ST Phobos:Main Page: Difference between revisions

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TCArknight (talk | contribs)
Main Page for the Star Trek:Phobos Campaign
TCArknight (talk | contribs)
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[[Category:Star Trek Adventures]]
[[Category:Star Trek Adventures]]
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== <center><b><i>Star Trek: Phobos</i></b></center> ==
This is the wiki for the Star Trek: Phobos Play-by-Post. This chronicles the journeys of the ''Luna-''class USS Phobos as it discovers new life and new civilizations. It's tour of service with the current crew began in 2382. The rules system used for this campaign is Star Trek Adventures by Modiphius.

== (A RPG Campaign using the Star Trek Adventures RPG) ==
[[File:Phobos Arrival.jpg|center|500px]]

This is a test
== Cast ==
* Bruce Boxleitner as [[ST_Phobos/Sinclair | Captain John Sinclair]], Captain
* Kit Harrington as [[ST_Phobos/Darak | Lieutenant Commander Terel Darak]] - Executive Officer (played by Hyena_Creative)
* Maisie Williams as [[ST_Phobos/Sahen | Centurion Kamara Toreth Sahen]] - Chief Flight Control Officer (played by Gamer940)
* Nathalie Emmanuel as[[ST_Phobos/Koras | Lieutenant Ariana Koras]] - Chief Operations Manager (played by QuZi)
* Michelle Rodriguez as [[ST_Phobos/Ramirez | Lieutenant Jovelina Ramirez]] - Chief Tactical Officer / Chief Of Security (played by Dudley Do-Right)
* Claudia Kim as [[ST_Phobos/Hekat | Lieutenant Naya Hekat]], Chief Science Officer (played by Sage Genesis)
* Stanley Tucci as [[ST_Phobos/Tolek | Lieutenant Tolek]], Chief Medical Officer (played by Propagandor)
* XXX as XXX, Chief Engineer (played by Tadhg Greene)
== Crew ==
* [[ST_Phobos/Shran | Lieutenant Taryh Shran]] - Flight Control Officer - Andorian
* [[ST_Phobos/Haye | Lieutenant Gregory Haye]] - Science Officer
* [[ST_Phobos/Haye | Lieutenant, J.G. Sheiva Kouwux]] - Security - exofemale Rigelian Jelna.
== U.S.S. Phobos ==
=== Ship ===
* [[ST_Phobos/USS_Phobos|USS Phobos]]
== Database ==
=== Planets ===
* [[ST_Phobos/Planets:Ectair | Ectair]]
=== Starships ===
==== Civilian ====
==== Federation ====
==== Klingon ====
==== Romulan ====
* [[ST_Phobos/Starships:Valdore | Warbird (Valdore)]]
=== Other ===
* [[ST_Phobos/Doomsday | Doomsday Machine]]
* [[ST_Phobos/KirkDefense | Kirk Defense, The]]
== Important Links ==
=== Game Threads ===
*[ Recruitment thread]
*[ OOC Thread]
*[ IC Thread]
===Other Resources===
*[ Stardate Calculator (TNG)]
*[ Game System Homepage]
*[ Quickstart Guide]
*[ Online Character Generator]
*[ Memory Alpha] (for 'canon' ''Star Trek''-related information)
*[ Memory Beta] (for 'non-canon' ''Star Trek''-related information)
*[[ST_Phobos:Blank_Character_Sheet|Blank, wiki-formatted character sheet]]
*[[ST_Phobos:_24C_Station_Tasks|Standard 24th Century Station Setup]]

Latest revision as of 17:20, 21 October 2018

Star Trek: Phobos

This is the wiki for the Star Trek: Phobos Play-by-Post. This chronicles the journeys of the Luna-class USS Phobos as it discovers new life and new civilizations. It's tour of service with the current crew began in 2382. The rules system used for this campaign is Star Trek Adventures by Modiphius.



U.S.S. Phobos[edit]










Important Links[edit]

Game Threads[edit]

Other Resources[edit]