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#Were the disappearance of the medical crew and the lack of record concerning Joshua's presence aboard ''Trafalgar'' ordered by Blue Sun? Or the Alliance?  An officer from NCIS approached Joshua on ''Trafalgar'', in med bay as the crew was getting patched up, and she asked him if he wanted her to make this incident 'go away'. Was she responsible for the disappearance of the medical group?
#Were the disappearance of the medical crew and the lack of record concerning Joshua's presence aboard ''Trafalgar'' ordered by Blue Sun? Or the Alliance?  An officer from NCIS approached Joshua on ''Trafalgar'', in med bay as the crew was getting patched up, and she asked him if he wanted her to make this incident 'go away'. Was she responsible for the disappearance of the medical group?
#Cmdr. Wise seemed pretty set on an agenda: prove Joshua was his son Rex Wise, who had been kidnapped, drugged, altered via brain surgery, and brainwashed into believing he was someone else. Why? Was it just a parent's paranoia? Or was there another reason?  Did he believe his son held secret information that others were willing to do all those things in order to gain it?
#Cmdr. Wise seemed pretty set on an agenda: prove Joshua was his son Rex Wise, who had been kidnapped, drugged, altered via brain surgery, and brainwashed into believing he was someone else. Why? Was it just a parent's paranoia? Or was there another reason?  Did he believe his son held secret information that others were willing to do all those things in order to gain it?
#Why would brain surgery of the type done on Joshua be effective in making someone divulge secret information?  Wouldn't the subject run the risk of brain damage and be unable to recall the information sought? Why go through such an elaborate battery of surgery, drugs, and psychologica/emotional manipulation to retrieve that information when there are other quicker and less physically invasive means by which to obtain it?  Truth serum is one example.  Having a Reader deep scan the subject is another.  Given those options, why would anyone use such a round about and risky method?
#Why would brain surgery of the type done on Joshua be effective in making someone divulge secret information?  Wouldn't the subject run the risk of brain damage and be unable to recall the information sought? Why go through such an elaborate battery of surgery, drugs, and psychologica/emotional manipulation to retrieve that information when there are other quicker and less physically invasive means by which to obtain it?  Truth serum is one example.  Having a Reader deep scan the subject is another.  Given those options, why would anyone use such a roundabout and risky method?
#Lt. Cmdr. Rex Wise was a military scientist attached to the Special Science Intelligence branch of the Alliance military.  If he was involved in a secret operation that required him to pick up a shipload of Reavers on ''IAV Trafalgar'', what was the purpose of the Reavers and where was Rex Wise supposed to take them?  The ''IAV Trafalgar'' was being decommissioned.  It would have two towers of unused space--or possibly more--in which to contain them and conduct whatever studies or experiments the Reavers were destined for.  That's assuming they would remain on ''IAV Trafalgar''.  If they were supposed to go somewhere else, why have them  leave the ship they were on at all? Why not refuel the ship and continue on to their ultimate destination? And once they got there, what was going to be done with them? Military experiments? Super soldiers? Population pacifism? What?
#Lt. Cmdr. Rex Wise was a military scientist attached to the Special Science Intelligence branch of the Alliance military.  If he was involved in a secret operation that required him to pick up a shipload of Reavers on ''IAV Trafalgar'', what was the purpose of the Reavers and where was Rex Wise supposed to take them?  The ''IAV Trafalgar'' was being decommissioned.  It would have two towers of unused space--or possibly more--in which to contain them and conduct whatever studies or experiments the Reavers were destined for.  That's assuming they would remain on ''IAV Trafalgar''.  If they were supposed to go somewhere else, why have them  leave the ship they were on at all? Why not refuel the ship and continue on to their ultimate destination? And once they got there, what was going to be done with them? Military experiments? Super soldiers? Population pacifism? What?
#Because BLue Sun had Joshua Borrow Rex Wise, that must mean Blue Sun wanted to steal the shipment of Reavers out from under their owners.  Why?  Was it to cover up the fact that they had made the Reavers? Or did they have other plans for the Reavers?  And since Joshua failed to deliver the Reavers to Blue Sun, did Blue Sun find more Reavers by other means? And what were those other plans?
#Because Blue Sun had Joshua Borrow Rex Wise, that must mean Blue Sun wanted to steal the shipment of Reavers out from under their owners.  Why?  Was it to cover up the fact that they had made the Reavers? Or did they have other plans for the Reavers?  And since Joshua failed to deliver the Reavers to Blue Sun, did Blue Sun find more Reavers by other means? And what were those other plans?
#The woman sent to interview the crew never gave us her name, even when asked directly.  Who was she? Is she really a civilian or was she posing as one to gain the crew's trust?  Was she a contractor to the military?  Was she really a psychiatrist or was she something else?
#The woman sent to interview the crew never gave us her name, even when asked directly.  Who was she? Is she really a civilian or was she posing as one to gain the crew's trust?  Was she a contractor to the military?  Was she really a psychiatrist or was she something else?
#The Mystery Woman who came to Joshua and asked him for help—she said that something would come up that would make it easier for him to leave.  Did she engineer the fleet deployment? Common sense would insist that she merely knew when the fleet would deploy and recognized it as a chance for Joshua to get free—no maneuvering on her part necessary.  Even so, how did she expect Joshua to escape? He was locked in his room and had no key. If he could not escape, it would only be a matter of time before the note she slipped him would be found and she would be discovered.
#The Mystery Woman who came to Joshua and asked him for help—she said that something would come up that would make it easier for him to leave.  Did she engineer the fleet deployment? Common sense would insist that she merely knew when the fleet would deploy and recognized it as a chance for Joshua to get free—no maneuvering on her part necessary.  Even so, how did she expect Joshua to escape? He was locked in his room and had no key. If he could not escape, it would only be a matter of time before the note she slipped him would be found and she would be discovered.
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Latest revision as of 17:44, 3 July 2011


Part 1:
Kiera: Darn it. We made it.

Nika: Yes. Twenty passengers—no, twenty total. There were twenty of us total, yes.
CMO Cooper: And it appears there is a cat.
Nika: Yes. (breathes a laugh) My doctor will be thrilled.

Kiera: Oh really? Did you really need to ask that? Of course. I’ll rub it. Rub it hard. Drink what I tell you to next time, woman.
Nika: (smiling daggers) I am going to shave your head while you are sleeping. One of these days.
Kiera: (smiles, whispers) It’ll grow back. I just may paint it though ...

Joshua: (hoarse) Dad?
Father: I can’t believe it’s you. (choked up) You’re alive.

Father: (quietly) For over two years, we thought you were just … gone … dead and then … (sighs) … I … and the odds of just finding you, clinging to life, in the middle of space out here … in the Rim …

Father: You’re body has been through a lot and it’s going to be an unpleasant …few weeks to come.
Joshua: (wait … ) A few weeks?
Father: (continuing) But I’m going to be here for you. We’re gonna get you off this stuff. We’re gonna—we’re gonna bring you back.

Father: I’m going to go talk to, ah, the Captain of the ship. And let him know that you’re okay.
Joshua: (lost) … Okay … (tries again) … Well, it’s … it’s good to see you. I … I missed you.

Captain: Yes, I am Captain Wise of the Aceso. I, ah, I don’t know what to say. Finding your ship was a one-in-a-million chance and then finding my son aboard …
Nika: Excuse me?

Nika: Who do you think he is?
Kiera: Who—wait, this is—?
Captain Wise: He’s my son. Rex.
Kiera: (cautiously) Describe Rex.

Nika: How long has it been since you’ve seen your son?
Captain Wise: Over two years.

Captain Wise: But honestly, you brought him back to me alive and if you want to just say you found him out in space and leave it at that … ? We don’t have to go any further than that.
Nika: Your son is my XO.
Captain Wise: As I say, if you want … You may want to think about it. Talk to your crew about what you want to say. And once you decide, we’ll start the interrogation. (a beat) But I’m serious. If what you want to tell me is that you … found him on some planet, he was strung out but had a few credits and boarded your ship and you, you brought him out … I would be deeply in your debt.

Kiera: So … which story do you want us to tell you?
Rina: (accent showing) The one that makes you happy or the truth?
Captain Wise: I assume that they’re the same.

Rina: I’m eloping.
Kiera: You what?

Nika: (dryly) Oh, no, no, no. We have a small issue. With a capital ISSUE.

Kiera: Who else has fought Kiera toe-to-toe to the point of droppin’ bullets outa the thing and havin’ a hissy fit and then setting his girlfriend off before she finally flipped and basically blew it and went “I don’t care they all die, I’m gonna get drunk in a bar and feel sorry for myself”?

Kiera: No, but yeah, we’d lose two crew members. Because if we leave him—(points to Rina)—ain’t goin’.
Arden: She’s left her fiancé before.

Kiera: She ain’t gonna leave this one.
Nika: We didn’t think she was going to leave Mike.
Arden: Yeah.
Kiera: Well … (looks at Rina) …
Nika: If I had put money on that, I’d be out money.

Beglan: So, when you say “I’ll just tell the truth, I have nothing to hide”, you might have just a few things you don’t want to highlight on your resume.

Arden: You probably know a lot more details than I do because you sleep with the guy. I just medicate him. (a beat) When he wants to be medicated.
Rina: (sour) I should be so lucky.

Part 2:
Joshua: So … I feel really ill, and … I, I have a headache that’s like I have an … ice pick stabbing me in both eyes and then coming out the holes and stabbing me again in the back … so …

Joshua: You’re really … You’re joking, right? … Like … ?
Nurse: No, I’m sorry. You’re off all medications until we can determine what’s going on, but can you describe your symptoms?
Joshua: (loudly) Yeah! I have a huge headache!

Captain Wise: Do you—Do you know who you are? Do you know who I am?
Joshua: Well … you’re my—you’re my dad … Like, like … so … I mean … so, um … (struggling) … I was … Joshua, um …I’m Joshua … (can’t nail it) … um …


gāisǐ de dà xiàng dàxiǎo de hóuzi tā mā de = 該死的大象大小的猴子他媽的 = guy-sih duh dah shahng dah-shiaow duh hoh-uh-zuh tuh muh duh = goddamned elephant-sized monkey-f*cking Sound clip




  1. What happened to Lt. Cmder. Rex Wise? Is he still alive? Is he being held somewhere by Blue Sun? Or was he executed and disposed of to maintain Joshua's cover during the Borrowing? Or was Wise executed after the op went south and Joshua ran? That being the case, how culpable is Joshua for the man's death? How can he make things right?
  2. Cmdr. Wise ran a DNA test on Joshua. The test results match Rex Wise's DNA. Is this because Blue Sun hacked the biometric database on Rex Wise as part of Joshua's cover during the Borrowing? If so, why didn't they change the data back to the original once Joshua ran? Or did they restore the record only to have it destroyed with the Colchester op and the results Cmdr. Wise used for comparison was the back-up data that had somehow not been restored to its original state by Blue Sun?
  3. Is it possible Cmdr. Wise lied about the DNA test? Was it an interrogation technique to get Joshua and the others to confess? If so, confess to what?
  4. Cmdr. Wise said he talked to Captain Linder of Trafalgar and the man told him there was no record of Lt. Cmdr. Wise ever being aboard. Why not?
  5. Cmdr. Wise also told Joshua that the last medical group that was supposed to be on Trafalgar had disappeared. Why? Were these the same people who operated on/treated our crew after the Reaver attack? Were they 'disappeared' because they'd treated us and therefore it was decided they knew too much?
  6. Were the disappearance of the medical crew and the lack of record concerning Joshua's presence aboard Trafalgar ordered by Blue Sun? Or the Alliance? An officer from NCIS approached Joshua on Trafalgar, in med bay as the crew was getting patched up, and she asked him if he wanted her to make this incident 'go away'. Was she responsible for the disappearance of the medical group?
  7. Cmdr. Wise seemed pretty set on an agenda: prove Joshua was his son Rex Wise, who had been kidnapped, drugged, altered via brain surgery, and brainwashed into believing he was someone else. Why? Was it just a parent's paranoia? Or was there another reason? Did he believe his son held secret information that others were willing to do all those things in order to gain it?
  8. Why would brain surgery of the type done on Joshua be effective in making someone divulge secret information? Wouldn't the subject run the risk of brain damage and be unable to recall the information sought? Why go through such an elaborate battery of surgery, drugs, and psychologica/emotional manipulation to retrieve that information when there are other quicker and less physically invasive means by which to obtain it? Truth serum is one example. Having a Reader deep scan the subject is another. Given those options, why would anyone use such a roundabout and risky method?
  9. Lt. Cmdr. Rex Wise was a military scientist attached to the Special Science Intelligence branch of the Alliance military. If he was involved in a secret operation that required him to pick up a shipload of Reavers on IAV Trafalgar, what was the purpose of the Reavers and where was Rex Wise supposed to take them? The IAV Trafalgar was being decommissioned. It would have two towers of unused space--or possibly more--in which to contain them and conduct whatever studies or experiments the Reavers were destined for. That's assuming they would remain on IAV Trafalgar. If they were supposed to go somewhere else, why have them leave the ship they were on at all? Why not refuel the ship and continue on to their ultimate destination? And once they got there, what was going to be done with them? Military experiments? Super soldiers? Population pacifism? What?
  10. Because Blue Sun had Joshua Borrow Rex Wise, that must mean Blue Sun wanted to steal the shipment of Reavers out from under their owners. Why? Was it to cover up the fact that they had made the Reavers? Or did they have other plans for the Reavers? And since Joshua failed to deliver the Reavers to Blue Sun, did Blue Sun find more Reavers by other means? And what were those other plans?
  11. The woman sent to interview the crew never gave us her name, even when asked directly. Who was she? Is she really a civilian or was she posing as one to gain the crew's trust? Was she a contractor to the military? Was she really a psychiatrist or was she something else?
  12. The Mystery Woman who came to Joshua and asked him for help—she said that something would come up that would make it easier for him to leave. Did she engineer the fleet deployment? Common sense would insist that she merely knew when the fleet would deploy and recognized it as a chance for Joshua to get free—no maneuvering on her part necessary. Even so, how did she expect Joshua to escape? He was locked in his room and had no key. If he could not escape, it would only be a matter of time before the note she slipped him would be found and she would be discovered.
  13. She warned Joshua to avoid thinking of their meeting. That implies the fleet has at least one Reader—aside from her own assertion that she is like Joshua. Of course, she said she is like Joshua—but that doesn’t mean she’s a Reader. Joshua is a lot of things: a person suffering from amnesia, a person held against his will, a person who is mistaken for someone else, a person running from something.
  14. What convinced the fleet to leave suddenly? We came across IAV Aceso’s docking crews decoupling our ship…without telling us. Does this mean the Cmdr intended to cut our ship loose but keep us aboard?
  15. Is it possible we will see Cmdr. Wise and Madame Psychiatrist in the future? Have we just made two more enemies gunning for us? Having been given the hope that Joshua is his son, will Cmdr. Wise be content to let us go without pursuing us as best as he is able. Having been given evidence that someone has been altered via brain surgery and could possibly be wandering around delusional and maybe spouting sensitive military information, would Madame Psychiatrist be willing to let Joshua remain unapprehended?
  16. We meet Lanie/Roland's family on Greenleaf. The family business is the Five Sons Fruit Company Plantation. The name suggests that there are five sons to the family name. Only two brothers were mentioned. Assuming Lanie was one of the five brothers when he was still male, where are the other two?
    • Five Suns Fruit Company (As in White Sun, Red Sun, Georgia, Kalidasa, Blue Sun)
    • Goshdarned homophones get me every single time--Archivist.
  17. Why doesn't the family know where the mother is incarcerated for the murder of their father? One would think it is a matter of trial record where the guilty is sentenced to serve. Was it a polite fiction to spare Lanie pain? How could not knowing where the mother is, preventing a visit and an accounting, spare Lanie pain? Is there more to the story that the brothers aren't telling? If so, why?
  18. What, if anything, is beneath that blister cache on Equinox’s hull? Did the Feds find it when they repaired our ship? If so, did they open it up? If they opened it up, would they actually go to the trouble of sealing it up again and covering their tracks? Since that is unlikely, what is in that cache and who had it installed?

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