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=Houserules and Pricelists.= | =Houserules and Pricelists.= |
Revision as of 21:15, 25 October 2009
rstites's BRP game set on Griffin Island. Recruitment Thread, In Character Thread, Out of Character Thread.
Player Characters
- Jahyris of Harrapa. Noble, artist, and master swordsman out to see Griffins. Played by t@nya.
- Flavius Ariston of Promares. Noble, scholar, and magus. Played by Pseudoephedrine.
- Lysis of Phyle. Captain of the Promarian Palace Guard, companion of Flavius. Played by ZenDog.
- Karam se Hazor of Megrab. Red Sands Horse Archer. Played by jarulf.
- Xanjeen the Harrappan. Merchant, scholar, and pursuer of dreams. Played by Drifter.
- insert name here. . Played by RickDickerson.
- Jib Jahyris' not-too-bright servant; heavy good at taking care of horses
- Agathos Would be philosopher, daydreaming youth, slave of Lysis.
- clever local lad Companion, slave of Xanjeen.
- Drospin HP 13 Base Loc 5hp. Dex SR 0, Siz SR 2. Armour 4/5. +1d4[+1d6]*
- Dunlang HP 16 Base Loc 5hp. Dex SR 2, Siz SR 1. Armour 6 +1d4 [+1d6]*
-Main: Melee, 1H bastard sword SR 5 (85/20%, d10+1+d4), large shield (30/60%, AP 16, d6+d4) -dagger SR 7 (70/35%, d4+2+d4), grapple (70%), dodge (55%) - Strength 2 (increases damage bonus to +d6), Bladesharp 2 (+10% attack, +2 damage) -Sec: Missile, thrown javelin SR 2, (70%, d8+d4/2)
- Terasi HP 16 Base loc hp5. dex SR 2 siz SR 3 Armour 4/5 +0 [+1d4]*
Main: Archer: Bow 70%, Speedart Secondary Back up spellcaster: Coordination, Mindspeech, Healing I, Glamour II, Befuddle, Fanaticism, others.
- Iskilli HP 16 Base Loc 5hp. Dex SR 2 Siz SR 1, Armour 6/7 +1d6
- Jonall HP 16 BL 5hp. DSR 2 SZR 2 Armour 4/6 0 [+1d4]*
- Main: melee Spear 55% Attack/20% Parry 1d6+1 Shield 45% parry - Short sword 50% attack 50% parry 1d6+1 - Crossbow 35% attack 2d4+2 speeddart when possible 8 bolts Pow 18 Spirit Pow 12 (full) Notes: Flawed Pot 7 Sensitivity crystal(-1 Pow all detects, cannot unattune until death)[-2mp] Spells: Detects + Healing 2, Speedart.
- Ornin HP 13 BL 5hp DSR 1 SZR 2 Armour ?
Ornin - Main: Flanker. Dodge 80 Hide: 60% Move quietly: 75% - Silence 1, Mobility 1 - Shorstword (+1D4 bonus damage): Att/Def 75%/50%, LH parrying dagger Att 30%/Def 55% RH Dagger Att 75%, Parry 45%, Thrown 45% -Sec: Shooter:Throw (stones) 55% Befuddle 1.
Ruric HP 15, Loc 6hp, DSR0,SZR2, AP 7/8 [11/12] +1d4 [+1d6]
IH spear 105%/65% Lge Shield 55%/100%, Shortsword 85%/50% Bladesharp 3, Fireblade, Protection 3, Dispel magic 4. Sec: Archer comp bow. 95% speedart, firearrow. Notes: Allied spirit Int 14 pow 18 shield 2, Sunspear, detect gold, detect enemies, detect magic, countermagic 4,disrupt.
Bound spirit int 11 pow 13.
Cintri. HP 13 Loc 5hp, DSR1,SZR2, AP 4/5 [7/8] +1d4 Main: Flanker. Rapier 60%/50% Lh parrying dagger 45%/50%. bladesharp 2, protection 2, countermagic 2. Sec: Melee. 1hShort spear 95%/35% Large hide shield 35%/65% Notes: Poison on blades Pot 6 blade venom.
Andexter HP 16 Loc 5hp DSR2, SZR1, AP 5/6 [7/8] +1d6 Main: Melee. 1h lg spear 70%/35% Lge shield 50%/55%,1h pick 55%/30% Bladesharp 2, bludgeon 3, Befuddle, Countermagic 2. Sec: Missile Darts 60%.
Wexlin: HP14 Loc 5hp DSR2, SZR 2, AP 5/6 Main: Melee guard Shortsword 55%/35% lge shield 30%/50%. Light, bladesharp 1, Shieldblock 2, dispel magic 1. Sec: Missile 1h xbow 45%, sling 40%, thrown fire [2 pots] 55%. Notes: Pot 8 blade venom on crossbow [5 shots]
Ariella HP 15 Loc 5hp, DSR1, SZR 2, AP 5. Main: Spellcaster. Detect spirits, enemies, detection, life. Countermagic 4, dispel magic 4, disruption, befuddle, harmonise, [healing 6, strength 2, mobility 2, silence 1, protection 2.] [speedart, mutimissile 3, ] Sec: missile Thrown axe 55%, Crossbow 60% Bound spirits: Int 13 Pow 12, int 11 pow 11 Three others - healer priestess, healer of Arroin, Sellinger bodyguard.
Houserules and Pricelists.
Important Non-Player Characters
Important Events
Why we don't have Ringmail
Henceforth, all ringmail is light chain. The Reasons
I'm leaving this here from the original RQII page, but it's correct so I'll leave it as a curiosity.
Notes of Interest
Prominent Gods of the Setting
There is no loot at this point!
- You've got to kill someone first and "liberate" their stuff from them. ;)
The map of Griffin Island:
I hope someone can take the map and change some of the names for me. Your characters don't know the names, so we can add them as we go.