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Captain Jarlot the Second
'''Captain Jarlot Ir'Wynern the Second'''

Human Male Chaotic Good Fighter 6/Rogue 1/Aristocrat 1/Holy Liberator 3
''Half-Fiend Male 23rd level Fighter/3rd level Rogue''

Captain Jarlot the Second is the 'brooding anti-hero with a heart of gold (self-styled) leader.' He is obviously played by an ex-DM due to the sheer volume of grandstanding that he takes.  Captain Jarlot's history before he actually started play as a first level character is so grandiose and glorious that it's utterly impossible to describe without fourteen pages of backstory. He will often try and tell his majestic tales to insert them into the middle of unrelated stories. Suffice to say, he apparently single handidly freed the Eldeen Reaches, is the reincarnated spirit of King Jarlot the first (and thus rightful King of the Five Nations), is Queen Aurala's ex-lover, was lover to King Boranal's wife and eldest daughter, is actually Jaela's father (with her incredibly hot mother), had his family killed by a conspiracy involving every group in Eberron, was best friends with King Kaius the Third's real self, saved the universe a dozen times, and only now apparently has become a pirate whose adventures are rather mediocore. The fact that he can do none of the glorious actions described in his background he dismisses causally or suggests he had a bad encounter with some undead somewhere. Even though he swears his story is true, none of the characters believe a word of it.
''Chaotic Greedy''

Captain Jarlot is relentlessly tomented by his crew whom absolutely refuse to take his desire to be heroes of the land that are nevertheless rogues seriously (though they're very good at the rogue part) and whom refuse to consider him a leader to be respected like their god (which seems to be the Traveller on some days). He is known for trying to turn everything into a deep production and relentlessly following plot hooks in hopes of something to make him as famous as he thinks he should be. He does look out for the crew and does seem to have fun despite a continual look of abject frustration. Much of his incredible wealth goes to trying to keep up appearences, his attempt to be a ladies man reknowned through the world, and preventing them from hatred across the world. His relationship with his house is nonexistent due to the fact he claims that they are secretly evil and only pretending to be out for the money despite no evidence but his outrageous background.
'''Background''':  The legend of Jarlot begins with King Karrnath visiting a Sharn prostitute that was unknowingly the goddess Khyber. The resulting unholy child that was born of their union was named Jarlot and soon decided to escape his life of soul-crushing poverty by becoming the most hated thing in the universe... an adventurer. Picking up the local flower shop girl on this quest, Aerith, he soon became devoted to the goal of becoming the greatest hero in the world. With decidedly mixed results.

Known Skills: High Diplomacy (flattery, apologizing, bribery), High Bluff (diverting blame, framing others, and eliminating witnesses), Pulling survival and occasionally victory from situations gone completely to Hell

Hobbies: Brooding, Angsty, Grooming, Faux Shakespearian Lines, writing his memoirs, Running the Asylum that is the Forgotten Freedom
The adventures of Jarlot are rather loosely chronicled in Khorvaire's history. He was certain he was destined to save the world from the evils of Sephiroth, only to get shot by House Cannith minions and have his sidekick Cloudy save the day. He was certain he was destined to lead the mighty armies of his mercenary school only to have the Spiky-haired bishounen take over for him when he wasn't looking to save the world. Then he was certain that he would be the badass hero of his own shoot-em-up when a vampire hit him over the head and took the job. Yes, Jarlot has very nearly missed being the hero of nearly every fantasy RPG of all time.

== '''Updates''' ==
Ultimately, he decided to take his Airship and try out on his own. Amongst his adventures would be traveling with Andrea, Terra and Rose's parents, Tifa the Stalker, and numerous other champions of justice. Sometime during his adventures, he sired Michael the World's Worst Blackguard and several dozen other children of dubious value to the world.  It was he that took over Rose's care and fosterage when their parents were killed. Later, he would similarly take on the Artificer Ketler's parenting.

Over the course of the storyline, Captain Jarlot's background has expanded to being the "Child of Khyber" and an utterly fearless man's man that seems to be actually aware he's a D&D character.  Furthermore, the character has increasingly become a parody of Final Fantasy heroes with an obsession with swords and needless angst.

== '''Some Random Facts''' ==
Captain Jarlot's adventures span well more than a century as the Son of Khyber proceeded to indirectly cause the Mourning by killing Arijani the Demon King just as he was about to start a terrible ritual to bring Khyber to life and destroy the world. With THAT rather dubious action of heroism, he soon decided to take up heavy drinking and become a full time pirate. Unable to afford a real crew, he began assembling the world's collection of miscreants and vagabonds in the vain hope that they would be cheaper. Rather than get a real Elemental Ring, he ended up stealing a demonically possessed one that transformed his airship into a chaos creature.

* Is a member of the Royal Family of Gallifar, almost certainly illegitimate (implications are that King Kaius and did so on a diplomatic visit---which would oddly make Jarlot half vampire unless he's older than he appears)
* Was born in Sharn to a Seren prostitute, implied to be from an abusive household
* Worships Dol Dorn and the rest of the Sovereign Host
* While Brelish by birth, fought for Cyre during the Last War (probably as a mercenary)
* Was a mercenary and adventurer after the war, apparently failed to join much better and more famous adventuring parties.
* Is surprisingly actualy one of the Good members of the crew but this is continually in doubt and only justified by his Holy Liberator levels (that he has shown no sign of actually possessing).
* Claims to be now epic level (again there is no sign he actually possesses them).
* Is apparently aware he is a Dungeons and Dragons character. Many of his decisions are made on intangibles like hit points and experience.
* Stole the airship from House Lyrander with apparently Slip's help.
* Jarlot has apparently a warforge graft liver that allows him to be immune to not only the immense effect of the booze he drinks but also other poisons, perhaps explaining his continued existence.
* Is obsessed with world domination and makes it a point to prey on other groups that are engaged in said activities in order to fund it.
* Has been married before, ending in divorce.
* Is a former lover of Queen Aurala but apparently that has ended extremely badly.
* Is believed to be somehow linked to the Dragon Prophecy and specifically the Coming of the Age of Khyber.
* Deeply in love with Brianna/Aerith, he seems to think she might be the key to his 'destiny' somehow.
* Is astigmatic and wears glasses to read.
* Is an avid roleplayer.
* Is [[Forgotten_Freedom:Jaela|Jaela's]] father, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler's]] Adoptive father, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael's]] biological father, and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith's]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Tifa|Tifa's]] husband.

Captain Jarlot's adventures include finding the actual Emperor Jarlot in a ''stasis'' spell. Oddly, his distant ancestor proved to be quite insane from senility and immediately confused Jarlot for being his own son. This resulted in Captain Jarlot appeasing the old man by humoring him and declaring him Admiral Jarlot. The two have gotten along so well that they both have forgotten that they're not actually father and child. No one has yet suggested to Emperor Jarlot that he's the legitimate monarch of Gallifar given that he's just as insane as the rest of them.
OOC: Just a clarification. Jarlot has some peculiarities to his personality that are sort of missed.  For one, he's simply incapable of normal and rational human fear. This is the man who deliberately went into Quori just to impress a girl and utterly and completely was unphased by Xoriat's demonic nutteries (in fact, the craziness of it drove him so around the bend he went sane again). Beyond normal paladin abilities (and Holy Liberator fear immunity), beyond utter blind unwillingness to see danger, beyond any sense of self preservation is the Captain's mind numbingly idiotic belief he's the hero of this piece bound to end up with the girl and the gold in the end plus his own kingdom.

Instead he wound up sacrificing himself and his ship to stop one of the dragon invading Khorvaire.  Now his spirit is currently inhabiting the body of the Becoming God so he can guide his son (by Marish) Schroedigger.

Captain Jarlot briefly retired from the position of Forgotten Freedom Captain due to the death of Aerith (before she got better). He also died heroically defending the Forgotten Freedom from the forces of the Dragon Council. To help defend the world against evil, his spirit possessed a robot that Ketler had been working on. Fortunately, depending on your point of view, Ketler had saved samples of the Captain's toenails from the crew's chili and ''cloned'' a new body for him. This has resulted in the Captain's return to the land of the living by possessing his own clone. Thus far, no one has disputed that he is the rightful Captain of the Forgotten Freedom and have begun ignoring Rose's commands in favor of ignoring Jarlot's commands again.

'''Combat Skill''': Jarlot Ir'Wynern II is actually the greatest warrior on all of Eberron. He is capable of all manner of wuxia style flying leaps, combos, and amazing blows that allow him to defeat almost any being in battle.  This is due to his skill with '''Masamune II''', the sword that he stole from Sephiroth when his back was turned. The ridiculously large sword is his preferred weapon but he's also quite skilled with two-anded pistols and other weapons. It helps that, despite his awesome skill, Jarlot is also a cheat.
'''Roleplaying Hints''':  Jarlot is a drunken, lazy, lecherous, treacherous, and thoroughly disreputable example of humanity. Those are his good points. Nevertheless, Jarlot imagines that he has a heart of gold and has saved the world on numerous occasions from various threats. Most of the time he's more interested in where the rum is.

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Latest revision as of 21:23, 2 September 2008

Captain Jarlot Ir'Wynern the Second

Half-Fiend Male 23rd level Fighter/3rd level Rogue

Chaotic Greedy

Background: The legend of Jarlot begins with King Karrnath visiting a Sharn prostitute that was unknowingly the goddess Khyber. The resulting unholy child that was born of their union was named Jarlot and soon decided to escape his life of soul-crushing poverty by becoming the most hated thing in the universe... an adventurer. Picking up the local flower shop girl on this quest, Aerith, he soon became devoted to the goal of becoming the greatest hero in the world. With decidedly mixed results.

The adventures of Jarlot are rather loosely chronicled in Khorvaire's history. He was certain he was destined to save the world from the evils of Sephiroth, only to get shot by House Cannith minions and have his sidekick Cloudy save the day. He was certain he was destined to lead the mighty armies of his mercenary school only to have the Spiky-haired bishounen take over for him when he wasn't looking to save the world. Then he was certain that he would be the badass hero of his own shoot-em-up when a vampire hit him over the head and took the job. Yes, Jarlot has very nearly missed being the hero of nearly every fantasy RPG of all time.

Ultimately, he decided to take his Airship and try out on his own. Amongst his adventures would be traveling with Andrea, Terra and Rose's parents, Tifa the Stalker, and numerous other champions of justice. Sometime during his adventures, he sired Michael the World's Worst Blackguard and several dozen other children of dubious value to the world. It was he that took over Rose's care and fosterage when their parents were killed. Later, he would similarly take on the Artificer Ketler's parenting.

Captain Jarlot's adventures span well more than a century as the Son of Khyber proceeded to indirectly cause the Mourning by killing Arijani the Demon King just as he was about to start a terrible ritual to bring Khyber to life and destroy the world. With THAT rather dubious action of heroism, he soon decided to take up heavy drinking and become a full time pirate. Unable to afford a real crew, he began assembling the world's collection of miscreants and vagabonds in the vain hope that they would be cheaper. Rather than get a real Elemental Ring, he ended up stealing a demonically possessed one that transformed his airship into a chaos creature.

Captain Jarlot's adventures include finding the actual Emperor Jarlot in a stasis spell. Oddly, his distant ancestor proved to be quite insane from senility and immediately confused Jarlot for being his own son. This resulted in Captain Jarlot appeasing the old man by humoring him and declaring him Admiral Jarlot. The two have gotten along so well that they both have forgotten that they're not actually father and child. No one has yet suggested to Emperor Jarlot that he's the legitimate monarch of Gallifar given that he's just as insane as the rest of them.

Captain Jarlot briefly retired from the position of Forgotten Freedom Captain due to the death of Aerith (before she got better). He also died heroically defending the Forgotten Freedom from the forces of the Dragon Council. To help defend the world against evil, his spirit possessed a robot that Ketler had been working on. Fortunately, depending on your point of view, Ketler had saved samples of the Captain's toenails from the crew's chili and cloned a new body for him. This has resulted in the Captain's return to the land of the living by possessing his own clone. Thus far, no one has disputed that he is the rightful Captain of the Forgotten Freedom and have begun ignoring Rose's commands in favor of ignoring Jarlot's commands again.

Combat Skill: Jarlot Ir'Wynern II is actually the greatest warrior on all of Eberron. He is capable of all manner of wuxia style flying leaps, combos, and amazing blows that allow him to defeat almost any being in battle. This is due to his skill with Masamune II, the sword that he stole from Sephiroth when his back was turned. The ridiculously large sword is his preferred weapon but he's also quite skilled with two-anded pistols and other weapons. It helps that, despite his awesome skill, Jarlot is also a cheat.

Roleplaying Hints: Jarlot is a drunken, lazy, lecherous, treacherous, and thoroughly disreputable example of humanity. Those are his good points. Nevertheless, Jarlot imagines that he has a heart of gold and has saved the world on numerous occasions from various threats. Most of the time he's more interested in where the rum is.

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