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=Game Meta-Page: Game-Specific Information=
This is where GMs and players can put information on the specific games they're playing, either on the PBP forum, or on a chat room on MagicStar.net. (Games played elsewhere may be included, but ask first.)
How to use this page:
# Start by making a main page:
#* Think up a unique name for your game's pages
#* Create a new Wiki page with the name <game name>:Main_Page
# Create a link to the main page on this page, followed by a quick description of the game--including whether new players are being accepted.
# Link to the other pages of your game from the main page.
#* Be sure the other pages' titles are of the form <game name>:<new page title> to avoid page clashes.
==Notes on This Page==
This page is for information specific to ''one'' game, or possibly a small group of games that share information.  Settings you are explicitly asking other people to add to or play in go in the 'Generic Backgrounds' section (off the main page); House rules that you want other GMs to try out and comment on go in the 'System Supplements' section.
==The Games==
Freedom City Duo: For Phantom Stranger's Shoot for the Stars & Son of Kirk's Teen Freedom, two games coexisting in setting. [[Freedomcityduo:Main_page]]
The City of Last Things: For comrade pointdexter's Unknown Armies game.[[The_City_of_Last_Things]]
The Chicago Chronicles: A play-by-post game using The World of Darkness supplements, Mage: The Awakening, Vampire: The Requiem, and Werewolf: The Forsaken, all tied together around the city of Chicago.[[TheChicagoChronicles:Main_Page]]
Shadow of a Doubt - An Amber Diceless RPG campaign, started in June 2006 in the Bay Area. GM Madeline Ferwerda.  [[AmberShadowOfADoubt:Main_Page]]
In a Wicked Toronto - A place to put the info for a hopefully recurring  [http://artgraceguts.pbwiki.com/FrontPage In a Wicked Age] game held in Toronto by the [http://roleplayers.meetup.com/261/ Toronto Indie RPG group]. [[InAWickedToronto:Main_Page|In a Wicked Toronto]]
[[Chancel Amyra]] - A Nobilis campaign, run by Random Nerd, played over IRC.
[[Emberverse]] - A group of friends playing a table top campaign that uses [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A2rn Hârnmaster] rules to play out "the Change" outlined in S.M Stirling's [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A2rn Dies the Fire].

Revision as of 21:16, 3 January 2011