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The Pig & Whistle Society, also known as the Pig & Whistle Explorers Society or the Pig & Whistle Drunken Explorers Society (and of course, the Pig and Whistle Society), is a World of Warcraft guild open to all members of the RPG.net forums, as well as their friends and family.  It is a sister guild of sorts to the [[Blacksky Company]].  While the two guilds are by no means friendly in game, out of game they should be friendly and cooperative.

The Pig & Whistle Society, also known as the Pig & Whistle Explorers Society or the Pig & Whistle Drunken Explorers Society, is a World of Warcraft guild founded for, and run by, members of the RPG.net forums.  It is a sister guild of sorts to the [[Blacksky Company]].  While the two guilds are by no means friendly in game, out of game they should be friendly and cooperative.
The Pig and Whistle Society is an Alliance-side guild, based on the North American Kirin Tor Roleplaying server.

The Pig and Whistle Society is an Alliance-side guild, based on the North American Kirin Tor Roleplaying serverThe RPGnet channel (joined by typing /join RPGnet) is a good place for people to meet who haven't yet been introduced into the guild.
Members are expected to assist each other, and to be civil to each other out of characterNormal speech is to be used (no leet-speak!), and all efforts to correct spelling, and grammar will be appreciated.

Members are expected to assist each other, and to be civil to each other out of characterNormal speech is to be used (no leet-speak!), and all efforts to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization will be appreciated.
Guild activities include questing, dungeon-running, 10-player raiding, retro-raids, and battleground PVP.  There are a few people who are involved in arena PVP as wellOnce a year, for the guild's birthday, there are a variety of fun and silly events which take place, like costume contests.  

News and discussion about the guild will take place in the Other Games Open forum on RPG.net.  Relevant topics will begin with the [P&W Society] tag.
News and discussion about the guild takes place in the Video Games Open forum on RPG.net.  Relevant topics will begin with the [WoW - P&W] tag.  We also have our own private forum where a lot of internal guild activity gets discussed.  You don't have to join the P&W forums, but they're certainly a handy read, and include important information on the structure and activities of the guild.
To find the guild forum, check the Guild Info while playing the game.  We were getting tons of spammers hitting the site, so we had to move it to a seeecret location.
==Guild Rules==
This section of the '''[[Pig & Whistle Society Charter]]''' tells you more about guild rules and policies.  If any guild rules are a problem for you, contact a guild officer, or the guild leader directly.
If you're creating a new character to join the P&W, '''please''' check the section "About Names" in the charter.

==In-Game Background==
==In-Game Background==
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Eli Langston formed The Pig & Whistle Explorers Society over 200 years ago, as a gentleman's club of sorts; a group of noblemen, adventurers, rogues, explorers and ne'er do wells centered in the famous pub in Stormwind. Over the course of the Society's storied history the charter has changed hands many times, lost in gambling matches, sold to get rid of debt, taken over by overzealous members.  No one actually knows the entire history of the Society.  
Eli Langston formed The Pig & Whistle Explorers Society over 200 years ago, as a gentleman's club of sorts; a group of noblemen, adventurers, rogues, explorers and ne'er do wells centered in the famous pub in Stormwind. Over the course of the Society's storied history the charter has changed hands many times, lost in gambling matches, sold to get rid of debt, taken over by overzealous members.  No one actually knows the entire history of the Society.  

About 30 years ago, Giz'nit Cranksprocket, a goblin in the employ of the Venture Company, won the leadership of the Pig & Whistle Society in a rigged game of cards.  Giz'nit turned the Society into more of a professional treasure hunter's organization, with members travelling to dangerous remote places in search of the fabulous wealth rumored to be hidden there.   
About 30 years ago, Giz'nit Cranksprocket, a goblin in the employ of the Venture Company, won the leadership of the Pig & Whistle Society in a rigged game of cards.  Giz'nit turned the Society into more of a professional treasure hunter's organization, with members traveling to dangerous remote places in search of the fabulous wealth rumored to be hidden there.   

Upon forcibly retiring a decade ago, Giz'nit passed the reigns of the Society on to Olaf Ironbeard, the Society's bravest explorer.  Olaf was last seen heading to the Isle of Dread two years ago.  After his dissapearance, the Pig & Whistle Explorers Society went their seperate ways, some milling about, others travelling the world on their own.  The Society was thought disbanded.  
Upon forcibly retiring a decade ago, Giz'nit passed the reigns of the Society on to Olaf Ironbeard, the Society's bravest explorer.  Olaf was last seen heading to the Isle of Dread two years ago.  After his disappearance, the Pig & Whistle Explorers Society went their separate ways, some milling about, others travelling the world on their own.  The Society was thought disbanded.  

Earlier this year Nyssala, a night elf who had barely left the forest confines of her home, discovered a dwarven corpse in a Furbolg cavern in Darkshore.  Investigating,  she found a piece of parchment on the body. The paper proclaimed it's bearer as owner and aministrator of the Pig & Whistle Explorers Society.  Not sure what to do with this, she sent word out that old members could return and new members were welcome; and she set out to Stormwind City, where the Society began two centuries ago.
Some years ago, Nyssala, a night elf who had barely left the forest confines of her home, discovered a dwarven corpse in a Furbolg cavern in Darkshore.  Investigating,  she found a piece of parchment on the body. The paper proclaimed it's bearer as owner and administrator of the Pig & Whistle Explorers Society.  Not sure what to do with this, she sent word out that old members could return and new members were welcome; and she set out to Stormwind City, where the Society began two centuries ago.

Now the Pig & Whistle Society has taken on more of it's original flavor.  Members are free to travel the world largely as they see fit, seeking out lost and ancient treasures, uncovering mysteries, exploring dangerous locales, and travelling the world in search of adventure, fame and fortune. Roughly once a month the Society meets in the Pig & Whistle, in Old Town Stormwind.  At the start of the first meeting of the reformed Society, a great and terrible drake attacked Stormwind City, destroying much of the city and burning many of it's defenders before it was finally slain by members of the Pig & Whistle Society, and other heroes. 
Since then, the Pig & Whistle Society has taken on more of it's original flavor.  Members are free to travel the world largely as they see fit, seeking out lost and ancient treasures, uncovering mysteries, exploring dangerous locales, and traveling the world in search of adventure, fame and fortune.

At these meetings a small amount of business is attended to, and much alcohol is consumed; after the meeting the explorers frequently head off to some dangerous ruin or ancient crypt in search of danger, and fabulous treasure.
Last year, Nyssala left Darnassus in a rush.  She chartered a ship from Auberdine, and has not been seen since.  In her study were found incomplete notes which referred to the Twilight Hammer, but her whereabouts and fate are a mystery.  In her absence, Hanaturo, a Human Mage, veteran of the war with the Horde in Ashenvale, has taken over leadership of the guild.


Each class has a guild officer that represents their class.  Officers will have invitational powers, as well as access to the officers' notes and players' notes (to add new RPGnet handles if they invite).  Officers will be responsible for organizing trips into instances that the players in their respective classes need, keeping discipline in the ranks, and, if the guild gets too big for the Guild Master to handle minor issues and grievances himself, they will represent the general needs of players in their class.
The officers and the guild master run the guild together.  

All officers' alts will be promoted to World Traveler, which will be, in effect, identical to the Officer rankThe only distinction is for roleplaying, and to keep track of which class each officer represents.
Officers have invitational powers, as well as access to the officers' notes and players' notes (to add new RPGnet handles if they invite).  Officers are responsible for organizing guild activities, keeping discipline in the ranks, and if the Guild Master is not present to handle minor issues and grievances. They represent the general needs of players in their classAll officers' alts are also promoted to Officer.

At present time, all officers are selected by the Guild Master.  At some future time, a more democratic process may take place, especially as more and more power is divested into the positions as the guild grows and becomes more influential.
Mentors are a sort of limited officer position for people who have been recognized as knowledgeable and helpful to others in the guild.

The current officers are as follows:
Officers and mentors are selected based on their helpfulness, positivity, and similar qualities.
! Player Name                  !! Character Name                  !! Rank          !! Class
| inscrutable                  || Nyssala                        || Guild Master      || Warrior
| inscrutable                  || Rinley                          || Quartermaster    || N/A
| inscrutable                  || Tchotchky                      || QM - Trade Goods  || N/A
| inscrutable                  || Darley                          || QM - Recipes      || N/A
| Dorchadas                    || Manaan                          || Officer          || Druid
| Malfuric                    || Malfuric                        || Officer          || Mage
| Uriany                      || Velwynn                        || Officer          || Hunter
| J'Dai                        || Cryn                            || Officer          || Warlock
| Mr. J'Dai                    || Spyn                            || Officer          || Rogue
| craptastic                  || Gizbeth                        || Officer          || Warrior
| JustinCognito                || Rabier                          || Officer          || Paladin
|                              ||                                || Officer          || Priest

==Guild Bank==
==Guild Bank==

The Guild Bank can be viewed at http://www.dwcomics.com/p&wbank.html
The Guild Bank can be accessed at any in-game bank. There's lots of space to deposit items to benefit other guild members, and things to take to help you out.
The Pig & Whistle Explorer's Society has three guild bankers; Rinley, Tchotchky, and Darley. Rinley is the general Quartermaster, handling all equipment, weapons and gear. Tchotchky handles all trade skill materials and ingredients. Darley manages the guild's recipes, patterns, schematics etc.
Requests for items from the bank can be mailed to the appropriate Quartermaster within WoW, or sent as a PM to inscrutable on RPG.net.
Additionaly, the Pig & Whistle Society will pay for your Guild Tabbard and help pay for your mount. The Guild will provide 1 Gold for a Tabbard, and up to 80 Gold for a mount and training. We will pay this out to one character per player, unless you pay it back, at which point the money is open to another one of your characters.
==Guild Rules==
The following rules are meant to help with the enjoyment of all.  Please read them, and respect them.  If any of them are issues for you, contact your guild officer, or Nyssala directly.
This is a guild of roleplayers, for the most part, and the server we play on is a Roleplaying server.  All names of characters are expected to be within reasonable bounds for that race, per the rules of the server.  Roleplaying is strictly optional, but encouraged.
It is suggested that players use the [http://www.flokru.org/flagrsp/ flagRSP] addon, although it is not by any means required.  It will allow you to add a surname and an outer description that other users of the addon will be able to see.  Also, a backstory for your character is not required, but recommended to aid in your roleplaying style.  As of the 1.9 update, flagRSP is an "outdated" add-on but still perfectly functional.
All /says and /yells are to be completely in character (IC), with no exceptions.  Also, /guild chat is expected to be IC.
/party speak is typically a mix of out-of-character (OOC) speak and IC speak.  This may change in the future as the guild's partying becomes more and more specific.

OOC speech is best kept in private tells, and in the RPGnet channel.
The first tab of the guild bank contains free bags to equip your characters with, as well as guild tabards.  If you need a hand, the Guild will provide you with the price of a mount and training. We will pay this out to one character per player, unless you pay it back, at which point the money is open to another one of your characters.

Officer speech will also be a mix of IC and OOC, as appropriate by the situation.
Due to a number of hacker attacks, an authenticator is now needed to get full bank access.  This can be demonstrated to an officer or mentor by showing them your Core Hound pet in-game.

===Looting Rules===

All Bind on Pickup (BoP) items are to be passed on, and discussed afterward.  Any roll on a Bind on Pickup item, or any taking of one without discussion and agreement from all party members, is considered EXTREMELY rude etiquette in World of Warcraft, almost to a punishable level.

All Bind on Equip (BoE) items can be rolled on as normalOnly roll Need if you are going to wear that item immediately.  Roll Greed if you want it for some other purpose, including selling, disenchanting, sending to alts, saving for later use, or sending to the guild bankHit Pass if you don't want to bother with the item at all.  If, after the roll is done, someone determines they can use it right away, the item should be given to the person; not doing so is considered quite rude.
The Pig & Whistle society boasts many skilled craftersThe following pages list specific patterns that different guild members haveMore information about what crafting is available can be found in the P&W forums.

If there are any disputes, the highest-ranking officer present, or the Group Leader if no/multiple officers are present, will make all decisions. If there is a grievance in looting etiquette, it should be brought to an Officer, or an officer of a higher rank, if an Officer is the infracting party.
Northrend Epic Jewelcrafting Cuts:

Further discussion and explanation of these rules can be found in the [[World of Warcraft:Tips]] article.
[[Category:Video Games]] [[Category:MMO]]

Latest revision as of 17:46, 15 October 2011


The Pig & Whistle Society, also known as the Pig & Whistle Explorers Society or the Pig & Whistle Drunken Explorers Society (and of course, the Pig and Whistle Society), is a World of Warcraft guild open to all members of the RPG.net forums, as well as their friends and family. It is a sister guild of sorts to the Blacksky Company. While the two guilds are by no means friendly in game, out of game they should be friendly and cooperative.

The Pig and Whistle Society is an Alliance-side guild, based on the North American Kirin Tor Roleplaying server.

Members are expected to assist each other, and to be civil to each other out of character. Normal speech is to be used (no leet-speak!), and all efforts to correct spelling, and grammar will be appreciated.

Guild activities include questing, dungeon-running, 10-player raiding, retro-raids, and battleground PVP. There are a few people who are involved in arena PVP as well. Once a year, for the guild's birthday, there are a variety of fun and silly events which take place, like costume contests.

News and discussion about the guild takes place in the Video Games Open forum on RPG.net. Relevant topics will begin with the [WoW - P&W] tag. We also have our own private forum where a lot of internal guild activity gets discussed. You don't have to join the P&W forums, but they're certainly a handy read, and include important information on the structure and activities of the guild.

To find the guild forum, check the Guild Info while playing the game. We were getting tons of spammers hitting the site, so we had to move it to a seeecret location.

Guild Rules[edit]

This section of the Pig & Whistle Society Charter tells you more about guild rules and policies. If any guild rules are a problem for you, contact a guild officer, or the guild leader directly.

If you're creating a new character to join the P&W, please check the section "About Names" in the charter.

In-Game Background[edit]

Eli Langston formed The Pig & Whistle Explorers Society over 200 years ago, as a gentleman's club of sorts; a group of noblemen, adventurers, rogues, explorers and ne'er do wells centered in the famous pub in Stormwind. Over the course of the Society's storied history the charter has changed hands many times, lost in gambling matches, sold to get rid of debt, taken over by overzealous members. No one actually knows the entire history of the Society.

About 30 years ago, Giz'nit Cranksprocket, a goblin in the employ of the Venture Company, won the leadership of the Pig & Whistle Society in a rigged game of cards. Giz'nit turned the Society into more of a professional treasure hunter's organization, with members traveling to dangerous remote places in search of the fabulous wealth rumored to be hidden there.

Upon forcibly retiring a decade ago, Giz'nit passed the reigns of the Society on to Olaf Ironbeard, the Society's bravest explorer. Olaf was last seen heading to the Isle of Dread two years ago. After his disappearance, the Pig & Whistle Explorers Society went their separate ways, some milling about, others travelling the world on their own. The Society was thought disbanded.

Some years ago, Nyssala, a night elf who had barely left the forest confines of her home, discovered a dwarven corpse in a Furbolg cavern in Darkshore. Investigating, she found a piece of parchment on the body. The paper proclaimed it's bearer as owner and administrator of the Pig & Whistle Explorers Society. Not sure what to do with this, she sent word out that old members could return and new members were welcome; and she set out to Stormwind City, where the Society began two centuries ago.

Since then, the Pig & Whistle Society has taken on more of it's original flavor. Members are free to travel the world largely as they see fit, seeking out lost and ancient treasures, uncovering mysteries, exploring dangerous locales, and traveling the world in search of adventure, fame and fortune.

Last year, Nyssala left Darnassus in a rush. She chartered a ship from Auberdine, and has not been seen since. In her study were found incomplete notes which referred to the Twilight Hammer, but her whereabouts and fate are a mystery. In her absence, Hanaturo, a Human Mage, veteran of the war with the Horde in Ashenvale, has taken over leadership of the guild.


The officers and the guild master run the guild together.

Officers have invitational powers, as well as access to the officers' notes and players' notes (to add new RPGnet handles if they invite). Officers are responsible for organizing guild activities, keeping discipline in the ranks, and if the Guild Master is not present to handle minor issues and grievances. They represent the general needs of players in their class. All officers' alts are also promoted to Officer.

Mentors are a sort of limited officer position for people who have been recognized as knowledgeable and helpful to others in the guild.

Officers and mentors are selected based on their helpfulness, positivity, and similar qualities.

Guild Bank[edit]

The Guild Bank can be accessed at any in-game bank. There's lots of space to deposit items to benefit other guild members, and things to take to help you out.

The first tab of the guild bank contains free bags to equip your characters with, as well as guild tabards. If you need a hand, the Guild will provide you with the price of a mount and training. We will pay this out to one character per player, unless you pay it back, at which point the money is open to another one of your characters.

Due to a number of hacker attacks, an authenticator is now needed to get full bank access. This can be demonstrated to an officer or mentor by showing them your Core Hound pet in-game.


The Pig & Whistle society boasts many skilled crafters. The following pages list specific patterns that different guild members have. More information about what crafting is available can be found in the P&W forums.

Northrend Epic Jewelcrafting Cuts: [[1]]