other major threats in Roanapur.

Apart from the first item, which is a houserule for all magical girl characters in this game, these powers don't really have any mechanical benefits, and are primarily used for description fluff:

  • As with all mahou shoujo, Yumi can fly and run faster than normal humans.
  • Yumi can enter a state that many magical girls call "eldritch vision" or "witchsight", which allows her to see the dimensions that demons move and attack in, as well as signatures of eldritch power. By spending BP for Defense, she also has a limited ability to move in these dimensions in order to avoid attacks (manifesting to normal human eyes as a form of teleportation, as Yumi disappears and reappears somewhere else) though it tends to take a lot out of her.
  • She can conjure magical barriers to protect her against ranged attacks when dodging isn't enough (primarily used for Defense).
  • She can absorb weapons into her mahou shoujo form, and conjure magical versions of these weapons. Yumi primarily uses this power in conjunction with the Hand of Vengeance to make her a more formidable adversary. Only a single specimen of the weapon needs to be absorbed for Yumi to be able to conjure it in her mahou shoujo form, though she can only absorb four to five weapons at any given time. The smaller weapons like the knives can be conjured many at a time. For larger or more destructive weapons (guns, grenades, swords, traps), these can be conjured only a few at a time. The largest and most powerful weapons (anti-materiel rifles, rocket launchers, big-ass melee weapons) can only be conjured one at a time. The major downside to this power is that after any battle in which she uses these weapons, she must expel them one by one from her mahou shoujo form before transforming back to her normal form, or they will be lost. And while these weapons can be imbued with magic effects (which Yumi uses most often for her traps and grenades), they cannot be used for any kind of special attack -- the only weapon she can do that kind of thing with is her primary weapon, the Hand of Vengeance.
  • She can use her blood to transmute objects she's holding into red glowing improvised weapons. She can only transmute simple things with no moving parts this way, and only if they're roughly the same size, shape and function as whatever improvised weapon she wants to create (for example, a spine taken from a demonic enemy can be used to create a spear, a giant crossbow bolt, or even a sword). If this is used to create a thrown weapon or item of ammunition, it's only good for one attack; but if this power is used to create a melee weapon, it's good for one fight, after which the weapon disintegrates.
  • She can create constructs using her shadow magic and her blood to give them a semblance of life. She primarily uses this power to create a mighty shadow-steed called Blackstrider for getting around in style, though she's also displayed the ability to create snarling shadow-wolves that she sics on the truly deserving. Yumi doesn't know what happens to the souls of those eaten by her wolves, but Kitty's recent talk about what happens to people that demons devour has given her some very troubling food for thought.


  • Toshiro Suenami (father, deceased)
  • Kaori Suenami (mother, deceased)
  • Yuri Suenami (older sister, living)



  • Sylvia Fan Pei Hsi, the Gunner Saint: Sylvia is a magical girl who took Yumi under her wing soon after her contract with Kanzoutsukamu and taught her much of what she knows about demons and magic. She's known as the Gunner Saint because of the religious motif of her outfit and her formidable skills with the dual magical automatics that she favors for fighting demons and rival magical girls. Sylvia most often works with Mr. Chang as a supernatural troubleshooter, though she's also lent aid to the Church of Violence on a number of occasions.
  • Anton Lamonte: Once upon a time, Anton was a freelance demonologist who hired out to syndicates in need of supernatural firepower for jobs. But when he hired out his services for a demon cult that Yumi was hired to take down, the cult's leader proved to be treacherous as hell, and tried to have Anton sacrificed once he had outlived his usefulness to them. Despite Yumi's hatred for summoners (which is equal to her hatred of demons), she saved Anton's life and killed the leader and the demon that Anton helped to summon. He has since become something of a loremaster of things occult and demonic, with his extensive library containing many tomes of forgotten lore about demons, among them a certain volume by a certain mad Arab. Because many of the tomes of Anton's library are quite valuable to summoners, Anton takes their theft VERY seriously, and Yumi will often get hired to retrieve the tomes in question before they are used to unleash big bad nastiness upon the city. Anton knows that he is only alive today because of Yumi, and Yumi has made it very clear what she will do to him if she finds out that he was involved in another demonic summoning, and it's not going to be pretty.
  • Yuri Suenami: For four long years, Yumi thought that her older sister was dead. One does not normally survive being eaten alive by a demon, much less an Awakened Demon. But through an accident of demonic awakening, Yuri has returned to Roanapur, where she was rescued from scumbags by BlackRoseWhisper and Longshot, and then reunited with Yumi. But while Yumi's older sister is alive, she is not whole. Much of her existence has been consumed by the Creeping Chaos with a Thousand Faces, and most of her memories are gone, but she has fought hard to hold on to the memories she has of her little sister. Because of the nature of her ordeal at the hands of the Creeping Chaos, Yuri appears to be the same age as she was on that horrible night, and she bears the distinctive scars of her torture at the Awakened Demon's hands on her back. Because of their history together, Yumi is very protective of her, especially now that she has returned to her.


  • Megan: (Friendly) Yumi respects Megan for her skills with the dual 1911s, similar in many ways to those of Sylvia herself. The two of them have fought together on several occasions, and often talk shop when they are at the Church of Violence, Yumi to see Sylvia and Megan to see Sister Magdalena. Yumi owes Megan a great deal for being one of the two mahou shoujo who brought her sister back to her.
  • Riri: (Friendly) Riri saved Yumi's life when she was caught in an ambush by three mahou shoujo working for one of Chang's rivals in Hong Kong, and the two have worked together on several occasions since fighting demons and those they possess. She's by far the youngest of Yumi's associates, and is quite self-reliant for her age, but Yumi still feels a sense of responsibility for her and seeks to help keep her out of trouble when she's around.
  • Noriko: (Professional) Yumi met Noriko during the battle with Zhao Jun, Huy Tran and their men. The two of them have a common friend in Riri, though Yumi mainly knows Noriko as the girl who set some fires around Roanapur and led the police on a merry chase, as well as the one who stole Yumi's kill of Zhao Jun. She's not one to hold that against her though -- a dead demon's a dead demon.
  • Xiahe: (Professional, reciprocated) Yumi and Xiahe are business partners when it comes to demonslaying. Yumi doesn't exactly trust her due to her background in the intelligence community, though she has given her good intel on demons in the past. Yumi prefers to meet face to face with Xiahe when they have to communicate with each other due to Xiahe being deaf, and Yumi has learned enough sign language to make herself understood when lip-reading isn't enough.
  • Shizuka: (Friendly, reciprocated) Despite their differences in class, Yumi helped Shizuka get accustomed to life in Roanapur, much like Sylvia did for her when she was first starting out following what happened to Yuri. Though her primary prey are demons and those that summon them, she's agreed to help Shizuka track down the assassin that got away -- she knows all too well what it feels like to lose someone you love.

Character Songs

  • Transformation Theme: Shoujo Shinka (Emiya Illya Theme) - Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya OST
  • Egoist - Namae no Nai Kaibutsu (Monster Without a Name)
Kuroi tetsu goushi no naka de
Watashi wa umarete kitanda
Akui no daishou wo negae
Nozomu ga mama ni omae ni
Saa ataeyou seigi wo
Kowashite kowasareru mae ni
Inga no daishou wo harai
Tomo ni yukou namae no nai kaibutsu
Behind the black cell bars
I was born
Go wish for the price for your malice
Well, I’ll give you that justice
as much as you desire it
Destroy it before you get destroyed by it
I’ll pay the price for my karma
and go together with you, monster without a name