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Human - Age 45
Human - Age 45
Alignment - Neutral Good
Alignment - Neutral Good
Rogue 2/Bard 7/Druid 1/Fochlucan Lyrist 4
HP (d6/d6/d8/d6)
Rogue 2/Bard 7/Druid 1/Fochlucan Lyrist 6
BAB +10/+5
HP (d6/d6/d8/d6) = 124
BAB +12/+7/+2
Initiative +3
Initiative +3
AC 18
AC 26 (+4 Deflection +4 Natural Armour +1 Dex +7 Armour)
Base Speed 30 feet
Base Speed 30 feet

Ref+11 (12), Fort +8 (9), Will +13 (17)
Ref+12 (13), Fort +9 (10), Will +14 (18)

Str 10 [0 Bonus/Penalty](-1 for aging)
Str 10 [0 Bonus/Penalty](-1 for aging)
Dex 12 [+1 Bonus] (-1 for aging, one stat point spent)
Dex 12 [+1 Bonus] (-1 for aging, one stat point spent)
Con 12 [+1 Bonus] (-1 for aging)
Con 12 [+1 Bonus] (-1 for aging)
Int 16 [+3 Bonus] (+1 for aging) 18 with Item +4 Bonus
Int 16 [+3 Bonus] (+1 for aging) 18 with Item +4 Bonus
Wis 18 [+4 Bonus] (+1 for aging, one stat point spent)
Wis 18 [+4 Bonus] (+1 for aging, one stat point spent)
Cha 18 [+4 bonus] (+1 for aging, one stat point spent) 20 with Item +5 Bonus

Skills (no stat modifiers) - Rogue 60 (Starting Level) Druid 8, Bard 70, Lyrist 40
Cha 19 [+4 bonus] (+1 for aging, two stat points spent) 21 with Item +5 Bonus
Skills (no stat modifiers) - Rogue 60 (Starting Level) Druid 8, Bard 70, Lyrist 58
Balance 5 +1 Dex = 6
Balance 5 +1 Dex = 6
Bluff +13 Items +4/5 Cha =4 Non-magical/18 Magical
Bluff +13 Items +4/5 Cha =4 Non-magical/18 Magical
Concentration 9 +1 Con = 10
Concentration 9 +1 Con = 10
Decipher Script 17 +3/4 Int = 20/21
Diplomacy 17 +4/5 Cha +13 Items +2 Synergy = 23 with No Magic Aid/37 with
Decipher Script 19 +3/4 Int = 22/23
Diplomacy 19 +4/5 Cha +13 Items +2 Synergy = 25 with No Magic Aid/39 with
Gather Info 17 +4/5 Cha +3 Items +2 Synergy = 23/26
Gather Info 17 +4/5 Cha +3 Items +2 Synergy = 23/26
Hide 5 +1 Dex -1 Armour +10 Items = 5/15
Hide 5 +1 Dex -1 Armour +10 Items = 5/15
Knowledge (Local) 9 +3/4 Int =12/13
           (History) 11 +3/4 Int =14/15
Knowledge (Local) 12 +3/4 Int =15/14
           (Nature) 8 +3/4 Int =11/12
           (History) 14 +3/4 Int =17/18
           (Nature) 10 +3/4 Int =13/14
           (Dungeoneering) 7 +3/4 Int =10/11
           (Dungeoneering) 7 +3/4 Int =10/11
Listen 5 +4 Wis = 9
Listen 5 +4 Wis = 9
Move Silently 5 +1 Dex -1 Armour = 5
Move Silently 5 +1 Dex -1 Armour = 5
Perform (String Instruments) 17 +4/5 Cha +3 Items = 21/25
         (Sing) 17 +4/5 Cha +13 Items = 21/35
Perform (String Instruments) 19 +4/5 Cha +13 Items = 23/37
         (Dance) 5/17 (Versatile Performer) +4/5 Cha +3 Items = 21/25
         (Oratory)17 +4/5 Cha +3 Items = 21/25
         (Sing) 19 +4/5 Cha +13 Items = 23/37
Sense Motive 11 +4 Wis = 14
         (Dance) 5/19 (Versatile Performer) +4/5 Cha +13 Items = 23/37
         (Oratory)19 +4/5 Cha +13 Items = 23/37
Sense Motive 13 +4 Wis = 17
Sleight of Hand 7 +1 Dex -1 Armour =7
Sleight of Hand 7 +1 Dex -1 Armour =7
Speak Language 10
Speak Language 10
Spot 13 +4 Wis +5 Item = 17/22
Spot 15 +4 Wis +5 Item = 19/24

Languages – (class/starting languages) Druidic, Common, (starting bonus Languages) Dwarven, Elven, (Speak Language) Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Gnoll, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Halfling, Infernal, Sylvan
Languages – (class/starting languages) Druidic, Common, (starting bonus Languages) Dwarven, Elven, (Speak Language) Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Gnoll, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Halfling, Infernal, Sylvan

Class Features
Class Features
Druid - Animal Companion - Dog (now deceased), Nature Sense (+2 on survival and knowledge nature), Wild Empathy
Druid - Animal Companion - Dog (now deceased), Nature Sense (+2 on survival and knowledge nature), Wild Empathy

Rogue - Sneak Attack +1d6, Evasion, Trapfinding
Rogue - Sneak Attack +1d6, Evasion, Trapfinding
Bard/ Fochlucan Lyrist - Bardic Knowledge +11 Levels +3 Int (4 with Item) +2 Knowledge History, Bardic Music 11/day, Inspire Greatness, Inspire Competence, Suggestion, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2, Countersong
Bard/ Fochlucan Lyrist - Bardic Knowledge +13 Levels +3 Int (4 with Item) +2 Knowledge History, Bardic Music 13/day, Inspire Greatness, Inspire Competence, Suggestion, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2, Countersong, Song of Freedom
Fochlucan Lyrist - Unbound
Fochlucan Lyrist - Unbound

Druid 5th level
Druid 7th level
0 5 – Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Light, Purify Food and Drink
0 5 – Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Light, Purify Food and Drink
1 4 – Calm Animal, Charm Animal, Entangle, Pass without trace
2 3 – Fog Cloud, Spider Climb, Tree Shape
3 2 – Call Lightning, Cure Moderate Wounds

Bard 11th level
1 5 – Longstrider, Cure Light Wounds X2, Entangle, Pass without trace
0 3 – Summon Instrument, Prestidigitation X2
1 4 – Ventriloquism, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Charm Person X2
2 4 – Flaming Sphere, Mass Camouflage, Owls Wisdom, Cats Grace
2 4 - Tongues, Enthrall, Suggestion X2
3 4 - Charm Monster, Dispel Magic, Haste, Confusion
3 3 – Cure Moderate Wounds, Spike Growth, Cure Moderate Wounds
4 2 Legend Lore, Dimension Door
4 - Flame Strike, Last Breath
Bard 13th level
0 3 –  
1 4 –  
2 4 -  
3 5 -  
4 3 –  
5 1 -

0 6 – Summon Instrument, Read Magic, Message, Prestidigitation, Lullaby, Dancing Lights
0 6 – Summon Instrument, Read Magic, Message, Prestidigitation, Lullaby, Dancing Lights
1 4 – Ventriloquism, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Identify
1 4 – Ventriloquism, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Identify
2 4 – Whispering Wind, Tongues, Enthrall, Suggestion
2 4 – Mirror Image, Herosim, Enthrall, Suggestion
3 4 – Charm Monster, Dispel Magic, Haste, Confusion
3 4 – Charm Monster, Dispel Magic, Haste, Confusion
4 3 – Legend Lore, Dimension Door, Break Enchantment

6 Feats – Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, Jack of All Trades, Quick Reconoiter, Versatile Performer (Oratory, Dance, Sing), Disguise Spell
4 4 – Legend Lore, Dimension Door, Break Enchantment, Greater Invisibility
5 2 - Mass Sugestion, Shadow Walk
7 Feats – Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, Jack of All Trades, Quick Reconoiter, Versatile Performer (Oratory, Dance, Sing), Disguise Spell, Haunting Melody
Robe of Blending (+10 to hide, Disguise Self at will, allies still see me as I am)
Short Bow (+4 weapon) (Sheds light)  
Short Bow (+4 weapon) (Sheds light)  
Medallion of Thoughts (Detect Thoughts at Will)
Medallion of Thoughts (Detect Thoughts at Will) (Currently off for the fight)
Staff of Charming (20c)
Staff of Charming (20c)
Chain Shirt armor (+3 armor, +7 to AC, -1 Armour Check, maximum +4 from from DEX)
Chain Shirt armor (+3 armor, +7 to AC, -1 Armour Check, maximum +4 from from DEX)
Ioun Stone (scarlet and blue sphere) +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence
Ioun Stone (scarlet and blue sphere) +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence
Wand of Charm Person (34c)
Wand of Charm Person (34c)
Staff of Illusion (32 c)
Staff of Illusion (32 c)
Rod of Negation
Rod of Negation
Candle of Truth 1
Wand of Invisibility (5c)
Wand of Invisibility (5c)
Wand of Slow (12 c)   
Wand of Slow (12 c)   

Songblade (CA) 6,400 - +1 Rapier, +2 to perform checks when it is unsheathed, extra use of bardic music per day
Songblade (CA) 6,400 - +1 Rapier, +2 to perform checks when it is unsheathed, extra use of bardic music per day
Circlet of Persuasion (DMG) 4,500 - +3 to all charisma checks
Circlet of Persuasion (DMG) 4,500 - +3 to all charisma checks
Greater Ring of Eloquence (see Choker of Eloquence, CA) 24,000 - +10 on Perform (sing), Diplomacy and Bluff checks
Harp of Charming (DMG) 7,500 – one Suggestion (DC 14 Will) for each 10 minutes of playing as long as passes a DC 14 Perform (string instruments) Check
Greater Ring of Eloquence (see Choker of Eloquence, CA) 24,000 - +10 on Perform (sing),  
Diplomacy and Bluff checks (currently not on hand due to combat)
Ollamh Lute +2 Perform (String), +7 competence to bards countersong, fascinate and suggestion. If has user 14 ranks of Perfrom (String) may once a day Control Weather, Waves of Exhaustion and Summon a lillend as per Monster Summoning VIII
Lyre of Building (DMG) 13,000
Lyre of Building (DMG) 13,000
Bag of Holding IV (DMG) 10,000
Ring of Charisma +2 (DMG) 4,000
Master Work Lyre, Lute, Mandolin, Violin and Harp – 500
Master Work Lyre, Lute, Mandolin, Violin and Harp – 500
Slippers of Battle Dancing (DMG 2) 33,750 - +10 feet land speed, +5 Tumble, as long as is using base land speed to move +2 to Initiative Checks, if moves at least 10 feet as part of a move action may use Charisma bonus in place of Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls
Eyes of the Eagle (DMG) 2,500 - +5 to spot checks
Slippers of Battle Dancing (DMG 2) 33,750 - +10 feet land speed, +5 Tumble, as long as is  
using base land speed to move +2 to Initiative Checks, if moves at least 10 feet as part of a move action may use Charisma bonus in place of Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls

The remaining bit of money I will have ferreted away on my person, some of it will have gone to purchase components, food, drink etc.
The remaining bit of money I will have ferreted away on my person, some of it will have gone to purchase components, food, drink etc.
Experience - 91,000 + 7,000 + 1,706 +32,500 +15357= 147,563

Latest revision as of 18:23, 10 December 2007

Back to 3-5_Against_the_Giants_Campaign

Human - Age 45

Alignment - Neutral Good

Rogue 2/Bard 7/Druid 1/Fochlucan Lyrist 6

HP (d6/d6/d8/d6) = 124

BAB +12/+7/+2

Initiative +3

AC 26 (+4 Deflection +4 Natural Armour +1 Dex +7 Armour)

Base Speed 30 feet

Ref+12 (13), Fort +9 (10), Will +14 (18)

Str 10 [0 Bonus/Penalty](-1 for aging)

Dex 12 [+1 Bonus] (-1 for aging, one stat point spent)

Con 12 [+1 Bonus] (-1 for aging)

Int 16 [+3 Bonus] (+1 for aging) 18 with Item +4 Bonus

Wis 18 [+4 Bonus] (+1 for aging, one stat point spent)

Cha 19 [+4 bonus] (+1 for aging, two stat points spent) 21 with Item +5 Bonus

Skills (no stat modifiers) - Rogue 60 (Starting Level) Druid 8, Bard 70, Lyrist 58

Balance 5 +1 Dex = 6

Bluff +13 Items +4/5 Cha =4 Non-magical/18 Magical

Concentration 9 +1 Con = 10

Decipher Script 19 +3/4 Int = 22/23

Diplomacy 19 +4/5 Cha +13 Items +2 Synergy = 25 with No Magic Aid/39 with

Gather Info 17 +4/5 Cha +3 Items +2 Synergy = 23/26

Hide 5 +1 Dex -1 Armour +10 Items = 5/15

Knowledge (Local) 12 +3/4 Int =15/14

         (History) 14 +3/4 Int =17/18
         (Nature) 10 +3/4 Int =13/14
         (Dungeoneering) 7 +3/4 Int =10/11

Listen 5 +4 Wis = 9

Move Silently 5 +1 Dex -1 Armour = 5

Perform (String Instruments) 19 +4/5 Cha +13 Items = 23/37

       (Sing) 19 +4/5 Cha +13 Items = 23/37
       (Dance) 5/19 (Versatile Performer) +4/5 Cha +13 Items = 23/37
       (Oratory)19 +4/5 Cha +13 Items = 23/37

Sense Motive 13 +4 Wis = 17

Sleight of Hand 7 +1 Dex -1 Armour =7

Speak Language 10

Spot 15 +4 Wis +5 Item = 19/24

Languages – (class/starting languages) Druidic, Common, (starting bonus Languages) Dwarven, Elven, (Speak Language) Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Gnoll, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Halfling, Infernal, Sylvan

Class Features

Druid - Animal Companion - Dog (now deceased), Nature Sense (+2 on survival and knowledge nature), Wild Empathy

Rogue - Sneak Attack +1d6, Evasion, Trapfinding

Bard/ Fochlucan Lyrist - Bardic Knowledge +13 Levels +3 Int (4 with Item) +2 Knowledge History, Bardic Music 13/day, Inspire Greatness, Inspire Competence, Suggestion, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2, Countersong, Song of Freedom

Fochlucan Lyrist - Unbound


Druid 7th level

0 5 – Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Light, Purify Food and Drink

1 5 – Longstrider, Cure Light Wounds X2, Entangle, Pass without trace

2 4 – Flaming Sphere, Mass Camouflage, Owls Wisdom, Cats Grace

3 3 – Cure Moderate Wounds, Spike Growth, Cure Moderate Wounds

4 - Flame Strike, Last Breath

Bard 13th level

0 3 –

1 4 –

2 4 -

3 5 -

4 3 –

5 1 -


0 6 – Summon Instrument, Read Magic, Message, Prestidigitation, Lullaby, Dancing Lights

1 4 – Ventriloquism, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Identify

2 4 – Mirror Image, Herosim, Enthrall, Suggestion

3 4 – Charm Monster, Dispel Magic, Haste, Confusion

4 4 – Legend Lore, Dimension Door, Break Enchantment, Greater Invisibility

5 2 - Mass Sugestion, Shadow Walk

7 Feats – Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, Jack of All Trades, Quick Reconoiter, Versatile Performer (Oratory, Dance, Sing), Disguise Spell, Haunting Melody


Short Bow (+4 weapon) (Sheds light)

Medallion of Thoughts (Detect Thoughts at Will) (Currently off for the fight)

Staff of Charming (20c)

Chain Shirt armor (+3 armor, +7 to AC, -1 Armour Check, maximum +4 from from DEX)

Ioun Stone (scarlet and blue sphere) +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence

Wand of Charm Person (34c)

Staff of Illusion (32 c)

Rod of Negation

Wand of Invisibility (5c)

Wand of Slow (12 c)

Songblade (CA) 6,400 - +1 Rapier, +2 to perform checks when it is unsheathed, extra use of bardic music per day

Circlet of Persuasion (DMG) 4,500 - +3 to all charisma checks

Greater Ring of Eloquence (see Choker of Eloquence, CA) 24,000 - +10 on Perform (sing), Diplomacy and Bluff checks (currently not on hand due to combat)

Ollamh Lute +2 Perform (String), +7 competence to bards countersong, fascinate and suggestion. If has user 14 ranks of Perfrom (String) may once a day Control Weather, Waves of Exhaustion and Summon a lillend as per Monster Summoning VIII

Lyre of Building (DMG) 13,000

Master Work Lyre, Lute, Mandolin, Violin and Harp – 500

Slippers of Battle Dancing (DMG 2) 33,750 - +10 feet land speed, +5 Tumble, as long as is using base land speed to move +2 to Initiative Checks, if moves at least 10 feet as part of a move action may use Charisma bonus in place of Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls


The remaining bit of money I will have ferreted away on my person, some of it will have gone to purchase components, food, drink etc.

Experience - 91,000 + 7,000 + 1,706 +32,500 +15357= 147,563
