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= Aspects List =
Hey, good to find someone who argees with me. GMTA.
Aspects are a phrase, a quote, or a sentence that defines a truth about a character or a game truth in a number of games systems ranging from Risus, Fate, Houses of the Blooded, PDQ, Universalis, etc. This is a list of useful aspects that can be of use to narrators and players using these game system. 
=== Advice for Good Aspects ===
* a good aspects should have both positive and negative elements
* a good aspect should worded so that the player can invoke them for a bonus, and the narrator compell them for a fate point.
* a good aspect can reveal something that the character may not even know.
== Character Aspects==
=== Archetypes / High Concepts ===
For more information on some common archetypes, see [[Character_Role_Catalog|Character Role Catalog]].
* (Elvish) Archer
* Absent-Minded Savant
* Ace Reporter
* Alien Companion
* Amateur Sleuth
* Amateur Archeologist
* Amazon Warrior
* Anarchist
* Armchair Scientist
* Art Collector
* Artist
* Bad Boy
* Bad Girl
* Bard
* Believer
* Biker
* Bimbo
* Black Sheep
* Boisterous Barbarian
* Bored Aristocrat
* Brash Pilot
* Broker
* Brooding Swordsman
* Champion
* Civilized Barbarian
* Computer Geek
* Con Man
* Conspiracy Theorist
* Cowboy
* Dangerous Servant
* Dark Elf
* Dashing Officer
* Desert Nomad
* Devout Priest
* Drifter
* Dungeon Delver
* Eccentric Mentor
* Emo
* Ex-Soldier
* Ex-Space Marine
* Fae
* Femme Fatale
* Film-fan
* Flying Ace
* Friend of All People
* Gadget Guy
* Gadgeteer
* Gambler
* Gangster
* Geezer
* Gentleman Thief
* Girl Who Become a Boy
* Grizzled Police Detective
* Gruff Sergeant
* Grumpy (Dwarven) Warrior
* Gumshoe Detective
* He Who Is Foretold in the Prophesies
* Heir to the Throne
* Honorable Assassin
* Hot-Tempered Sorcerer
* Hustler
* Independent Wizard
* Independent Woman
* Innocent Farmboy
* Inquisitor
* Inscrutable Mystic
* Jack-Of-All-Trades Mechanic
* Jive-Talking Wizard
* Joker/Jester
* Jungle Lord
* Kid
* Knight
* Knight in Black
* Lady
* Likable Theif
* Loner
* Lord
* Lost Love
* Mad Scientist
* Magician
* Magus
* Man of Mystery
* Martial Artist
* Maverick Cop
* Mechanic
* Mercenary
* Mobster
* Musician
* Mysterious Gypsy
* Mysterious Stranger
* Nerd
* Network Hacker
* New Recruit
* Noble Savage
* Novelist
* Officer Fresh from the Academy
* Outdoorsman
* Parapsychologist
* Plucky Reporter
* Policeman
* Popular Girl
* Preppy Student
* Private Detective
* Prodigal Son
* Prophet
* Psychiatrist
* Psycho-analyst
* Quarterback
* Redeemed Hero
* Righteous Youth
* Roommate
* Sacrificial Virgin
* Salesman
* Scholar
* Scoundrel
* Seductress
* Shrewd Lawyer
* Silent Stranger
* Soldier
* Sorcerer
* Spitfire Tomboy
* Star-crossed Lovers
* Starship Captain
* Straight Talking Lawman
* Street Samarai
* Stuck-up Paladin/Knight
* Stupid Orcs
* Super Spy
* Temperamental Police Chief
* Texan
* Traveller in a Strange Land
* True Beauty
* Trusty Companion
* Two-Fisted Pilot
* Unconventional Genius
* Urban Villain
* Veteran
* Vixen
* Wise Old Man
* Wizard
* Young Hero
===  Beliefs, Convictions & Mottos ===
* A Good Day to Die
* A Worthy Foe Should Be Respected
* Alone, We Stand Together
* Always Strike First
* By Fidelity and Military Service
* Carrot, Not the Stick
* Chivalry Is Not Dead
* Conquer or Die!
* Contentment Is Preferable to Riches
* Dare to Fail, for It Is the Only Way to Truly Experience Success. ~ Matt Maresca
* Desire Is Tamed With a Kiss
* Do Your Duty, Happen What May
* Every Man, Woman and Child for Themselves
* Failure Is Not an Option
* Faith Demands Sacrifice
* Family Before All Others
* Fight First, Talk Later!
* First, Do No Harm
* Friendship Often Ends in Love; but Love in Friendship - Never
* Glory Is Forever
* Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That He Lay Down His Friends for His Life. ~ Jeremy Thorpe
* I Always Pay My Due
* I Am the Land
* I Have Killed Men for Less!
* I Wait
* I Want to Know
* I Want to Make a Difference
* I Will Have Vengeance
* I'll Be Back
* I'll Make Captain One Day
* Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge. ~ Albert Einstein
* It's Not the Size of the Dog in the Fight, but the Size of the Fight in the Dog. ~ Mark Twain
* It's the Last Inch That Counts
* Ladies First
* Liberty of Death!
* Life Is a Great Big Canvas, and You Should Throw All the Paint on It You Can. ~ Danny Kaye
* Life Is Either a Daring Adventure, or Nothing. ~ Helen Keller
* Live Life to the Fullest
* Mercy Has No Place in the Law
* My Favorite Dish Is Revenge
* My Weapon Is Myself
* Never Surrender
* Never Throw the First Punch.but Be Sure You Throw the Last.
* No Mercy, but No Cruelty
* No Reason Why We Can't Be Civilized
* Nobody else for the Job but Us
* Non-Traditionalist
* Nothing in Life Is Permanent
* Nothing Personal, It's Just Business
* One for All and All for One
* Only the Strong Are Fit to Rule
* People Need to Wake up!
* Politics Is My Favorite Game
* Precision Trumps Power
* Protect the Innocent
* Serve the Public Trust
* Speak Softly but Carry a Big Stick
* Stay Alive
* Subtlety Is Its Own Power
* Tears Are Not Enough
* Technology Is the Great Equalizer
* the Best Way out Is Always Through. ~ Robert Frost
* the Price of Glory
* the Road Is My Home
* the Snake Lurks in the Grass
* to Sacrifice Even Life to Truth
* Uphold the Law
* Virtue Despises Danger
* Wants to Live in Peace
* We Must Be the Change We Want to See in the World. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
===  Disadvantages / Trouble / Consequences ===
* A Squirrel!
* Addicted to Speed
* Alone in a Crowd
* Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Bride
* Backstabber
* Been Here Too Long
* Broken Heart
* Brooding
* But for a Nail!
* By the Book? What Book
* Certifiably Nuts
* Caught Red-Handed
* Craves Control
* Curiosity Killed the Cat
* Dandy Living Rough
* Dark Past
* Day Dreamer
* Desperate
* Devoid of Magic
* Easy Mark
* Empty Inside
* Entertain Me
* Entitlement Complex
* Ever the Bridesmaid
* Everything Has a Price
* Faints at the Sight of Blood
* Fly by Night
* Folds Under Pressure
* Forbidden Tastes
* Generous to a Fault
* Guilty Conscience
* Gullible
* Haunted
* Haunted by Dreams
* He'll Eat Anything!
* Heir to a Terrible Secret
* Hermit
* Home-wrecker
* I Can't Get Involved
* I Don't Trust Me, and You Shouldn't Either
* I Get Paid to to Crazy Stuff
* I Hate the Outdoors
* I Have No Idea How Much I Don't Know
* I Want It Now
* I'd Take a Bullet for Xxx
* I'm Too Old for This
* if One Is Good, Ten Is Better
* if Only I Had My Trusty Toolbox
* Impetuous
* in My Own Time
* in over His Head
* Indulgent & Indulged
* Infamous
* Insatiable Appetite
* Intolerant
* It Was Fine in My Workshop!
* It Wasn't My Fault!
* Ivory Tower
* Just a Poser
* Just Following Orders
* Just Use More
* King’s Wrath
* Knows Too Much
* Let Me See How This Works!
* Liar and a Cheat
* Loner
* Look, a Kitty!
* Loose Cannon
* Loyal to the Bone
* Loyalty for Sale
* Materialistic
* Math Is Hard
* Momma's Boy
* My Daughter Died in My Arms
* My Ex Drives Me Crazy
* Naïve
* Never Good Enough
* New in Town
* Obsessed
* Obsessive-Compulsive
* Obviously Landed on His Face
* One Step Behind
* over My Head
* Overly Blunt
* Paranoid
* Perpetually Broke
* Picks Scabs
* Rude and Crude
* Scavenger
* Self-Destructive
* Shady Past
* Shattered
* Short Fuse
* Silver Spoon
* Snakes! Why Does It Always Have to Be Snakes!
* Snarl
* Something to Prove
* Soul of a Killer
* Stage Fright
* Sucker
* Sucker for a Pretty Face
* Sweet-Tooth
* Sweetheart, Would I Lie to You?
* the Awful Truth
* the Darkness Always Threatens
* They Can't Know I'm an Alien
* This Is Bigger Than I Thought
* Troublemaker
* Vagabond
* What I Wouldn't Give for Real Power
* Who Needs Backup?
* Why Won't You Die!
* Withdrawn
* Work in Progress
* Work Is a Four Letter Word!
* You'll Never Take Me Alive!
===  Dispositions ===
* A Fine Line Between Cynicism and Realism
* A Fistful of Truth
* A Girl in Every Port
* Approachable
* Art Is Pleasure
* Benevolent Dictator
* Born of the Storm
* Brother to All Who Know Me
* Calm in a Sea of Insanity
* Caution Above All
* Chance-Taker
* Civilized
* Cold As the Winter Wind
* Compassionate Heart
* Court Gossip
* Cuts It Close
* Cutthroat
* Dastardly
* Dead Calm
* Death Defying
* Defender of the Defenseless
* Devastating Glance
* Disciplined
* Dogged Dreamer
* Don't Let the Bastards Get You Down
* Fae-Touched
* Faith Fears Not
* Famous
* Fierce and Passionate
* Fiercely Independent
* Give the voters what they want
* Hard Boiled
* Hard Working
* Heart of a Saint
* Heart of Gold
* I Must Survive!
* I Neither Envy nor Despise
* I Succeed by Kindness
* Imposing Stare
* Intrepid
* Irreproachable
* Irritatingly Sunny
* Just Do the Job
* Keep It Simple
* Keep It Tidy
* Kind-Hearted
* Loner
* Marked by Destiny
* Muckraking
* Never Trust a Man
* Nosy
* Nothing Left to Loose
* Obsessed
* Office Gossip
* Overtime
* Plucky
* Poker Face
* Practical
* Pride Goeth Before Everything
* Privilege Makes Me Cynical
* Proud of My Heritage
* Pushed over the Edge
* Quick to Anger
* Quick to Love
* Quiet Confidence
* Reclusive
* Regal Bearing
* Respectable
* Ruthless Heart
* Salt of the Earth
* Scrappy
* Secretive
* Sense of Honor
* Shadowed Glare
* Slow to Forget
* Soft-Spoken
* Stone Cold
* Strength in Silence
* Stripper With a Heart of Gold
* Suspicious
* Take That, You Fiend!
* the More Thorny the More Fragrant
* Thick Skinned
* This Is My Post
* Tolerant
* Touched
* Troublemaker
* Twitchy
* Two-Fisted
* Uncivilized
* Undying Devotion
* Unflappable
* Unshakeable
* Wary
* Well-Mannered
* Wiseass
===  Expertise, Advantages ===
* A Cut Above the Norm
* A Fistful of Dollars
* A Name Within the Field
* Aikido Master
* Always Ready
* Amazonian
* Archer's Eye
* Artist's Heart
* At Home Behind the Stick
* Aura of Power
* Been Around a Long Time
* Been  There, Done That
* Bend With the Wind
* Best Education Money Could Buy
* Beware the Wrath of a Patient Man
* Bookworm
* Born of Wealth
* Born to the Blade
* Cat's Eyes
* Chance Favors Only Those Who Court Her. ~ Charles Nicolle
* Competitive Athlete
* Cuts It Close
* Dead Sexy
* Death Defying
* Dogged
* Don't Judge Me by My Size
* Eavesdropper
* Elven Grace
* Engineering Prodigy
* Eureka!
* Expert Among Novices
* Eyes Wide Open
* Favorite With the Ladies
* First on the Scene
* From the Future
* For You Are With Me, Father
* Gearhead
* Gentle Touch
* Ghost Step
* Gimme a Minute
* Graceful
* Grease Monkey
* Great Expectations
* Hardy
* Hawkeye
* Heart of a Warrior
* Honest Eyes
* I Fear No Evil
* I Have a Bad Feeling About This
* I Just Happened to Be in the Neighborhood
* I Know a Way
* I Know What I'm Doing
* I Know Your Name
* I Need No Sword
* I Never Forget a Face
* I'll Never Talk
* I'm Going to Kill You Using Only My Left Thumb
* I've seen this before
* Icy Beauty
* in Acting Justly Fear No One
* In Shape and Ready to Play
* Inconspicuous
* Iron Will
* It Is Better to Know Some of the Questions Than All of the Answers. ~ James Thurber
* It Was Always in My Pocket
* It Would Take a Miracle
* Jane of All Trades
* Johnny on the Spot
* Knowledge Is My Shield
* Knowledge Is the Great Equalizer
* Knows the Names of Evil
* Leads the Hunt
* Let Me See How This Works!
* Look in My Eyes
* Lord of the Treetops
* Lord, Grant Me the Strength!
* Man of Two Worlds
* Man, That Is Going to Hurt Later
* Master of Blind Fighting
* Master of Innuendo
* Meticulous
* Midnight Eyes
* Motorhead
* Moves Like a Ninja
* Musician's Soul
* Natural Mechanic
* Neither Swiftly nor Slowly
* Nick of Time
* No Stranger to Pain
* No, You Do It Like This!
* Nose for Trouble
* Not Just a Pretty Face
* One With the Forest
* One Tough Customer
* Order out of Chaos
* Pack-Rat
* Plans Within Plans
* Political Survivor
* Power Behind the Throne
* Prefer the Honest to the Profitable
* Pride in Scholarship
* Pure Killing Machine
* Puts in the Long Hours
* Quick Witted
* Respectable Authority
* Ride It Down
* Rough & Ready
* Rugged
* Self-Sufficient
* Shiphead
* Silents As Midnight
* Silver-Tongued
* Sleeping Bear
* Social Chameleon
* Solution Oriented
* Something's Not Right
* Sorcerer by Nature
* Spokesperson
* Strange Intuition
* Strange Luck
* Street Smart
* Strong and Certain Grip
* Strong As an Ox
* Swordsman Without Compare
* Takes One to Know One
* That Is Not a Knife. This Is a Knife!
* The Pen Is Mightier then the Sword
* There is always more than meets the eye
* To Know How to Hide One's Ability Is Great Skill. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld
* Too Close to Call
* Touched by Magic
* Tough As Nails
* Two-Fisted
* Unremarkable
* Virtue for Its Own Sake
* Voice Like a Silken Strangling Cord
* Voice Like Silk
* Wait, Try This...
* Was This What You Needed?
* Weapons Master
* Well-Known
* Well-Schooled
* Well-Travelled
* While I Have Breath I Have Hope
* World Traveler
* You Can't Be Expected to Understand
* You’ll Never Get Past Me!
===  Friends, Family, Help ===
* A Might Fortress Is My Home
* Apprentice of ...
* Buddy of ...
* Chosen of ...
* Co-Worker
* Devoted Servant of ...
* Elf-Friend
* Ex-Operative of ...
* Former Cultist
* Former Reporter
* Friend of the Beasts
* Friend of the Family
* Friends in Dark Places
* Friends in Low Places
* Hidden Crush
* I Know Just the Guy
* I'm a Member of ...
* Made Man
* Manfred, Save Me!
* My Old Friend, ...
* Network of Spies
* Never Without My Minions
* Nobody Beats up My Sister but Me!
* of the Xxx Family
* Pawn of ...
* Raised by ...
* Reminds You of Your Uncle
* Secret Crush
* Unspoken Love
* War Buddies
* Yeah, I Know Him
===  Enemies & Foes ===
* ... Killed My Family!
* Betrayed by ...
* Haunted by ...
* Hunted by ...
* Jealous Ex-...
* on the Run from ...
* Rival to...
* Sworn Enemy of ...
* Vendetta With ...
* Won't Rest Until ...
===  Gear ===
* Ancient Sword
* Deathbed Legacy
* I Have My Father's Sword
* I Have My Mother's Diaries
* Import/Export Business
* My Pa's Old Six Shooter
* Secret Lair
* Serendipity, Space Freighter
* She's the Fastest Ship on the Rim
===  Questions ===
Some good questions to ask:
* Death to ...
* I Hate ...
* I Intend to ...
* I Know in My Heart ...
* I Love ...
* I'll Make My Name by ...
* More then Anything I Need ...
* My Most Immediate Concern ...
* Sworn Enemy of ...
* Wants to Be ...
* ...Must Die!
== Compellable Scene Aspects and Consequences ==
* Bad-Tempered
* Broken
* Drowsy
* Foggy
* Fragile
* Naïve
* Off-Balance
* Poor-Quality
* Shadowy
* Slick
* Slippery

Revision as of 13:17, 14 May 2011

Hey, good to find someone who argees with me. GMTA.